Vivisect's Random 1:6 Scale Custom Clothing

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So, what is on the list o' "master of seams"?? Curious to see what you have coming down the road.

Well here's the bulk of the list in no particular order.

Jedi clothes and robes for:

Saesee Tiin - long robe
Sora Bulq
Eeth Koth
Kit Fisto
EU Luke Skywalker

and pretty much any others as the patterns are interchangeable
and it just takes a switch in cloth and color to clothe a Jedi.

Heres more stuff, and Ive noted what parts I know for certain I
am doing, though pants and shirts are pretty much easy for most
characters. some of this isn't 100% figured out yet, like short
characters will be hard to do for people as I may not have a body
for fitting things like tight jumpsuits for the short red Snaggetooth.

Pruneface - vest and cape
Kithaba - yellow vest
Snaggletooth - tall blue & short red
Dr. Evazan - vest, pants, shirt
Bom Vimdim - spiked vest
nien nunb
Barada - bandolier and pouches
Tusken Raider - bandolier and pouches
Jawa - bandolier and pouches
Captain Panaka
Imperial uniform - Tarkin & other colors like white & black are possible.

and the stuff I have to make more of:

Scout cumberbund
Weequay queequeg outfit
Weequay Skiffmaster

Things should be moving along pretty quickly soon, UPS is delivering my new sewing machine today, which is a pretty bad ass machine, and put the loaner I was using to shame.:D I am sure there's some stuff I forgot also.

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Very impressive Bill. Really looking forward to seeing some of these when finished. I predict you are going to be a very busy seamstess.
Not to give too much advice...

But you might want to create a full list in your first post... and as you create a new thread for the commission create a link to that thread. That way even if a specific commission cools, someone could come a long later and bump it back up if they wanted to order something from you.

Mark, I think half of this stuff was your Idea.:lol

Not to give too much advice...

But you might want to create a full list in your first post... and as you create a new thread for the commission create a link to that thread. That way even if a specific commission cools, someone could come a long later and bump it back up if they wanted to order something from you.

This thread was really just for random bits and pieces that don't call for their own thread, but I get what you mean. The plan it seems at this point is to sort of catalog what was been done elsewhere, though it sort of sucks signature links don't work anymore. Anyhow I will hopefully sort it out eventually.:lol
That's quite the queue Bill. Hope the new machine's up to it! I can see a couple I'd be on board for.

Love the new logo too, BTW!
LOL does that make me a pimp LOL, cool I get to be the Don, with a cane with a silver skull on top COOOL.

So looking forward to the scout nappy and Saesee Tiin - long robe and Sora Bulq and Eeth Koth and Kit Fisto I think i had another little accident... nurse, nurse
LOL nah I is a pimp!! you are our dealer of top quality, finest grade... dolly clothes..... Now get back to the sweat shop!
Yeah! Pimp my Dollys !! ( plz don't forget me!! ;) )
Btw. In your list i miss the red pants from Kithaba ;)

Actually I said that shirts and pants for pretty much all the characters
were possible in the section above that part of the list, so I got it covered:monkey5

I pretty much got any pants color covered as far a cloth goes, and I
finally got some red that should work well for kibatha.

I'm sitting here waiting for my machine to be delivered any time in
the next hour.:chew:banana
Well it's been a few days since I posted anything here because I've been getting the hang of this new sewing machine,
its a computerized model so its a bit different than what I'm used to but far more efficient, and I'm even starting to
suspect it has a higher IQ than I do.:lol

Anyhow I have been working on stuff and thought I'd post the prototype Pruneface cloak that I finished. I need to adjust
a few thing on the final version, it needs to be a tad longer, and it should only have 4 of those thin pockets on each side
not 5 like this one has. Also the bottom hem on this one is to stiff because I used one of the fancy new presser feet for
this machine called a rolled hem foot, what it does is make hems automatically so that no cut fabric edge is showing on
either side, but the problem is then the hem is 3 layers thick, which is fine for really thin material but didn't work out so
well for this, I was hoping it would work out well because it would have been nice not to have the cut edge of fabric
showing on the inside of the cloak.

The first pic was with the flash so it looks white but its light beige, and will be good as is or for the eye patch Pruneface it
can be tea stained to darken and give it a weathered look, and the rough camo pattern can be added with very watered
down acrylic paint (more water than paint). I also need to add a bit more room to the back of the hood I think since
Pruneface has a bit of a long cranium, so I will fix that also.

I forgot to mention the little pocket/loop thingies work and I added wire to the hood so it can be shaped.

Oh yea, and the pocket on the right is crooked and the other is straight, on the next one the will both
be crooked the right way.:D


These Pics came out looking a bit yellow, stupid camera.:banghead





Heres some of the reference pics I am using.
