Utapau 12"

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:) getting back on topic...wonder if we'll see some more recent (production) shots of this guy as it gets closer to release (maybe in the production blog or podcast)? I'm crossing my figures that they change that helmet a bit...I'd settle for a good delay if it meant that was happening....
:) getting back on topic...wonder if we'll see some more recent (production) shots of this guy as it gets closer to release (maybe in the production blog or podcast)? I'm crossing my figures that they change that helmet a bit...I'd settle for a good delay if it meant that was happening....

I wholeheartedly agree. And I'm eager to see some new pics as well!
I think its funny how everyone has their favorite issue. Personally, I ^^^^^ and moan a lot about SSC product, but I just don't care about the supposed inaccuracy here. I just don't notice it.
That's simply because you haven't noticed it yourself yet. This is one of those things that... as soon as you do see/notice it... bugs the crap out of you. Especially when you realize that pretty much every other EP3 Clone product on the market was much more accurate and not a single one had these particular issues.

But, again, I can live with it for this one figure. But because they will certainly make several more figures with the EP3 Clone helmet, it's certainly important for many that they correct it.
I don't think I'll ever notice it. Even after you pointed out the differences already, if you show me a newly sculpted one, I can't tell slight differences. These aren't like people's faces to me. Its like showing me a book 400 pages thick when it should be 410 pages thick. I can't tell the difference just by looking. Maybe I'm retarded or something.

On the other hand, I notice stuff like how poorly they chose Qui-Gon's tunic material and most people never cared about that.
Part of my problem is that I used to finish, paint and weather Clone helmets for folks in the 501st and such. So I noticed the oddities on this thing immediately, and they just seemed to stick out even more over time. Because it really is the most inaccurate EP3 Clone helmet of ANY product out there, with the possible exception of the Hasbro 12" (wich was over-sized because they stuck them on regular head mounts for some reason). And, again, I think Sideshow has enough pride to not want their 1/6 helmet be less accurate than Hasbro's 3.75" one.
Part of my problem is that I used to finish, paint and weather Clone helmets for folks in the 501st and such. So I noticed the oddities on this thing immediately, and they just seemed to stick out even more over time. Because it really is the most inaccurate EP3 Clone helmet of ANY product out there, with the possible exception of the Hasbro 12" (wich was over-sized because they stuck them on regular head mounts for some reason). And, again, I think Sideshow has enough pride to not want their 1/6 helmet be less accurate than Hasbro's 3.75" one.

"I used to whack off to porno mags, so by your rational, that makes me a sex expert?"
On the other hand, I notice stuff like how poorly they chose Qui-Gon's tunic material and most people never cared about that.

I find, for me personally, unless the fabric is just a bad choice for making a figure period, like Medicom using a silky material on their Maul robe :google, I'm fine if it's not dead on match because I prefere to see materials used that result in the best look for the figure, like when there was debate over what material should be used for the Anakin PF cloak. I don't know if something closer to the film could have been used and had the same quality as what we ended up with on Qui-Gon, but it's not bothersome.

Something like a sculpt of a helmet is less forgiving for me because to some degree, there is scientific means with angles and such to figure out the shapes of the object when you're making it, and as Irish has pointed out, it's been proven achievable so to speak out in hopes of making the figures from Sideshow reach the bar everyone else has set is a plea to end up with the best Clone Trooper figures possible.
I surely hope they change it, but my gut is we'll get "good enough", which this is, and little else. Tired of giving SS a pass, but I, like many, still hope for greatness from this company. Just not sure we'll get it. :(
Depends on sales. If the production figure comes out with an unaltered helmet and people cancel and comment that the helmet was their reasoning, could have an impact. I won't cancel Utapau over it, but certainly ones that are important to me it'll bother me, like Cody or 501st.
I hope this clone doesn't end up being a "market test" so to speak, in the hopes they'll improve/change it later. The 212th are among my favorite deco for the ROTS clones...I really want a superb clone soldier to display with Cody when (and if) he's made...

I agree with Irish...if the Hasbro basic action figure can pull it off so well, than Sideshow's should be the gold (or in this case, orange) standard!
Depends on sales. If the production figure comes out with an unaltered helmet and people cancel and comment that the helmet was their reasoning, could have an impact. I won't cancel Utapau over it, but certainly ones that are important to me it'll bother me, like Cody or 501st.

I hear ya, but I have chosen to complete this line in it's entirety, and this really just bites. With all the great products in the market place right now in this very sector, it surprises me that SS aims so low. I think that is their biggest problem right now. Whatever your flavor, Medi, HT, etc., there are simply more choices and therefore more competition in the 1/6th market right now, and SS has to do be better, quicker, faster, (maybe not cheaper), to keep their customers dollars allocated to their product! Certainly if I were faced with getting a HT Iron Man or a Carbonite Han, I'd chose to get MORE for my money than less. This is, IMO, THE MAIN reason why SS did not do well with LOTR, and SW seems to be wanning. More choice in the marketplace. They cant sit back like they did @ SDCC '08 and say "...we dont know how HT is making that Tumbler or the Batpod:huh that's amazing" Well, you better get to knowing, b/c the same company you've chosen to import is chiseling away at your market share!!! WTF???
They just really need to get back on the ball and do what they know how to do. Get on the ball and get that market share back. People are truly taking their cash elsewhere and if SS cant see that, then they deserve to crash and burn, but I hope they remove the rose colored glasses and see what's happening here! The events are totally clear, they better, STOP, LISTEN, WHAT'S THAT SOUND, EVERYBODY KNOW WHAT'S GOIN DOWN!!!