Universal's Wolfman Movie

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Oh trust me, I know all about Wrightson's version. Rest assured, that is the route they are going.

Back on topic, I just got home from The Wolfman. WARNING: Here be minor spoilers.

Overall impression is good. Above everything else, I loved the design of the new Wolfman. Baker's makeup is at it's finest here, and Benicio is truly a class actor. However the film lacked much of the class of the original. It also felt way too quickly paced, and was a bit too flashy at times. The title card and end credits for example should have been a simple white/red text, rather than the animated red graphics and dripping blood we got. And about that blood, I hate to say it, but there was just too much of it at times. Some of this violent flair reminded me a little of Freddy vs. Jason, and that's not what this movie should have been. I also have to say, perhaps we saw just a little bit too much of the Wolfman himself, and too soon in the picture at that. I do support the less is more ideal, and it's a little lost here. The good news is the monster is just stunning to look at. Some of the cgi is a little poor, but it doesn't affect the piece too much. At any rate, all the leads turn in superb performances, and del Toro was just a marvel to watch, especially when not covered in hair. He nailed the tragic aspect of Larry Talbot, much in the same general manner as Lon Chaney Jr., and that was key to me. Elfman's music was terrific, as well, although not as memorable as the original Wolfman theme. Overall, a flawed but entertaining and solid remake of a classic film. Easily the best werewolf film of the last ten years.
See it, I doubt any real monster fan would regret it.
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Master Wayne;2312489IAs for myself said:
Guillermo del Toro[/B] and Dougie Jones do with Frankenstein. That's my most anticipated film right now, bar none.

Wait, what?!? :horror When did that happen and why was I not told? No thread for this?

https://scifiwire.com/2009/06/the-star-of-guillermo-del.php said:
As for Frankenstein, which del Toro says won't go under the lens for about five years, it is moving forward this summer in preproduction development, which will heavily involve Jones as the iconic monster.

Oh... :monkey2

Super pumped about Wolf Man! Can't see it tonight, but I'll be hitting it tomorrow! :banana
Yeah I hope they allow DelToro to do a lot with the Universal Monsters.
I t was rumored quite awhile back there have been discussions to even mix them with Hellboy at some point. Would be odd, but I think Guillermo could pull it off and I hope they take a shot at it... :monkey1
I saw the Wolfman last night and really enjoyed it. Really, really enjoyed it. There's problems of course, the main one being a lack of characterisation. You can tell the film has been trimmed shall we say. However in saying that Del Toro eerily evokes Lon Chaney Jr. Rick Baker's work is fantastic as always and the film oozes "gothic". It's jaw droppingly violent as well with some excellent gore. I can't wait for this to come out on blu ray, preferably in a director's cut.
I'm almost to the point of choosing to not see the film, at least in the theater. Looking over at Rotten Tomatoes, the reviews are not pretty (it's currently at 31%). Even the "RT Community" reviews only serve to confirm my worst fears. Most of the praise comes from obvious gore hounds (which I am not, at least for this film), and the areas from the original that are most important to me seem to have been sacrificed.

I am really bummed right now.
dont be so dramatic Robo ... just go see the friggin film .. :lol

:lecture :rotfl

I always make the mistake of going over to RT the day before I see a film. If a movie I want to see has a low number, it does nothing but work me up and get me upset. If it has a high number, it sets me up with high hopes and unreasonable expectations and I almost always leave the theater disappointed.

Just see the movie. :peace
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dont be so dramatic Robo ... just go see the friggin film .. :lol

Pipe down, Sonny boy. I've been a fan of the Universal Monsters since before you were born, and The Wolf Man has always been my personal favorite of the films. Seeing it turned into a Freddy Krueger slasher flick just doesn't sit well with me.

So, no thank you, I don't think I will be seeing the film in the theater.
I'm almost to the point of choosing to not see the film, at least in the theater. Looking over at Rotten Tomatoes, the reviews are not pretty (it's currently at 31%). Even the "RT Community" reviews only serve to confirm my worst fears. Most of the praise comes from obvious gore hounds (which I am not, at least for this film), and the areas from the original that are most important to me seem to have been sacrificed.

I am really bummed right now.

like Beauty .. how good a film is ..is in the eye of the beholder
Yeah, that is one of my favorite movies of all time.

Now thinking about it. The remake wasn't all that bad. It wasn't great, but I would have liked it to be better, that's all I'm saying.

The movie is called The Wolfman, and I was happy with him so I may have been a bit too harsh.

But as far as The Creature From the Black Lagoon goes:


The only way to have it be gold would be an intelligent script, and do not DO NOT change the costume. The costume is what makes it recognizable as the Creature. Alter it and you have the Monster Squad Gill-man....a nice homage but not the reel/real Creechie we know and love.:lol Hollywood always wants to re-invent the wheel with some of their "updated designs". Godzilla with Matthew Broderick is a prime example.:peace
Pipe down, Sonny boy. I've been a fan of the Universal Monsters since before you were born, and The Wolf Man has always been my personal favorite of the films. Seeing it turned into a Freddy Krueger slasher flick just doesn't sit well with me.

This sounds like something I would say Daddy-o. I will watch it and let you know just how gory it be.:peace
like Beauty .. how good a film is ..is in the eye of the beholder


History and future generations love or disdain for a film often plays a role as well:

For instance: The Academy Award (Oscar) for Best Picture in 1933 went to a film titled " Cavalcade".

That's the same year a little RKO picture called "King Kong" was released. Anyone you know even heard of Cavalcade? Me neither. Everyone's heard of King Kong.:chew:chew
Pipe down, Sonny boy. I've been a fan of the Universal Monsters since before you were born, and The Wolf Man has always been my personal favorite of the films. Seeing it turned into a Freddy Krueger slasher flick just doesn't sit well with me.

So, no thank you, I don't think I will be seeing the film in the theater.

I'm a member of the Classic Horror Film Board, and most of the hardcore Universal Monster fans there seem to love it. Including me. Sure, you may not appreciate the gore, but the gothic horror genre is a dying breed, and new, quality entries are few and far between.

The Universal Monsters still have the potential to be just as frightening and relevant as horror's more modern icons, but the biggest thing seperating the two isn't the gore - it's the tragedy and story. That's why characters like Frankenstein and Dracula have endured hundreds of years. At the same time, characters like them and The Wolf Man are inherently violent; so for a film to stay true to their stories in this day and age, that aspect is understandably emphasized.

IMO, fans of these classic monsters should support films like THE WOLFMAN, so that these characters can remain in the public's eye and remain popular for generations to come. If you don't end up liking it, you don't like it, but bad reviews shouldn't deter you since horror has NEVER been a hit with critics. This is a film by fans for the fans. It would be a shame for it to fail at the box office only to get the umpteeth slasher remake or torture porn flick, in the future.

I don't mind gore and violence - I just prefer it to be served with class.
Just got back from seeing it a little bit ago and boy do I love the AMC theater in Tukwila,WA such comfortable seating it's a huge upgrade from the Regal down the road.

I liked it, my wife not so much but thought it was better than Avatar (she felt Avatar was very flat and too much like Fern Gully).

The Good: Looked and sounded great, cinematography was superb and the soundtrack hit all the right notes. I thought Benico did well as Larry Talbot (had the good hangdog look going) and Emily Blunt did a fine job. Rick Baker's makeup was outstanding and I didn't think the CGI was overdone. For the most part the changes in the story from the original screenplay worked. I liked how they incorporated parts from
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The sets looked authentic and the transformation at the asylum was really good stuff.

The Bad: Sir Anthony Hopkins overacted as usual (imo) and it detracted from the story, it was almost like he was channeling Van Helsing from Bram Stokers Dracula (which by the way I hated his part as well). Hugo Weaving had some of the best lines but honestly it was like watching a Mr. Smith and Elrond all over again. Art Malik, who is a wonderful character actor was woefully underused and at times I wondered why his character was even written into the story. I had no idea why
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was just added story line that I thought added no additional weight to the storyline. My only real other complaint would be that they overdid the gore a bit, in some parts it flowed and it others it looked thrown in there because studios think you need blood and gore in a modern monster film.

I enjoyed the film quite a bit, it was nice to see it on the big screen and done well after the disaster that was Van Helsing. There was a few plot holes at the end though with
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It's defintely worth seeing in the theater and I think for the most part old and new horror fans will enjoy it.

Re: The Wolfman (2010) was not filmed in IMAX! WTF!!!!!!!!!!

I think you mean released in Imax. Filming in Imax is totally different. Very few films are done that way.