Underrated Horror Films?

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yeah man, I thought Horde kicked ass. I was impressed with it, i wasnt expecting much from it and when it was over I was like damn, pretty good.
...its watchable man, but not great either. Go in with little expectations and you'll be ok by the end.
Ive never seen [rec] so I went on youtube and looked for some trailers and it definetly looks like something Id be into. I love movies with homocidal infected people in them.:lol Those people looked like the Crossed, if you guys ever read those comics. If not you should check it out. Some seriously revolting things happen in them books. I almost felt like I had to shower after reading them.
[REC] Genesis comes out this year. They're are going in another approach. Sunlight... I think.

Have you guys seen this uhmmm.... awful looking sequal? LOL


This film looks like it could be a SyFy Original Movie...
Doesnt look that bad, but at the same time looks no different than the first except now its in an airplane hangar or something. Id still watch it.
I just saw The Prowler for the first time. How the hell I never heard or saw this movie before is beyond me. This is probably now on top of my list for 80's slasher horror. Joseph Zito and Tom Savini did another great job. Dark tone, great gory kills. Though some scenes seem to be almost exact as some in Friday the 13th part 2 and the lead girl reminded my of Ginny as well. The Killer's identity was predictable, but overall it was real good.
The Prowler is awesome and was recently released on Blu-Ray! I remember as a kid in the video store just staring at the awesome box art!
The Gate is my all time #1 horror movie it is always overlooked or under rated in my opinion but some other favs have to be:

Fright Night
The Hitcher
Dr. Giggles

These movies are newer but i really enjoyed them.
Jeeper's Creepers(best original monster that i've seen in a long time)
The Hills have eyes(Remake) i was really suprised how much i enjoyed this remake.
Drag me to Hell- Raimi was for sure back in his element on this.