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This show has gone to ____.


Is there even a point to this show anymore? I mean, we've got vampire Tara on a stripper pole, fairy nightclubs and Hoyt, who the ____ knows why he's still around. And does anyone really give a ____ about Terry and the ____ing fire monster? I believe this is where I call it quits.

Is there even a point to this show anymore? I mean, we've got vampire Tara on a stripper pole, fairy nightclubs and Hoyt, who the ____ knows why he's still around. And does anyone really give a ____ about Terry and the ____ing fire monster? I believe this is where I call it quits.

OK I agree with some of that, theres a bunch of characters that don't need to be in the show, they really add nothing.
Oh I like the characters and quirky stuff that goes on but the story lines are terrible. The fire monster thing is lame and so is this shaman stuff. I've grown tired of Sookie and the gaps in her teeth. Jason is funny. Russell is a riot and Jessica is still hawt.
Just started torrenting season 1, god i'm behind. But i'm going to give it a shot. (Was never really interested.)
Just started watching this today and I'm shocked at how terrible it is.

It's like a very bad porno. :lol

The character reactions don't make any sense whatsoever...the acting, has this made it to five seasons... are there 160 pages in this thread? :slap
I am still enjoying it. :) I have to admit I don't LOVE it like I used to....but this season did have some good episodes.

I am very disappointed in Bill though. :lol And yeah for Eric doing the right thing! :love
I ended up loving this season - the first couple episodes seemed weak, but were actually building toward a very satisfying result. I think people get too impatient with story, they want immediate effects when some of the best tales take build up. The season finale was excellent, and while I think some people will have an issue with what's happening with Bill, I think it's a lot better than what happened with him in the books.
I am curious to see what Bill becomes next season. I will agree that Bill's story line is much more exciting than in the books.
Was there another episode? I never know if I've just watched the finale.

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Was there another episode? I never know if I've just watched the finale.

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Yeah, that was last week's. Season finale was last night.

I really hated the first few episode of this I'm about to watch the finale and I love it.

I never get tired of hearing this :lol

Now that the season is over i think this was better than their last 2 or 3 previous seasons. I agree the first couple episodes were kinda meh, but it did pick up. One thing is Tara should have remained dead. She has served no real purpose to this show for quite sometime now.

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One character who I think really came into her own this season was Pam. She got a good story-arc. She's mainly been a doormat comedy-vamp in the past but they fleshed her out and made her a bit more badass.
I've stopped watching this show went too far off the rails for me. This season was terrible for the first 3-4 weeks and didn't feel the need to continue. Hopefully it's picked up for those who are still watching.
Hey true blood fans for those who want to customize your own figure from the series WGP is making the bill and eric sculpts and sean is resculpting sookie and wants to offer two types of sculpts and we need votes. please go to.
we need 15 total votes so far its 3 votes for ponytail sookie and one bald with wig options.

I miss watching the show but cant afford HBO but will end up buying some of the series. I may ask sean if he can make true blood bottles too if i you post interst of that on the link above.

I wonder if their will be any more crazy god like people like that nymph for dionysus.
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