Threezero Cobra Commander

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Super Freak
May 8, 2020
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Looks great! But please please I need more Joes to balance out this line!
They need to do the more unique Joes. Ones that look more like generic military guys like Stalker, Duke, or Falcon, while important characters, don’t stand out as much from the plethora of military figures out there. Cobra on the other hand really stand out.
WHAT IS HAPPENING?! Talk about Christmas in July...

Yes. Some Joes would be nice but I LOVE Cobra. Can't wait for the reveal. Might have to get this guy and keep the Sideshow 'cause he was made with the hood. What an awesome CCon this is! Definitely grabbing TZ Destro tho
They need to do the more unique Joes. Ones that look more like generic military guys like Stalker, Duke, or Falcon, while important characters, don’t stand out as much from the plethora of military figures out there. Cobra on the other hand really stand out.
I think it depends on how they’re designed. The Classified series made each of the main Joes look pretty unique and not like any ol’ standard military figure. I liked how Duke and Flint turned out with those releases. Not saying that ThreeZero should copy those designs directly, but there are ways to make the Joes stand out as well while still remaining pretty faithful to the original looks. Scarlet has a pretty unique/non-standard military design and ThreeZero have already designed their Lady Jaye.

Sorry to say, but I won’t get the more unique but obscure Joes without having the heavy hitters first. But, they also need to be designed as well as these Cobra figures are. I didn’t get Roadblock b/c I didn’t care for the design—so much plastic and the terrible Rambo body reuse.
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Man, I feel like I’m a kid again seeing this and Destro. I would’ve killed to have these back then. Along with marvel and Star Wars figures, coomodel knights and so on. Baby, we’ve come a long, long way
A lot like Sideshow's but improved. I hope they chrome the helmet visor tho. Ordering Destro, probably getting Commander too as the details are a bit more accurate than Sideshow's. Will keep my Sideshow one tho
With all the new stuff shown at this week so far at Sideshow Con (don't get me wrong - I LOVE the new HT Anakin reveal), these ThreeZero reveals have me way more excited than anything else really.

As for this being a redo of Sidehow's - While I sort of agree, I think it also goes to show that after all these years, the Dictator Cobra Commander was done so well for the most part that it still holds up today compared to many of the previous Sideshow pieces. All it really needs is a body swap. I pulled out mine from the closet last night to compare with this new one and I think it's still pretty dang nice and hard to beat that chromed helmet visor and the extra hooded headsculpt. I would love to be able to remove the hood to be able to get to the sculpt underneath in order to repaint the eyes. Mine are bit cross-eyed.

A lot of the original SS figures would hold up better today if the tailoring wasn't so bad/ill fitting to the bodies. When I was testing out new bodies for SS Flint and Destro, I was able to put them on the Ganghood/Bane muscle body with the pants only barely not fitting. That's how oversized the clothing is on those original Sideshow Joes. The Snake Eyes figures are the only ones who's clothing wasn't terribly oversized.

I know I've been asking for Joes, but I do hope 3Z gets to Zartan as he's my favorite bad guy and DAMToys has a great body 3Z could use for the exposed arms and stomach like they did for Firefly and presumably Destro
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I think if they give this Commander the same body they gave TZ Firefly, he will look fantastic. Sideshow's is great but the body needed to be a bit more toned/slightly muscular

TZ Firefly and Destro look fantastic and leave Sideshow's in the dust. I still like the Sideshow Firefly but he needed an upgrade. And Sideshow Destro, well, he had nice accessories...? Lol

I'm in for TZ Cobra Commander, Destro, and I'd love a TZ Baroness. My TZ Firefly looks great with the Sideshow pieces still tho.

I think if we support each wave TZ will make more like Joe's, Vipers, etc. I think they needed to release heavy hitters first to pay for the license. Just because Sideshow did all the A listers doesn't mean that helps TZs bottomline. TZ needs to bring in money and the only way to do that is release the biggest characters first

Maybe next year we get a Joe wave. Buy the TZ Cobra line, all and support the line!

PS And I too would LOVE a TZ Zartan! Instant buy
I think if we support each wave TZ will make more like Joe's, Vipers, etc. I think they needed to release heavy hitters first to pay for the license. Just because Sideshow did all the A listers doesn't mean that helps TZs bottomline. TZ needs to bring in money and the only way to do that is release the biggest characters first

Agreed! Gotta do the ones the general population know before you get into lesser known tiers. Even Jedha Patrol picked up Snake Eyes and he admitted in his review that he wasn’t a huge GI Joe fan.

While I’m not hoping for redos before we get any of the many others we need first, I hope eventually ThreeZero will give us a commando variant of Snake Eyes and some sort of variant/upgrade to Storm Shadow if they are indeed partnering with DAMToys on the bodies of future figures. It definitely makes sense given DAM predominantly makes military figures.
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Agreed! Gotta do the ones the general population know before you get into lesser known tiers. Even Jed’s Patrol picked up Snake Eyes and he admired in his review that he wasn’t a huge GI Joe fan.

While I’m not hoping for redos before we get any of the many others we need first, I hope eventually ThreeZero will give us a commando variant of Snake Eyes and some sort of variant/upgrade to Storm Shadow if they are indeed partnering with DAMToys on the bodies of future figures. It definitely makes sense given DAM predominantly makes military figures.
It's funny you say that about Storm Shadow. I was thinking just like Trick or Treat Studios sold a Myers Upgrade pack, TZ would be wise to sell us a Storm Shadow upgrade with all fabric outfit and fully poseable body with tattoo and all you have to do is put on his weapons, pants and headsculpt from the original design. THEN I would buy him. In the meantime, Destro and Commander will be ordered to join TZ Firefly and Sideshow Baroness. I'll probably keep Sideshow Commander because of the rare hood and he still holds up well too