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he was in odinsleep if i remember correct. i have to go to the lcs soon to pick this up. i like that donald blake is back around. this issue, from my understanding, is all about explaining thor's continuity so new readers have a glimpse of his rich legacy. i think this is gonna rock. i hope the rest of the gods will be coming back now.
Yeah I hope they do too! I liked it, I guess I wanted more from issue 1, but still enjoyed it and will be going on with it. I like that Blake is back too, I thought they might try some smooth BS and put Thor in someone elses body or something like that.
PosterBoyKelly said:
Yeah I hope they do too! I liked it, I guess I wanted more from issue 1, but still enjoyed it and will be going on with it. I like that Blake is back too, I thought they might try some smooth BS and put Thor in someone elses body or something like that.

i know what you mean, i had this horrible thought that thor was gonna take over hawkeye. hawkeye seems to have quite the identity problem nowadays.

i didnt read it yet but i read the spoilers..i can say this though-----im just freakin glad that thor is back for real for real.
oh yeah and be on the lookout for the THOR FROG!!!!! lol (im joking, but i can almost see that happening again)
devlinboy said:
i know what you mean, i had this horrible thought that thor was gonna take over hawkeye. hawkeye seems to have quite the identity problem nowadays.

i didnt read it yet but i read the spoilers..i can say this though-----im just freakin glad that thor is back for real for real.

I thought the same about Hawkeye. They seem to wanna make that guy be EVERYONE! What's next, he gonna get an Iron suite too? Or maybe they'll "discover" he's a mutant!
PosterBoyKelly said:
I thought the same about Hawkeye. They seem to wanna make that guy be EVERYONE! What's next, he gonna get an Iron suite too? Or maybe they'll "discover" he's a mutant!

im sure they will try to make him a member of the iron army but at the last minute he will remember his time as cap and snap out of it. to be honest they should have left hawkeye dead or not killed him in the first place. he really has had a ton of identities.
do you think loki will be back-- if i remember correct he was decapitated in ragnarok. ive got to brush up on my thor backissues now that he is coming back. i won a lot of about 150 thor silver/bronze age issues for 23.00 off the bay but i have been hesitant to read them due to the ocd in me. i need a thor omnibus.