The Tracker Maquette

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yeah i wanted this maquette when it was first announced but i didn't have enough money now that i have a job i can up my collection by 2 or three pieces instead of 1 figure a year .i was looking at pics of tracker and the hounds to see what i wanted to change tracker has a lot of work that needs to bee done easy fix i need to tone down the green skin and redo the armor,the dog im not sure ?from some pics I've seen of some maquettes it looks really good but ill have to see when i get it .I dont think ill get the falconer maquette the head looks like its turned to much but i like the berserk maquette that will be a fun project all the little spots but i could care less for the exclusives.
Well, good luck with it, Mike. From what I've seen of your work, you should do a great job, and I can't wait to see pics :)
The painting remids me of the old McFarlane figures, absolutely. Oh wait, those costed $12 each.

When a figure looks in pics tad smaller that it really is, there are some problems for sure.
started working on it here is the cool thing heat up the dreds with a hair dryer and you can pose them they bend but dont go crazy it makes the piece a lot better
my moded tracker maquette

armor painted




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^^^ Did you just do a dark green wash on the armor, Mike?? That's what I was thinking about doing to mine after getting some projects done.

And looks good, by the way!! 10X better, bro!!
The scales on the dog put me on monkey tilt. They're so friggin' bad!! Why Sideshow...why?

Wow. I can't believe they didn't make them part of the sculpt. That air brushing of a dimensional detail is something you'd see on a novice model makers project. I'm really surprised by that.