The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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^^^ I don't even pay attention anymore these days, it's not worth the pain in my head.

Yeah. I know. It's not like it gets me FIRED up or ruins my day. But I just shake my head when I see stuff like that...

But to comment on this thread, I've been taking a different brand of Kre-Alkalyn and Beta Alanine. It's crazy how much more I find myself lifting! It's almost scary, because it almost feels as if I can't feel the burn or pain when I'm lifting. (which, TO ME, seems bad because I may be lifting close to my muscle/tendon capacity and may get close to the threshold?) If that makes sense....... :dunno

But it feels great to be sore :cool:
So, I've been going to the gym near my house for a few months now. Now and then I'll always see someone doing some RIDICULOUS movement, and I'm not even sure what body part they're trying to focus on :lol

But, I just have to express my concern about this one. On multiple occasions I've seen fathers bring in their YOUNG kids (about 10-12 years old) and try to have them lift weights, and with TOTALLY wrong form. One parent is off on another flat bench trying to flat bench 100lb dumbbells while his kid is doing military press dumbbells, and struggling! SPOT YOUR KID! Or should they even be doing such resistance training at such a young age?!?! And another situation, I was standing next to a father and his son. THe son was trying to do dumbbell bicep curls. The weight was obviously too much for the kid, but the dad just tells his kid "Just throw back the weight son. Lean back and throw it up".... Are you kidding!!! :horror I've just heard that resistance training can stunt your growth. But not only that, improper form can get you injured! So telling your young kid to "Throw the weight" is just a sure way to get them hurt! :doh

Anyone else agree??

:lol I had one kid, he was maybe 8? :lol I know crazy right? His dad lifts in overalls, never really talked to the dad till the kid dropped a weight on my foot...:lol I had words for the father
Powerblocks does a 8 year old good. :)


"The number of calories DOES NOT MATTER"

Terrible advice.

I think u read it to literally, of course it matters... :slap

I mean there's a measure to everything of course but by eating the portions that are healthy you aren't gonna be eating 4,000K of healthy stuff.

Just cursious Wofford do you just like to argue for arguments sake, and do you believe that "I" myself would mislead the fellow Freaks in which I enjoy to shed some light of fads, $$$, etc...
It's what she says, and even typed it up on her power point.

As for arguing, I didn't know we were. Ring out your tampon ski.

Ok so it's type up but she doesn't mean for you eat tons of food, anyone that knows anything about healthy food meaning 6-8 meals per day is going to amount close to average of 2,000 calories and then you can adjust from there being female, male, whatever your goals is become fit, a bodybuilder, etc...
It's what she says, and even typed it up on her power point.

As for arguing, I didn't know we were. Ring out your tampon ski.

Nice!!!! :goodpost:

basically by you saying this is terrible advice I take that as calling me terrible and I don't know jack ____ what I'm talking about.... :lecture
Nice!!!! :goodpost:

basically by you saying this is terrible advice I take that as calling me terrible and I don't know jack ____ what I'm talking about.... :lecture

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Man who pissed in your cheerios this morning. I make one comment about one piece of ____ty advice out of an entire presentation this lady gives and it's a personal attack on you? Get serious man.
Man who pissed in your cheerios this morning. I make one comment about one piece of ____ty advice out of an entire presentation this lady gives and it's a personal attack on you? Get serious man.

Dude, because that's something that is common knowledge, maybe if you worded that a little bit less insulting and actually describe that this is why you disagree with it and it will be more of a civil conversation.

If you came up to my face at the gym and basically in the middle of a conversation, disregard the fact that's it rude (it wouldn't bother me regardless) and say to the person that I'm taking to, that's "terrible advice", how would you take it? That's serious.... either I would remain calm and not pay attention to you or you can believe I'm gonna defend my statement and ask you why are you right?

and I don't eat cheerios.
I just leave you in this sandbox with the rest of the crabs. I'll go play in another one.

Right... I won't result to name calling, so where's opinion since you basically wanted to ____ on me and get away with it.

I'm here listening... :tap I'll have a discussion in a more civil manner.

Or am I wrong in my points as to what you did?