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Alice Adrenochrome

Super Freak
Sep 12, 2005
Reaction score
Off-World Colony
A lot of collectibles I bought over the years are available for much less at present then what I originally payed for them. Some have kept their value, and few - the grails - have gained a lot, in a considerable short time, meaning, they could go down again any second too. Fortunately they haven't... wew!
There was a time when I was willing to pay $ 1,800 for a Weta Balrog AP, which I didn't win in the end, but those times are long gone... . I'm not spending that kind of money on collectibles anymore. In stead, I try to buy them at retail NOW to avoid having to pay those horrendous prices later!
Considering your personal situation and your view on the 'market', what is your $ limit to buy a collectible you've missed the first time around? How much would you spend now on that sought after collectible and why. Do you set yourself a limit, or do you buy on impulse, and possibly regret it later? (yes, I've noticed that A LOT items recently released ended in the commerce section, sometimes for a flush out price. Why? Why do you buy, if you sell it shortly after anyway?)
Yeah, I'm asking a lot of questions in one thread. Should be an interesting read - quite a change from some of the threads spawned on this board lately. Or not. Feel free to derail and flame!
I always try to get at retail up front to avoid overpaying, but if there's something I REALLY want, I'm willing to pay whatever. My threshold for paying over retail all comes down to the importance of the piece to me. I've never collected with the intent of being able to sell later, it's nice to know I could get some cash, even if not a lot, for my collection in a pinch, but bottom line, i collect things I want to own and have, and if I really want it and it'll take a few extra bucks to get it, I'll spend it.
I buy what I like.

If I can afford I will buy it. If it's too much I don't buy it.

I don't give a pi$$ what it'll be worth later on as long as I like it.
i am actually disappointed with myself lately for breaking my rule for only buying figures which i truly love, i was only going to get the tdk suit batman and iron man mk 3 from HT but now have ended up with preordering the whole line. while i am loving these figures, at the same time i feel disgusted when i look at how much money i have spent. i would not pay more than $200 shipped for any single figure. i am pretty much set on taking a hiatus from collecting when two face arrives
For the most part, I only get things at retail or below. I have serious trouble paying several times the original retail for a piece, and usually I just write those things off as being unattainable. In other words, in most cases if something has gotten very expensive, it's no longer on my list of wants because the price outweighs any appeal the piece itself may have.
I think Sean said it best, if I REALLY want it price is no limit..............well there is a "limit" but you know what I mean. I'm glad to say that after a couple years collecting i'm both content and satisfied with what I have, I don't feel a void in my collection.
Luckily nothing I really want is in a ridiculous price range... but so far the most I've ever spent on one item is for the Samaritan 1:1 Replica. So, that honestly would be my limit and it is not a price I'd pay very often.

I'd love to have a SSW Balrog or Cave Troll, but that ship has long since sailed so now I just admire them from a distance :lol
I am being MUCH more selective right now, most recent items don't skyrocket for quite some time; it is nice to not feel nearly as pressured.

Unfortunately I find myself much less interested lately, I need a real showstopper! :cool:
I constantly battle the "completist" mentality vs. what I really truly want. It's very hard some times.

The economy is helping me be more selective. I have cancelled more items this year than any other.

HT is generally my high dollar mark. I will spend more only for unique custom pieces that I really want.
I just culled about 10 pre-orders from SS today.

I want to buy a house in the next 12 months and I'm just not going to get there if I'm not tough with my spending. The amount I have spent this year alone would probably of been close to a home loan deposit. I was hard to do, but everything I did cut I'm sure I will be able to get cheaper later on. Just got to tell myself do the hard yards now, and when I’m better of financially It won’t even matter as much if I need to spend a bit more to find that sought after item.

I tell you it’s a hard habit to break I have always been ‘Oh I want it bills be dammed!’
Well for me as I started collecting this year, I had to play catch up on a few items. I collect 1:1 replicas and had to pay above retail for the alien warrior, predator, darth maul, and the TX but now I try and buy at realease for retail or less. Paying for the alien warrior which I got at a steal compared to some who paid over $4000 was the highest I ever want to go.

However certain items can just be so good or just fit your collection nicely that if there is cash in the bank or something inferior to sell you will just go for it.
I've let go the completist mentality.
And only buy or keep the really special pieces.

Luckily there is no piece is really really need for my collection for which I will overpay.
I have the ones I really want and could buy most at retail except for some WETA statues, which I have sold now again for about the same price ...
I'm cutting back on collecting, cos I have to try and save my money for a baby. I've decided to be alot more picky about what I buy, and not try and be a completist. Most of my collection is now just my favorite movie/tv heros/heroines.
Indy and Lara are on their way, and I still want the new Dead Subjects cos zombies are just cool.
I've only started paying retail for the 1/6 scale stuff in fear I might miss the boat on it and be kicking myself later, but the only line I'm really bummed I passed on were the AVP Preds and that JLU series that sells for $60+ a 3pack.
In the past, I bought only a few things above retail just to play catch-up. But gone are those days; I don't desire to spend more than retail for an item anymore. And now I buy so few items that I know what I want ahead of time and pay for them as they are released. I buy to keep, not to sell to turn a profit, so I could care less whether or not they go up or down in value.

And as far as my limits, I'll spend no more than what a PF costs, about $300, and my collecting budget for the entire year is usually no more than $1,000 to $1,500. That'll give me a few, key nice pieces and some miscellaneous stuff that I happen to come across that I like. That's plenty for the space I have and the money I'm willing to spend.
I only get what I want and get them when they are up for preorder. If I miss something, I generally only pick it up later if it's at retail or less.

As for "value", I'm not worried about it. If something gains value and another loses some, it all comes out in a wash.
Well for me its about collecting the things i truly like from now on,im selling a few things to get a Statue at the moment.

1 year ago was such good times,bought anything i liked since the dollar rate was not as close as high as it is now...oh well we have to accept it i guess:(
I've only just begun in this collecting field, and I'm only interested in 1/6 figures. I've been extra vigilant about not paying above retail prices for older figures. For some that I'm not drooling over, I'll patiently wait for a bargain to show up on Ebay. One thing: I got a "used" Darth Maul exclusive :maul for about $20 and his bicep and arm joints were extremely loose even though the description specifically claimed they were tight. For $20 I didn't want to make a fuss about it so I did some surgery on my own to help him (including the lightsaber that fell apart shortly after). So now I know to stay away from any used figures, despite how pristine they claim they are. I'm still looking for a few older figures, but I'll wait til there's a good deal and make sure they're NRFB mint.

Now I'll go through Sideshow and am okay with paying full price because of their customer service and point system. I am being selective about which ones I'll get because this hobby is really starting to add up financially, and my desk space is quickly shrinking! It's been particularly costly because I'm playing catch-up, but if I can get it down to about 4-6 new at full retail price a year, I think I'll manage. I don't care about depreciation of their value. I have no plans of ever selling them. I'm only getting them because I want them and they make me happy! :)

My wife, on the other hand, is getting "concerned" that they're taking over! :horror