The Force Awakens - my review (figure related)

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I have a feeling we are going to find out Finn is force sensitive in EP8.
because I was mostly referring to Finn.

Finn should have taken all of 3 seconds to end. not injure. not have a tussle with. Finn ran from everything. never showed an ounce of fight, yet he stands up to a sith who stops blaster beams in mid air and sucks thoughts out of peoples heads. and he gave him a fight.

the blaster wound was most def done to legitimize the struggle, but why not, as a force user, just choke him or turn off his saber and swing, done.

i understand there would be no story if we take a rational look at this. but thats the writers jobs. don't make us walk out of a theater hating them.

Vader could have immobilized Luke in Cloud City in the exact same way you're describing. But he didn't. Plot and character development count in movies.

The other thing (in addition to his injuries) is that he just murdered his father. He had expressed, as had his master, that this was something that was a source of great conflict for him. Plus we know that Kylo Ren is an absolute basketcase.

Don't get me wrong, I don't like the fact that Rey beat him quite easily, but I don't think it was a horrible film because of it. The film has MANY problems, but it was enjoyable, and A LOT close to being a 'Star Wars' film than any of the Prequels were (in my opinion).

for my money, EP III BLEW this away in terms of entertainment value. i enjoyed the Rey being the jedi swerve. and Ren being solos kid that luke failed. but this ren kid was a clown. pure clownage. his speech pattern is totally different with the mask on.

Very glad we didn't have anything close to this.

Aw, c'mon can make ANYTHING look stupid with a little animated gif.... :)

When seen in context, that looked kinda cool...

The only thing about the saber action in the new movie with Rey did she know how to handle a light saber so well? Seems like she snatched it up and bam! Had the moves down and just went at it.

Yes, Episode VIII has got a lot of splainin' to do....

Can't wait for this figure...she really was my favorite part of this latest movie....
Aw, c'mon can make ANYTHING look stupid with a little animated gif.... :)

When seen in context, that looked kinda cool...

I respect your opinion, but, gifs aside, that short little shot (even in context) embodied what was wrong with the Prequels. All flash and choreography, no emotional depth.

But, as advertised, it most definitely IS the longest sword fight in cinema history (whatever that's worth).

I enjoyed watching Finn be totally overmatched, but giving it a go anyways.

Your point about vader in cloud city....he toyed with luke. Luke caught him off gaurd, then vader buckled down and force flung a yoda and kenobi trained "padawan" around with storage bins.

Kylo ren was an absolute let down. I mean twice he throws a hissy fit and beats the hell out the room with his saber. As god as my witness i almost walked out the sceond time he did that....terrible character.
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I think people are not thinking about the trajectory of the character. We're seeing him basically as a petulent kid. Going forward, I do not think he'll be as conflicted or as arrogant in his skills.
Those lighsaber duels in Eps 1-3 were way too choreographed. Some were cool, Maul comes to mind, but for the most part all about looks, just like the films as a whole.
To start, everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion. That being said, the people that are calling him whiny etc..... it seems to me that if you were to walk into a room with him and say that, you wouldn't be coming back out. How is that weak/whatever......? I think he is a good character at a 'particular point' in his development (which is refreshing to see a bad guy that isn't already fully formed) and was played well by Driver. The scene where the Troopers 'walked the other way' was funny, but also said to me "holy *****, this dude is crazy".

So, all up to your own perception I guess.
To start, everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion. That being said, the people that are calling him whiny etc..... it seems to me that if you were to walk into a room with him and say that, you wouldn't be coming back out. How is that weak/whatever......? I think he is a good character at a 'particular point' in his development (which is refreshing to see a bad guy that isn't already fully formed) and was played well by Driver. The scene where the Troopers 'walked the other way' was funny, but also said to me "holy *****, this dude is crazy".

So, all up to your own perception I guess.

Right. Emotionally unstable = weakness
Just read this.......makes things a bit more palatable if true......

1) Rey was once a student at Luke Skywalker’s Jedi school
In the young Jakku scavenger’s flashback at Maz Kanata’s castle, just after she finds Luke’s old lightsaber, we see a young girl witness some sort of slaughter at the hands of Kylo Ren at what appears to be Luke’s Jedi academy. The theory goes that Rey was once one of Luke’s students - possibly as his niece or daughter - but following the destruction of the younglings was sent to Jakku to escape Ren’s wrath. The suggestion here is that Max Von Sydow’s Lor San Tekka may also have had a role at the academy, and was therefore sent to Jakku to keep an eye on Rey while maintaining little contact to avoid revealing her whereabouts.

Plot holes filled: Rey’s connection to Luke; the young scavenger’s abandonment on Jakku; her nascent force powers; Rey being drawn to the lightsaber by the Force; The Resistance tasking Rey to visit Luke at the end of The Force Awakens once the map is complete; Kylo Ren recognising Rey before their lightsaber battle; Rey’s obvious fear at the idea of embracing her Jedi destiny.

Your point about vader in cloud city....he toyed with luke. Luke caught him off gaurd, then vader buckled down and force flung a yoda and kenobi trained "padawan" around with storage bins.

Ren is toying with both Finn and Rey. When Finn gets a lucky hit in on him and caught him off guard, he ends the fight in 2 seconds, wounding Finn badly.

The first part of his duel with Rey he is also toying with her, swatting her blown away one handed and taunting her, trying to recruit her to the dark side.
because I was mostly referring to Finn.

Finn should have taken all of 3 seconds to end. not injure. not have a tussle with. Finn ran from everything. never showed an ounce of fight, yet he stands up to a sith who stops blaster beams in mid air and sucks thoughts out of peoples heads. and he gave him a fight.

the blaster wound was most def done to legitimize the struggle, but why not, as a force user, just choke him or turn off his saber and swing, done.

i understand there would be no story if we take a rational look at this. but thats the writers jobs. don't make us walk out of a theater hating them.

for my money, EP III BLEW this away in terms of entertainment value. i enjoyed the Rey being the jedi swerve. and Ren being solos kid that luke failed. but this ren kid was a clown. pure clownage. his speech pattern is totally different with the mask on.

ugh i could go on. its just a movie. no need to act like it matters at all. but i was let down. i suppose that was inevitable.

Finn was raised to fight and kill since childhood. He was very proficient with blasters and showed little or no fear in gunfights -- what he was trained to do. Presumably he had some training with melee weapons as well, given the baton/tonfa thing Riot Gear troopers used.

He was acting rationally when he wanted to run from the First Order; and unlike people raised with freedom and families, had nothing to lose or fight for until he bonded with Rey and the Resistance. This isn't directed at you specifically, but there are all these Armchair Badasses telling me Ren is a little ***** and Finn is a coward, but I'm seeing a normal range of human complexity re: motives and emotions, instead of one dimensional cartoons.

While it's true that Ren should have crushed him quickly, you can rationalize it several ways (emotional state, wounds, arrogance -- whatever) but mostly it's Star Wars and has always had more heart than mind in terms of storytelling.

I won't beat a dead horse regarding my opinions of the PT and Ep. III.
Finn was raised to fight and kill since childhood. He was very proficient with blasters and showed little or no fear in gunfights -- what he was trained to do. Presumably he had some training with melee weapons as well, given the baton/tonfa thing Riot Gear troopers used.

He was acting rationally when he wanted to run from the First Order; and unlike people raised with freedom and families, had nothing to lose or fight for until he bonded with Rey and the Resistance. This isn't directed at you specifically, but there are all these Armchair Badasses telling me Ren is a little ***** and Finn is a coward, but I'm seeing a normal range of human complexity re: motives and emotions, instead of one dimensional cartoons.

While it's true that Ren should have crushed him quickly, you can rationalize it several ways (emotional state, wounds, arrogance -- whatever) but mostly it's Star Wars and has always had more heart than mind in terms of storytelling.

I won't beat a dead horse regarding my opinions of the PT and Ep. III.

This. Finn was a trained soldier, I don't see why it's outrageous that he managed to slightly keep up with an injured and not completely trained Kylo who had just killed his dad. Either way, Ren kicked his ass so I don't see what the fuss is all about.

This is one of the major complaints I read/hear from folks, and the answer's pretty simple, really: Finn just wasn't "brainwashed" enough to kill innocent civillians. That's his whole point. When he says that he doesn't want to kill anymore and then proceeds to kill many FO troops, what he essentially says is that he doesn't want to be the bad guy. He doesn't want to kill simple folk and be a tyrant. He never states that he wouldn't get into a fight and kill if neccessary for the right reasons.

As for Ren losing the fight with Rey, I've gone over it again, but here's my take: Ren is conflicted between the Light (the scene with the Vader helmet, him resisting the Light's "seduction") and the Dark, so he can't use his powers to their full extent. He's also wounded and an emotional wreck at that point, so it makes sense for Rey, being totally "amped up" from Han's death to be able to deliver the final blow. Because that's what she did. Chewie shot him, Finn wounded him further, and she delivered the final hits. Not to mention that Kylo wanted her to join him.

The movie had some problems (the aftermath of Han's death being one of them, Rey being extremely great at everything another), but Kylo's and Finn's personallities weren't part of them. I get not liking the characters, not everyone wants the same thing from the protagonists/antagonists. But the "whiny kid" and "hypocrite" arguments just don't hold up for me. Just my 0.02$...
i don't really agree with any of the comments....i never will. ren is the worst sith or whatever the hell he is the SW has ever seen. did darth maul whine and cry and throw freak outs and destroy rooms with a lightsaber when things didn't go his way? he was always calm and reserved and focused. this character is a ball of horse rubbish. and they have LOTS to do in order to fix this geek. you can argue its about a more mature writing crew. they are focusing on character development. i don't think the SW crowd needs that. this isn't The Godfather. this is a simple story....made mostly for 7-29 year olds. the ADHD crowd doesn't care about Rens conflicted inner child.

Finn dealt a big lightsaber blow to ren in that fight. there is no reason for that. there is no justifying that to me. ever. kylo ren was presented as the most powerful badass ever, then becomes finn and reys whipping boy. HORSE ****.

im glad that some of you like the movie. thats because we are each allowed opinions and none are wrong.

I'm just saying what i didn't like. there were things that i hold in high regard about this movie.

i need to see ren convincingly beat Luke. then maybe ill be in the Ren camp. but the writers have a lot to do to graduate this punk into a man.
i don't really agree with any of the comments....i never will. ren is the worst sith or whatever the hell he is the SW has ever seen. did darth maul whine and cry and throw freak outs and destroy rooms with a lightsaber when things didn't go his way? he was always calm and reserved and focused. this character is a ball of horse rubbish. and they have LOTS to do in order to fix this geek. you can argue its about a more mature writing crew. they are focusing on character development. i don't think the SW crowd needs that. this isn't The Godfather. this is a simple story....made mostly for 7-29 year olds. the ADHD crowd doesn't care about Rens conflicted inner child.

Finn dealt a big lightsaber blow to ren in that fight. there is no reason for that. there is no justifying that to me. ever. kylo ren was presented as the most powerful badass ever, then becomes finn and reys whipping boy. HORSE ****.

im glad that some of you like the movie. thats because we are each allowed opinions and none are wrong.

I'm just saying what i didn't like. there were things that i hold in high regard about this movie.

i need to see ren convincingly beat Luke. then maybe ill be in the Ren camp. but the writers have a lot to do to graduate this punk into a man.

Just because something isn't meant to challenge a person's thining doesn't mean that it has to be basic as hell. SW is just "good v evil" but it can also be a bit more at times. Besides, Ren is a different character, that's all. It's cool if you don't like him, all I'm saying is that just cause he isn't "Stoic Bad-Guy #4575" doesn't mean that he's a bad-character.

As for the rest, I was just commenting on my POV of the characters. Finn was alright in my book, I didn't see him as a pansy. If there's one character that I kinda didn't like, that was Rey. Great pilot, great engineer, great fighter, strong in the Force. Too many talents all rolled up into one person. They should have left something for Finn IMO.

The film had problems, but not to the extent that some people are going on about. Absymal, worst movie ever and awful aren't words I'd use to describe TFA. Formularic? Yes. Predictable? Yes. But also enjoyable, full of pretty good characters and a pretty good stepping stone.

Eh, I think that's the point of the character. Anakin went from good guy, to bad guy and then back to good guy. Both Trilogies dealt with his journey(s). The ST will deal with Kylo going from semi-bad guy, to full blown bad guy to...Who knows? But yeah, he'll definitely evolve.