The Force Awakens - Figure discussion (with SPOILERS!)

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Didn't Phasma said that FN-2187 was sent for reconditioning?

I suppose all Stormtroopers are under mind control or some sort.
Ren was a petulant little punk and Phasma???? what the heck??? WASTE.

Finn is a pansy who ran away because he couldn't do his job. how did he make it that far in stormtrooper training and they didn't know he was a puss bag?

Ren wasn't a whiny child, he just had 2 fits of rage in the whole movie. He's obviously not emotionally stable, but I don't see why he's a bad character. Petulant yes, he's not "right in the head". But not a bad character. I mean, what did people want to see? Stallone with Force powers? I'll bring up the Underwood example again, because it's exactly the same. Frank has fits of rage all the time, but I don't see anyone classifying him as a "child". And the dude plays Playstation and paints miniatures. If anything, Frank is extremely terrifying.

Honestly, I think the only reason people don't like Ren is because he's young and is not Vader. And that's alright, but I'm gonna need better arguments than "his face is weird" and "he's whiny cause he destroyed a room". Hell, in the same scene he force grabs a guy and almost chokes him. What should he have done to be more bad-ass? Chop his legs off?

Phasma was a waste, on that I will agree. But she joined the cast late and she'll probably be in 8, so I'm not that hung up on it.

Finn just was a layered character, he wasn't a "pansy". Seriously, is "not working for Space-Nazis" being classified as being a pansy now? Guess he should have stayed with the FO and gunned down some kids to be more of a bad-ass...
I didn't see this posted here yet... Apologies if it was.
Disney Infinity Didn't Actually Spoil Episode 8's Big Reveal - IGN

I've played this game was well, and Kylo saying what sounds like "Face me, cousin" isn't what he's saying... He says "Face Me!" randomly throughout the battle... AND sometimes says "Curses" when being hit... If you watch the video in question, the player hits him just as he finishes saying "Face me" and says "curses" immediately after. So no, the game didn't reveal anything we didn't already know.

If you really think Disney would be that careless about such a significant detail, you're lying to yourself.
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Finn just was a layered character, he wasn't a "pansy". Seriously, is "not working for Space-Nazis" being classified as being a pansy now? Guess he should have stayed with the FO and gunned down some kids to be more of a bad-ass...

I don't like Finn because he was a storm trooper in training for what? 20 years? and they didn't see the cracks? He was "all in" until the last minute? then he wants out? its bad writing. he'll make a fine addition, but its the writing thats missing something for me.

I liked Rey. I happen to think she did have former training from Luke....

Ren is a fine character, if they presented more back story and gave us a reason to understand him. you can't just give us this revamped Empire as strong and powerful as it ever was, being helmed by this reckless mess. its just bogus. in real life, he would be training if he was still that green.

so the characters were fine, they were betrayed by poor writing in my opinion. I'm hoping for a lot of explaining in the next one.
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I don't like Finn because he was a storm trooper in training for what? 20 years? and they didn't see the cracks? He was "all in" until the last minute? then he wants out? its bad writing. he'll make a fine addition, but its the writing thats missing something for me.

In Stormtrooper school they just learned the basics. They never had to gun down innocent kids. It was probably just a regular boot-camp. Gymnastics, accuracy, gun assembly, stuff like that. Besides, some people don't know if they're ready until they're presented with the situation at hand. For all we know, Finn might have believed that he'd be ready for whatever the First Order would throw at him, but when he found himself in such a situation, he just couldn't do. it. It's not that outlandish really.
I don't like Finn because he was a storm trooper in training for what? 20 years? and they didn't see the cracks? He was "all in" until the last minute? then he wants out? its bad writing. [...].

Not so implausible. Presumably he was raised to be unquestioningly loyal and aggressive. Not specifically trained to shoot kids and villagers.

A real-world anecdote for you, if you still think it's weak:

I have friends who served. There was this gung-ho, big dude all in during training, did well.

When the time came to go beyond the wire, he was physically incapable of getting himself to leave the safety of the base.

It happens.

All Finn did was remain unable to overcome his conscience.

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i talk like a man. not someone who is here to discuss the finer points of acting Flinty. sorry i offended your delicate nature. i didn't know this forum was read by mickey mouse himself. so ill keep it G rated for all the kids..

Disrespecting women doesn't make you a man. And it certainly doesn't make you funny. It just makes you seem you're compensating for a shortcoming.
[...]It was Lucas' intention to make comic book melodrama from the beginning: an homage to the Flash Gordon serials, which were essentially trashy but escapist fun.

Lucas might have lost his way with the Prequels, which got bogged down by process and politics, but JJ has put the OT back on track.

Which is why I give TFA a pass on several issues. It succeeds where the PT failed because it's not trying to be something it's not.
Yeah. Opinions, opinions. Thats what makes the world go round.
Black label has his views and so does everyone else, so what figures will you guys be getting or will you wait for the next instalment?
Abrams explains, “Star Wars had the greatest villain in cinema history. So, how you bring a new villain into that world is a very tricky thing."

“We knew we needed to do something *****king bold. The only reason why Kylo Ren has any hope of being a worthy successor is because we lose one of the most beloved characters."

"It’s this massive tradeoff. How can we possibly do that!? But… if we hadn’t done that, the movie wouldn’t have any guts at all. It felt very dangerous.”


I don't know, I still find his death cheap. A cheap way to build a story around it.

I don't know, I still find his death cheap. A cheap way to build a story around it.

The kid in me wishes Han had rode off into the sunset and stayed a legend, but I've found it surprisingly easy to accept the character's fate. Just curious, what would have been an acceptable way for Han to go out, for you? Or like me, would you rather he simply didn't?

It's always difficult, when geeking out and over-thinking Star Wars ... ;) ... to reconcile what it is with, well ... realism.

Han cheated death so many times it's amazing he lived as long as he did. And one could argue that showing compassion for his son until the very last, was a noble way to go, especially considering how violent and callous he was at the start of his character arc.
I think Han should have gone out saving someone like throwing hi sort in the way etc and I guess in a way he did cause. I guess it will come back to kylo at some point.

Han and leia should have been together thou.

I hope Luke isn't the next to go ......
I think his death was needed and worthy, almost perfect. The only thing Id change is to at least let Chewie hold him whilst he look his last breath. Cheesy but epic :)