The "Currently trying to resist" thread

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
May 9, 2008
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I'm not sure if a thread like this already exists but it doesn't seem like the kind of thing I could search for so....

This is a thread for communing with your collecting brothers and sisters about the great pain you feel in not being able, or not allowing yourself, to buy something you really wish you could.

- What is the item(s) and what is your reason(s) for trying to avoid it?
- Have you been successful in resisting the lure of a particular item in the past? Are you glad or regretful?
- Have you ever fallen off the wagon and why? How did you justify the purchase after-the-fact....or could you?

If it stays active (assuming it gets any replies at all!) it should be a thread for strengthening your resolve as you see that others are having similar struggles, though equally it could break your resolve. Peril may lie here.

Depending on my mood there seems to be new temptations every day. I'm trying to limit my 1/6th collection to Sci-fi/fantastical movie licences (as I have always bought into in some form) while also limiting myself within that category to certain favourites. "Trying" being the important word there. However I seem to keep wanting to extend my horizons to both non-sci-fi/fantasy and also licenses within sci-fi fantasy that I have never previously had much interest in - just because the figures look cool and because of a wish for diversity in my collection.

Current temptations:

-Hot Toys Inglorious Basterds Aldo Raine
-DID Captain Miller (Tom Hanks, Saving Private Ryan)
-DID Clauss Von Stauffenberg (Tom Cruise, Valkyrie)

If I buy these I know I would feel compelled to also buy DIDs Enemy at the Gates figures (Ed Harris and Jude Law), Hans Landa from Inglorious Basterds, any further Saving Private Ryan characters from DID etc etc I'd be launching into a whole new theme in my collection. I know I couldn't just have one.

-Hot Toys Tony Stark Mech Test Suit
-Hot Toys Blade
-the yet to be shown Hot Toys Predators line

Ok I have the original Hot Toys Iron Man Mark III but that was kind of an impulse buy. I thought I wanted it because it looked cool but more likely it was just to buy something new for the sake of getting something new and filling in the time before something I really wanted came out. In any case, I have the figure, and the new Tony Stark looks incredible with a great likeness this time - I've been in the habit of buying the superheroes and their regular guy alter egos. Do I bother to continue doing that on a license I'm not hugely into?

Then theres Blade, now I think hes out of stock on my usual sites and I don't use ebay so I might consider this one successfully resisted - but it was tough going there for awhile. Again, a case of the figure looking really cool and having a good likeness...but when was I ever into Blade? Never. And I don't really consider him one of, or existing in the same universe as, the superheroes despite being under the banner of Marvel.

Finally theres the recently announced Hot Toys Predators line. Theres going to be a lot of hype as there was for AvP:R. I succumbed to this hype and I bought figures from that...but I definitely hold those figures less dear out of all my collection..because the film is crap. Predators could end up likewise. Do I risk falling into the same trap?

So whats your story?
currently trying to resist the GoHero Skeletons.

They are affordable, $120 for 3, look great too.

I just don't want to open another can of worms into the sword and sandles type genre.

I already collect too many different things.
I don't resist. If I like it I get it, if I don't I won't.

Only figure on the fence right now is getting War Machine. But since I don't have any Iron Man figures, will prolly pass.
I'm a magpie.

I turn on the computer every day and see several thousands of pounds worth of crap I know I need.

Generally I buy it and ask questions later.

Currently agonising over Medicom Kaneda and Exclusive bike. Really want them but they're going to run me £550 minimum (Depends on shipping and Tax). Then I'll need Tetsuo, and if anything else comes along in that line I'll be in for them too...

Dontcha just love this hobby?!!? :duh
Currently trying to resist Batman DX - I don't like the DK suit and I already have the utterly perfect Original Costume Batman, not to mention the QC issues, yet some part of me keeps saying, 'but honestly, you must have a Batman whose eyes move'.
I'm trying not to get too heavily into HT's Marvel line...because I know they have the T1 and T2 licence too...they're like my Grails. And the Avatar wait is killing me.
Similar to Evilface, if I want something, I'll typically get it. There is not usually much resistance. However, those damn Akira figures tow the line between "would be nice to have" and "I really need the damn things." So, I'm trying not to shift from it being the former to the latter.

Currently trying to resist timing how long it'll take until this thread turns into yet another entitlement whinefest. :lol
Yeah. The worst are those guys who think they deserve 1/6 scale Joes in lieu of statues. What a bunch of maroons!

Just keeping it "real" :lol
I thought this was a nice idea for a thread.

For me, it's the Sideshow Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday PF duo. Trying to stick with sixth scale, especially after the last couple of paint flaking nightmares from SSC.
Dontcha just love this hobby?!!? :duh

I'm officially going to spend time doin' some pan handling everyday after work in order to sustain my hobby! :chew

I'm also trying to avoid MOTUC like the plague--I was sucked in when the initial revamped versions by the Four Horsemen came out a coupla' years back--Heck, I ended up joining He-man.Org!
Trying to resist the Martian Ambassador from Hot Toys. Love "Mars Attacks"
Medicom's Kaneda and bike. I have them on order but know I'm not going to be able to afford them when the time comes. :(
Sideshow 1:2 scale Iron man.

Reason, Money.

I will win this war and resist.
nice thread. ignore the negative nancys.

i'm currently trying to resist... nothing.

meaning there's nothing out yet that i'd be tempted to get.
but once ht announces the full range of iron man 2 stuff, i'm in trouble! as it is, i've already decided to get war machine.

also, any upcoming ah! comiquettes, and bowen statues (eg: black widow) would potentially be vewy, vewy dangerous! :D
Currently trying to decide if I want to keep my order for the Yoda and Clone Trooper PF

It's really cool and I want it, but money is tight right now so it's kinda hard.
This is the only piece I'm trying to resist right now. And my wallet is putting up an almost insurmountable defense.

That DX Michael Jackson is mighty tempting, but I just can't bring myself to cross that $150 threshold. I'm afraid once I do, it'll get just a little easier each time after that.
I'm officially going to spend time doin' some pan handling everyday after work in order to sustain my hobby! :chew

I'm also trying to avoid MOTUC like the plague--I was sucked in when the initial revamped versions by the Four Horsemen came out a coupla' years back--Heck, I ended up joining He-man.Org[\B]!

whao, just need to add a "y" to that website for it to be all shades of wrong!!!

Medicom's Kaneda and bike. I have them on order but know I'm not going to be able to afford them when the time comes. :(

Hey Batty, in the same boat mate, why don't we buy a set between us and time share. Unless by some weird chance you live next door, this might not work - I haven't thought this through well LOL!