The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

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Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

One of my pics:


Needs Scarjo :)
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

I reckon Ironman will be wearing a MKVII costume in this. I bet they even try to fit in a MKVIII somehow. I bet Black Widow has an altered costume as well. Then you have the other superheroes. I bet they have their costumes from their own films, and then have alterations/upgrades for this film. All to maximise merchandising revenue.

Some peole here will end up with up to NINE Ironmen possibly, and multiples of the others from Hot Toy's by the end of 2013.

I hope they have the space.
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Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

:mwaha :mwaha :mwaha

I had a great one of those at work today. A coworker was talking about her headphones not working and someone said, "You have to push it all the way in for it to work." :lol
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

I'll take 9 Marks. Hopefully we they put the Hulk Buster armor in the flick, and Hot Toys is able and willing to produce it!
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Talking to the Sunday Herald Sun (via Moviehole) for his upcoming "Australian tour"--apparently, Joss Whedon's rock star status has him touring now--Whedon confirmed that Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow would not be the only female role in the movie:

"It is true that the movie is only going to have one female Avenger, but she will not be the only female character," he told them, which makes us think some of the women from the other Marvel movies--maybe Gwyneth Paltrow's Pepper Potts from the "Iron Man" movies?--would be making appearances in the movie.

Whedon is working hard on rewriting the script but he remained mum on what the plot would be, though he did say that it would incorporate a number of different Avengers stories, both from the original comics and the "Ultimates" version of the characters:

"It will be a new story that has many things from different arcs of the comics in it. There is no one Avengers story that you can just do the way that you can do the origin of Spider-Man. You really have to cull from the original and The Ultimates, which is one of The Avengers titles."
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Jeremy Renner Says Hawkeye’s ‘Avengers’ Costume Will Be ‘Reality-Based’; Hints at Relationship with Black Widow

As far as confirmed characters in The Avengers go, the only member of the team whose costume has yet to be revealed is Hawkeye, the orphan who goes on to become a master archer. We’ve seen Captain America’s costume in action, and we’ve gotten an early look at Thor’s, but what sort of outfit will Jeremy Renner be sporting? Will he be donning the pointy purple mask and matching loincloth? Hit the break to read Renner’s response.

MTV spoke to Renner, and this is what he had to say:

I think it’s going to be a little more reality-based. You can kind of tell with Scarlett [Johansson]’s character [in 'Iron Man 2'], it’s going to be more of a uniform… and not a big purple, comics sort of thing. That’s why I think it’s more palatable to audiences — there’s almost a sense of reality to these superheroes. That’s what makes it interesting to me, anyway.

If handled right, Hawkeye doesn’t have to look silly. But it’ll be interesting to see how (or if) his appearance is toned down without outright removing trademark aspects of the character, such as the mask. His costume in the comic is easily one of the more outlandish out of all the Avengers characters, but those qualities helped to differentiate him from The Green Arrow, another popular comic book archer. I suspect they’ll at least try to retain the purple color scheme.

Then there’s Hawkeye’s relationship with Black Widow (played in the film by Scarlett Johansson), which comes into play heavily with his joining of The Avengers.

Wikipedia details the characters’ history together:

On the run, the naive Hawkeye meets the Black Widow, a spy for the Soviet Union, whom he falls in love with. She tricks him into helping her to steal technology developed by Tony Stark, Iron Man’s alter ego. After several battles with Iron Man — who defeats the pair on every occasion — the Black Widow is injured and Hawkeye flees with her, deciding to go “straight” from then on. Hawkeye later “applies” for membership in the superhero team the Avengers, by breaking into Avengers Mansion and binding and gagging the team’s butler, Edwin Jarvis. Hawkeye is accepted, and together with leader Captain America and mutant siblings Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch become the new team when the original members take a leave of absence.

When asked if this relationship with Black Widow would be reflected in the film, Jeremy Renner hinted that it would, at least to some degree.

We will [have a relationship], I think, in this one as well. We’re kind of a team, and what that relationship is, is still to be discovered.

Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

I like it. I appreciate the "reality" portion of the costumes. It would be pretty funny if they at least showed a comic version of his costume when he's first introduced, but have it changed when he realizes it's "too comic booky."
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Yeah, I don't see how that purple outfit would look okay on screen. Not to mention Tony Stark would probably revoke his man card.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

From IGN:
Marvel and Disney pulled a Vader "I have altered the deal" switch on the Mount according to, with the Mouse House getting the rights to distribute both of Marvel's potential blockbusters. We'll let the fancy press release explain the rest:

"Paramount will transfer its worldwide marketing and distribution rights to Disney for Marvel Studios' The Avengers and Iron Man 3. Paramount will remain the worldwide distributor of the upcoming films, Thor and Captain America.

Paramount will release Cap and Thor's solo movies, but not their team-up.
Under terms of the new deal, Disney will pay Paramount $115 million for the transfer of the rights to Iron Man 3 and The Avengers, to be paid on the theatrical release dates. These monies will serve as a minimum guarantee against the distribution fees.

Once the check clears, Paramount will then use the cash to wipe their tears when they realize that they get to release a Justin Bieber biopic in 3D and not the first-ever, live-action team up of Marvel's finest heroes.

Joss Whedon's Avengers will still hit theatres May 4, 2012 and Iron Man 3 is slated for May 3, 2013.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

I was actually waiting for this to happen. Look for them to muscle out Paramount internationally soon too.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

I hope Favreau does a better job with IM3, seeing how IM2 was meh.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Marvel's "Avengers" Done For Cheap?

By Garth Franklin Thursday November 4th 2010 07:56AM

If there's any film headed into production that you would think demanded a big budget, it would be Marvel's superhero ensemble "The Avengers".

Now, an interesting rumour over at Bleeding Cool says the studio is demanding the film be completed on a budget just under $140 million.

To give you a comparison that's almost the same budget as the first "Iron Man" but notably short of such other recent superhero films like "The Dark Knight" ($185 million), "Iron Man 2" ($200 million) and "Spider-Man 3" ($258 million).

As a result, the site's unnamed sources claim some people have walked off the set, while others hope that once the production runs out of money then extra cash will be added to finish the project. In any case the staff changes have apparently delayed the pre-production process by weeks, possibly months.

No word on how or if this will affect the shooting schedule or release date as yet, and no official comment as yet by either Marvel or 'Avengers' distributor Disney.