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I knew that. Because I saw 14% on rottentomatoes and I took my head out of my a** and trusted other peoples views.

Did I still see it? Yes. Did i wish I hadn't bothered? Yes

Will I see TS? Maybe. Will I regret it? I think so
I get the feeling I'm going to totally agree with that review, including the bit about the inconsistent physics - things like that bother me - but on that score I'm sure even the good films were as stupid.

Toywise I'm likely to stick with just John Connor, T-600 endoskeleton and a 'rubber' skin T-600 if they make one.
How can you regret 2 hours? It's not going to hurt you.

No but for me it tarnishes the original movies. I can't look at them the same knowing where the story heads. It kind of makes a mockery of what T2 is all about each time a sequel comes out.
No but for me it tarnishes the original movies. I can't look at them the same knowing where the story heads. It kind of makes a mockery of what T2 is all about each time a sequel comes out.

Crappy sequels don't tarnish the originals for me. I can easily pretend the sequels are not real canon. I do however lament that no one who could make good sequels is interested in making them, and instead we get crappy people inevitably making crappy films.
Hopefully when avatar comes out, that will be added to my list of favourite movies. Cameron is my favourite Sci-Fi/ Action director and without him no more terminators should have been made. You want a good future War movie? Watch T2:3D.
I saw the movie last night and I thought it was pretty good...not T2 good but it was as good as...lets say it was somewhere between SW AOTC and ROTS...right in the middle.

I think this guy was really really harsh on the movie. Some of what he says is true...there is little character development and you wonder why Bale, Common and Worthington were even in the movie. But I think he is looking at it from what T1 and T2 were and not for what the formula for big movies are today. This was plain and simple a fun roller coaster ride. There were some flat spots to the movie and no the "humanity" or softness that you saw in T1 between Kyle and Sarrah don't happen here...and I don't think there was really any place for it. This is post D-day...the movie is suppose to be cold and it is. From todays formula, it is simply a set-up movie like all trilogies seem to have lately. If you go into it expecting it to clean up all the T3 plot holes and to set the time line straight, well you're gonna miss what could be a fun ride.

I thought Star Trek was better, but only because you were seeing some new things in the repackaging of the franchise. In this movie, we see what we already know...we just see it happening. We know who John is, who Kyle is and we are just introduced to Marcus...this is just the beginning of another trilogy. What will be interesting, and McG set this up pretty good imo, is how we will see Skynet evolve in the up coming installments.

I give it a 3 out of 5...worth checking out.

Here's McG signing for the fans after the show!



Oh yeah....this is tons better than T3...that was garbage.

That's good to know! I always keep the fan perspective in mind and try to balance my own opinions with professional critic reviews. I did feel like the FSR review was fair and had reasonable points.

I will see T: Salvation on release day.
I get the feeling I'm going to totally agree with that review, including the bit about the inconsistent physics - things like that bother me - but on that score I'm sure even the good films were as stupid.

Toywise I'm likely to stick with just John Connor, T-600 endoskeleton and a 'rubber' skin T-600 if they make one.

But most of the reviews so far say Marcus is the best character in the movie!

For me it'll be Connor, T-600, and Marcus.
But most of the reviews so far say Marcus is the best character in the movie!

That might not actually be saying much.

However, my problem is Marcus is a totally new character to the franchise - he will be synonymous with this particular film only which would not be a good thing if the film is crap. Sometimes I regret buying the Wolf Predator from AvP:R because of his attachment to that crap film, but I bought it on the back of all the hype at the time. I want to avoid this with future purchases. At the very least John Connor and the T-600 have a known connection to the original 2 films - but not Marcus.

Plus, the HT figure doesn't look anything like Sam Worthington.
That's why I've ordered the John Connor figure and will keep that order no matter how this film turns out.

A) John Connor is a key character in the entire Terminator world.
B) Bale's portrait has a unique look that I think gives the figure a nice attitude for a display piece
C) The costuming and weapons on T:S Connor are very cool

Connor can exist well with a Terminator collection even if you don't like the film. I'd say the same of Marcus right now, but if you don't like him in the movie then you'll regret it, if the movie sucks and you love him he'd still work though.
Did anybody pick up the score today? I've given it a quick run through and it seems like it's typical Elfman fare. Lot's of heavy brass, some strings and lot's of deep percussion. There are elements of the original theme but the actual theme isn't here. Nothing memorable (IMO) and some tracks had me thinking I was listening to the score for Spiderman or batman even. I'd say it's a 6.5 out of 10
I downloaded Salvation, I like that track. Everything else, the glimpses don't impress me enough, I'll wait until after I see the movie and see if I enjoy it enough.
Listening to the score for Sarah Connor Chronicles at the moment - Bear McCreary knows how to do good Terminator music. The soundtrack overall is a bit repetitious but the Sarah theme is great and theres a lot of Fiedel-esque Terminator beats and hums.
hey guys, just FYI: i was re-watching the extras on the T2 ultimate edition dvd recently. and there was a brief interview with brad fiedel, who revealed that it was james cameron himself who did not want fiedel to incorporate too much melody into the film's score. fiedel said, being a composer, melody is naturally one of a composer's main tools to evoke emotion, but that's precisely what cameron wanted to avoid: the typical "oh here's an emotionally vulnerable character moment, let's have strings and a love theme to reeeally amp it up."

i guess that explains why fiedel's t2 score works PERFECTLY when viewed within the movie but doesn't really stand alone as music in its own right.

btw, one of the reviews on rottentomatoes.com (james berardinelli) confrims that elfman does indeed use fiedel's terminator theme at key moments during the movie. good to know.
What kinda irks me about a handful of these reviews is that they mention Bale's on-set tantrum, which has nothing to do with the movie itself. I guess they were desperate to make the word limit.
What kinda irks me about a handful of these reviews is that they mention Bale's on-set tantrum, which has nothing to do with the movie itself. I guess they were desperate to make the word limit.

The truth is most critics know almost nothing about the movie they review. A critic imo is an individual whom either couldn't cut it in the industry or got fired for standing up to an actor after being chewed out :D