Terminator Franchise Customs Thread

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Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

But you are right about the SSC Arnie's hair. It falls on the back giving it a weird head shape. However, I'm not sure, but I believe Darren also fixed that a little bit on his version. Not completely, but a bit. I'll try and take some profile pictures of Darren's and SSC's next to each other to see if there's a difference.
nothing was done to the hair.






as you can see... it's pretty much a new neck
Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

The factory paint and maybe hair is the only thing you could fault this sculpt for. IMO its still the best 1/6 Arnold sculpt out there (T2) I have 2 repainted and they look completely different. Andy B did a great job.

Neca's is far better in terms of accuracy. And im pretty sure popsalute did a 12'' t-850, which looked much better than sideshow also.

EDIT: The pics of the sideshow sculpts above just dont look good at all!
Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

Neca's is far better in terms of accuracy. And im pretty sure popsalute did a 12'' t-850, which looked much better than sideshow also.

EDIT: The pics of the sideshow sculpts above just dont look good at all!

the popsalute head is a recast of mcfarlane's t-3 head. a really bad recast too.. the head shrunked in the recasting process.
Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

the popsalute head is a recast of mcfarlane's t-3 head. a really bad recast too.. the head shrunked in the recasting process.

All the pics ive seen of the popsalute t-850 look amazing! Even if it is a recast, Mcfarlanes arnold head is still way better than sideshows.
Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

neca repainted by kuato:

sideshow repainted by smallstudios:

[although irrelevant by you insist its a better head] Popsalute Recast:

Personally I don't care which arnold reigns supreme. The more the merrier in my opinion. But the broken record attitude is just annoying as hell. You can worship the hasbro head sculpt for all I care but stop ^^^^ting on the other sculpts.
Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

What!!?? Sorry mom!:lol hopefully your just joking or were going to have a serious problem!

you're the one with the problem :rotfl. you ^^^^ on neca's hs, you ^^^^ on ss's hs but you think a shrunken mcfarlane recast is amazing. the worst part is that isn't even suppose to be arnold in t-2. :duh
Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

you're the one with the problem :rotfl. you ^^^^ on neca's hs, you ^^^^ on ss's hs but you think a shrunken mcfarlane recast is amazing. the worst part is that isn't even suppose to be arnold in t-2. :duh

I never said anything about me not liking necas sculpt. And actually I remember saying "Neca's is far better in terms of accuracy." Next time you try to say something "smart", get your facts sraight.

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Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

I dont like how neca does the dimple on Arnolds chin. Even though Arnold does have one, neca didnt quite capture the look.
hmmm... your quote here tends to think otherwise. unless i read it wrong and you weren't being critical

All the pics ive seen of the popsalute t-850 look amazing! Even if it is a recast, Mcfarlanes arnold head is still way better than sideshows.
and here you are giving praise about popsalute's horrible shrunken head without any shame.

It's alright if you have bad taste. All I'm saying is try not to force it on other people.
Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

You were awfully critical about the Neca sculpt you even went to lengths such as dimples to point out its faults... while on the other hand even though the Popsalute head is a poor shrunken recast with plenty of detail lost you praised it unconditionally. It doesn't take Sigmund Freud to understand your logic.

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Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

You were awfully critical about the Neca sculpt you even went to lengths such as dimples to point out its faults... while on the other hand even though the Popsalute head is a poor shrunken recast with plenty of detail lost you praised it unconditionally. It doesn't take Sigmund Freud to understand your logic.

Actually, many people dont like the dimple on neca's arnold sculpt. On many different forums people were complaining about it. Saying it looks like a mix between kurt russel and arnold. And saying I dont like the chin on neca's sculpt is being ''AWFULLY CRTICAL!'' I dont think this sculpt can take anymore criticism! And its pretty funny how you get mad because people dont like the same things as you!

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Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

I'll throw my opinion in!

I'm completely with A-dev. Although I like all the Arnie headsculpts, and as some one previously said, the more the merrier, i'm of the opinion that the neca effort is the best to date. I absolutely love it in 7" form, so to have it on a 12" figure would be amazing. (I need to buy the 12 pescadero!!!!)
Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

What body should i use for my police scene T1 custom.WIll a truetype with buffed up chest look good?Or a BBi Gi3.5?
Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

What body should i use for my police scene T1 custom.WIll a truetype with buffed up chest look good?Or a BBi Gi3.5?

I don't know how the BBi looks but the True Type with a buffed up chest is perfect. You can either pad the chest with tissue paper or use Apoxie sculpt to add volume to the chest, back, and even the arms.
Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

Tell me about it.

We're reaching one of those breaking points on this thread methinks. Not too long until it gets locked.
Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

This thread must not be done yet.I have a lot of customs to do.:D
Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

Ok, I'll join the game (even though I like all three sculpts). Tankman's isn't that perfect like you say a-dev. Looking at it from the front, it's near perfection, but from the profile it's wrong. The jaw bone structure is way too prominent and the chin sticks way too much forward (Arnie does have a power jaw, but this was too much). Also, looking at it from the profile point of view, the peak of the nose points downwards, which is something the real Arnie doesn't have.

But you are right about the SSC Arnie's hair. It falls on the back giving it a weird head shape. However, I'm not sure, but I believe Darren also fixed that a little bit on his version. Not completely, but a bit. I'll try and take some profile pictures of Darren's and SSC's next to each other to see if there's a difference.

Very interesting, I'll look for this nose issue. About the jaw though - I suspect Tankman was going for the face Arnie makes specifically when firing a gun. Notice that many pictures of the Pescadero escape figure are posed to depict the scene in the mall where he is striding towards the T-1000 blasting away 2 handed with the shotgun - in fact I also suspect this is the scene the Pescadero figure was based on, it just so happened that ''pescadero escape'' was more title-friendly. So anyway my point is it may not be intended to depict a totally neutral facial expression. Now that you mention it yours is a criticism I used to have myself but I've now rationalised it in the way that I have - he's firing his gun, hence a clenched - perhaps jutting forward - jaw (something human Arnie might subconsciously do, not necessarily a T-800). Such a facial expression would also probably emphasise this chin dimple people are talking about. Anyhow at the end of it all I find it acceptable enough for 'neutral-faced' Arnie aswell.
Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

Look ... all words but no pics... anyway Ive done my homework. Ive got some comparison pics...

Until we could push the jaws back and forth, altering the face into a smile with our fingers, we will never have a perfect head sculpt that captured every screen shots we come across.

IMO Tankman's sculpt is the current winner, he managed to capture a nice expression of Arnie.

Re: Building the ultimate Terminator T-800 figure.

Nice work. Those pics illustrate how good the haircut (and hairline) is on Tankmans sculpt aswell. My biggest beef with the SS sculpt was the hair not looking right, looking slicked back rather than spiked and cutting in much too tightly down the back of the neck.