Tamashii Movie Realization Star Wars

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Finally done.
Bought bootleg Boba intentionally to customize it to Jango based on Bandai prototype. Some time into the process I decided to change some things to be more in line with original Jango (most notable torso armor is not all steel, but has black parts, also shoes are black as in original).

Boba in the pictures is original and is here just for comparison. Also one picture of Jango with "friends".

I was somewhat limited by available materials so could not replicate properly shank armor or pistol holders.

By the end of customizing I decided to make pistols out of bootleg ashigaru flintlocks. I hated them for not having the cocking mechanism and did not display them with my ashigarus. Sawed off front half of the barrel, sculpted stock, out of telescope sight made front (thin) part of barrel.

The figure is heavy weathered. Both rust and dirt. Especially proud of beating up the rocket pack.

This may not be Jango, but young Boba in his father/brother old and beaten up armor before he repainted it. That's the explanation why thigh pouches and shank armor are Bobas ;-)

I am not sure did Samurai have bare metal armor in period which is depicted by this line? Sure Jango is all about steel/chrome look.

Next project will most likely be snow trooper. I do not like the prototype pictures as they look more SW then Samurai. I mean the cloth covering the face is trademark look for snow trooper, but not samurai look. They could easily made those fake mustache present on many samurai armor extra long and be more samurai looking, but retaining snowtrooper look. Currently I am looking for original Japan inspiration. Does anybody have some pictures of shogunate era winter clothing?


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Prototyping snowtrooper.
Straw coat is regular samurai winter uniform as far as I can see in old paintings/photos.
I like the hat, but am not sure will it survive to final version. It will be painted white. Also black parts will be painted that dirty yellowish white as original snowtroopers.
Would like to have mustache instead of cloth on the face, but it will be lost in straws like tears in rain so cloth it is.



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Interesting concept! Not sure the straw works all that well though. Maybe a fluffier, fur type material would look better, like they're wearing some big animal skin thing. That could look more Roman than Japanese though maybe lol.
Fur/animal skin is not an option. It is not in the spirit of Japan. Rice straw is traditional winter and rain ware. Rice straw is water repelent and abundant. It is interesting that a mountain and rather cold (at least north par) country did not develop better winterware.
Regarding Romans, they were expansionist empire and if they depleted local resources, like animals for fur, the just invaded a new region. Japan on the other hand is aware of limits to island resources, so they developed rice straw coats. Renewable every year and does not endanger furry animals.

Back to the trooper, I will try to flatten the bushy straw and round the lower coat edges like on the original troopers. I like the official prototype rounded thigh armor (repainted royal guard skirt), but the trooper looks not at all winterized. This is my main reason for coat. Also will try to replicate chest plate but i am not that good in scrach building.
the custom Jango is nice. great job.

did anyone preorder the Archer today? I really want this figure, but on the fence if it will come to the US via B&N or other stores. Some US websites such as BBTS is charging $160 which I think is crazy and Japanese sites are roughly $100 plus shipping.
the custom Jango is nice. great job.

did anyone preorder the Archer today? I really want this figure, but on the fence if it will come to the US via B&N or other stores. Some US websites such as BBTS is charging $160 which I think is crazy and Japanese sites are roughly $100 plus shipping.

Just have patience. With the exception of the convention exclusive Sandtrooper, these have all been available on Amazon for reasonable prices.
Fur/animal skin is not an option. It is not in the spirit of Japan. Rice straw is traditional winter and rain ware. Rice straw is water repelent and abundant. It is interesting that a mountain and rather cold (at least north par) country did not develop better winterware.
Regarding Romans, they were expansionist empire and if they depleted local resources, like animals for fur, the just invaded a new region. Japan on the other hand is aware of limits to island resources, so they developed rice straw coats. Renewable every year and does not endanger furry animals.

Nice bit of general knowledge there on the reasons behind the winter clothing. Interesting! Always great to hear and learn about how ancient cultures came up with their ideas and clothing etc.
Nice work on the customs Zkuva.

My current set up minus the Drummer that's on my desk (that flag is cool but so tall). Eagerly await a set of the archers.

Bloody hell, I just saw the price for the Yumi Ashigaru Stormtrooper on BBTS. $170 USD?!. These prices will cause me to drop this line I hate to say, that is ludicrous.

It's now available on BBTS for 89.99. Guess they realized too much was too much (or had too few pre-orders, most likely).
Hi - I just got my drummer. Did anyone notice that the black paint in his helmet is a lot darker than the black paint on the regular storm trooper? Also, does the drum fit flush with the body or not? Mine sticks out just a bit. Cheers.
is anyone elses sword/sheath on their boba all awkward and too close to that thigh pouch? wonder if thats a wide spread molding prob.

anyone have link to the concept art they showed for more of these? curious how they will do a jedi.