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Super Freak
Sep 12, 2005
Reaction score
Tree of Woe
"Based on a true story."

Poor Jon Hamm. Couldn't land the Batman or Superman gig and has an agent that signs him up for these parts.

Movie Ending Guess: Hawkeye lets them all tag him at the end.
I heard caped baldy wants the get tagged raw dog....

be careful, he bites though
- The tag is my 3,14nes.

apparently Jeremy Renner broke BOTH arms while filming this movie.........................................
he jumped out of a window to not get TAGGED
I find totally distasteful how you fellas talk about this film.

It isn't a typical multimillion dollar space saga shoehorned prequel you want to see tank at the box office, the people behind this betted all of their money and dreams to see this project come to fruition:

Shame on you! :lol
Yeah, saw the trailer for this a week or two ago and I just couldn't figure out what the movie was even about.

Like they play tag as adults... oookay. Or did I miss something?:lol
Poor Jon Hamm. Couldn't land the Batman or Superman gig and has an agent that signs him up for these parts.


I can only think of one decent film Jon Hamm had a role in - Baby Driver - and it was an action flick that would've been great with nearly any cast.

Anyone - anyone - in H'wood should be able to get a superhero gig right now. What in the actual F is wrong with Jon Hamm's management?
Yeah, saw the trailer for this a week or two ago and I just couldn't figure out what the movie was even about.

Like they play tag as adults... oookay. Or did I miss something?:lol

it is based on the true story of 4 guys that decided to play tag for 30 years but ONLY one month a year, then news channels for some reason picked up that story about these 4 guys playing tag
Wall Street Journal first picked up the story and made them famous

then someone wrote a book about it. they only play one month and they travel the country playing tag and escaping each other for that one month
They fly across country to hide from each other and they use disguises to tag each other and stuff

it is based on the true story of 4 guys that decided to play tag for 30 years but ONLY one month a year, then news channels for some reason picked up that story about these 4 guys playing tag
Wall Street Journal first picked up the story and made them famous

then someone wrote a book about it. they only play one month and they travel the country playing tag and escaping each other for that one month
They fly across country to hide from each other and they use disguises to tag each other and stuff

It's a fun Jeanne Moos human-interest story on CNN. I just didn't get why it was a movie.:dunno:lol
apparently Jeremy Renner broke BOTH arms while filming this movie.........................................
he jumped out of a window to not get TAGGED
>calls out the sluts
>basically face****s Lizzie on live tv
>breaks BOTH arms just for the BANTS
>makes profits selling houses to rich ****s

Can Renner be even MORE Based?!

Anyone - anyone - in H'wood should be able to get a superhero gig right now. What in the actual F is wrong with Jon Hamm's management?
Long Jon has actual taste. He's stated that the role he wants to play is John Garret in an Elektra: Assassin adaptation. The guy knows his stuff, so why get shackled with soulless "muh shared Uni" flicks instead of some good CBM? Besides, he's said that he wants to try different things before those. I assume if things don't get better, he'll nab some role. I bet he'll be in the running for Reed Richards.

Oh, and he's also an alcoholic now, who goes to award shows, has one night stands and then passes out in his home, flat out drunk. Apparently his girlfriend-for-years-but-not-really-wife leaving him hit him pretty hard. But hey, at least he still has his big **** and ****s sluts, so...