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hey buddy,jus bein mad busy at fri off so hopefully if the bodies arrive by then i can start on the costume..jus frustrating having 2 wait for parst will have some pics up by sat hopefully!!..
ok quick update boots arrived today,will have pics up on sat..still tweaking the headsculpt..keep yall posted

BTW: the knock knock wasn't aimed at you dude - it was more to see if anyone else was getting fired up and keeping the interest in the post alive!
Hope you dont mind, but here are a few pics of one I did a along time ago. I had a hard time with the colors but its cool for now. If SS makes one I'll get it.








Is that the lightning that came with Hasbro's Ep. III Yoda?

No I made it. I got some wire and wraped it in hot gule. Once it cooled off I dyed it. That is my 2nd try. LOL I'll make a tutorial with pics this weekend and put it in the custom section. Since it has wire in it you can move it some what to give it a different look. I wish SS made it with the Emperor it would have been cool.
i saw a thread on making lazer beams and lightning, think it was on figure, they done a cyclops with lazser optic beam,very cool idea lopie.
thats cool mandible, i guessed as much..still waiting on bodies!! frickin pain!, trying to grab a decent camera so i can take shots ..will be focusing on the headsculpt till the other bits and bobs arrive. watch this space amigos!!...
ok update time!!..headsculpt has finally bein done hope it looks like eyes are twisted now..waiting on a lightbox i ordered, will have pics up soon!!..the more i do on this figure the more excited i get!!.mucho thanks to MANIDBLE for all his help on this so far!!..ive decided im going to add a jedi cloak!! let me know who's interested in the figure pm!!..will put up a new thread when the light box comes..please understand that im only making a limited run of these (of course one for myself,;) )..the price will be what i think is fit for all the work and labour im putting into this don't worry it aint gonna look like a mego figure job!,lol..think vancei anakin. plus its FREE SHIPPING..
Im actually doing this outta a love for star wars,and the force unleashed ( the best star wars game to date!!)..and its fantastic story!!..and id like share that with my fellow freaks i repeat there will only be 20 of this custom available worldwide!
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I MIGHT be interested... depends wholy on price, and how he looks.

how are you planning to do the boots?
If you've not yet decided, i suggest taking a look at the Hot toys assassins creed figure.
Dude, I'm getting excited! Can't wait to see it - and own one of course!

You doing a lightsaber?

BTW: obviously I'm in (but don't scare us with the price - how much was the vancei?)
I've decided to show you guys this. He's the main antagonist in my new film which is available on Halloween:

This was sculpted by one of my make-up artists.

His name is Mandible:
sick bro !! and yes you will get a light saber metal aswell as a jedi holocron or sith holocron,
automaton: i will try my best dude..then again in the words of yoda "there is no or do not"
Dude, I'm getting excited! Can't wait to see it - and own one of course!

You doing a lightsaber?

BTW: obviously I'm in (but don't scare us with the price - how much was the vancei?)

The Vancei, AFAIK, was free. He did an EXTREMELY limited number, and gave them to friends and colleagues. To my knowledge, they were never for sale.

Every now and then , one pops up for sale on a board, much like a certain Jack sparrow, in the neighborhood of 1200-1800 dollars. 90% of the time, they're scams. What drives the price is the CRAZY collector value of having something that is so very limited.

PROVIDED Kashan does an excellent job on EVERY detail of this guy, a year or two from now, these COULD command the same sort of price.

Looking at the work going in, and the parts list he's planning, I would Guestimate a sale price from him for these of a 150-300 Dollar range, depending on his initial cost to make them, PLUS time involved per figure.

150-180sih if the overall presentation is average. examples of average.
A passable headsculpt. Single tone paint on the face with minimal to no shading
simple costume. No lightsaber. I'll fitting boots/clothing/belts, etc.

180-250ish for an excellent job. putting him in the same category as hurricane or Les. Superb headsculpt. clothing fits well, Boots fit wonderfully, a lifelike multi-tonal paint-job on the head ( Get an airbrush if you don't already have one). a lightsaber, possibly two. ( one on, one off. possibly three, so you can have a sith version, and a jedi version. don't do detachable blades, they never really work right)

250-300ish or more - Above and beyond. Eyes have AMAZING lifelike detail, movement feature is simple, yet effective, and achieves realistic movement and placement. stays eaisly where placed. Costume fits as well as hot toys. perfectly tailored. Boots fit like they were made for him, modified where need be. Multiple lightsabers, both active and inactive. possibly even a lightsaber in disassembly. Some skin texture to the head, possibly even cast in flesh - resin to help achieve the most realistic effect. A VAST assortment of hands. Fists, gripping, Force gestures, relaxed, etc.

These prices might seem a little low for a custom, but his outfit is really very simple. you only start hitting problems when you start in on the shoulder armor, his belts and accessories. I'm not downplaying Kashan's talent, nor am i saying this is easy. I'm eager to see his work, and see how well it pans out .

the preceeding is merely my opinion as far as pricing goes, and i've no idea what kashan's going to charge.