Stargate Universe

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Darth Caedus

Formerly Congerking
Mar 16, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles
There hasn't been any stargate threads around here, so I'll start this one.

Anybody check out the premier episodes last night. I've been a longtime Stargate fan since it was on Showtime, so I thought the episode was great. They are obviously trying to make it more like Battlestar Galactica, which I have no problem with at all. Dr. Rush even reminds me of Baltar. Looking forward to the rest of the season.
I spent the entire episode trying to figure out where I knew Rush from. Then it hit me...he was the bad guy in a Bond movie! Lost weight, grew hair, but it's him.

I kinda liked it, although I wonder how soon it will get old. The "ancient" spaceship sounds a lot like Atlantis, while the "Lost in Space" has been done countless times. It's really going to lay on the characters and the stories to keep it we'll see.
It's waiting for me on my DVR. I'm really looking forward to it. I was under the impression that it would be a continuation of Atlantis with added cast members, but based on commercials I've seen, I think I was way off base with that assumption.
It's waiting for me on my DVR. I'm really looking forward to it. I was under the impression that it would be a continuation of Atlantis with added cast members, but based on commercials I've seen, I think I was way off base with that assumption.

Yep, NOTHING like that at all :lol:lol:lol:lol
:banghead I knew I was gonna miss this. Earlier in the summer I kept periodicially checking to try to find out when it was premiering and never could. And now that I finished watching the SG-1 and Atlantis DVD's I'd forgotten all about it. Are they going to re-air the premiere episodes any time soon? Although I probably shouldn't bother trying to watch it on Friday nights.
I think it has potential, it kinda reminded me of battlestar galactica in a weird way. I do hope they bring a bit of comedy to it like with the other 2 previous shows as i enjoyed that.
I spent the entire episode trying to figure out where I knew Rush from. Then it hit me...he was the bad guy in a Bond movie! Lost weight, grew hair, but it's him.

I kinda liked it, although I wonder how soon it will get old. The "ancient" spaceship sounds a lot like Atlantis, while the "Lost in Space" has been done countless times. It's really going to lay on the characters and the stories to keep it we'll see.

I think the main thing about this one, as opposed to Atlantis, there's really no way they will be able to get back to earth. That would probably be something like Star Trek Voyager where they finally get home at the end of the series. But for this, they are way too far away from earth to use a spaceship and no foreseeable way to use a Stargate to get back. It'll really change things.

Good start though. And in the previews I thought the young guy was going to be really annoying, but he wasn't so that's good.
I think it has potential, it kinda reminded me of battlestar galactica in a weird way. I do hope they bring a bit of comedy to it like with the other 2 previous shows as i enjoyed that.

I'm guessing that there won't be too much comedy in this series; at least not until they know they aren't going to die any moment :lol:lol Perhaps when they settle down a little bit into the series, they can explore that a little bit. I'm thinking that the series will contain so much angst, that my back will hurt from being on the edge of my seat for an hour at a time.
I saw it on Friday...I found the show entertaining and I liked the "documentary" style of filming, it reminds me of BSG.

The guest shots of O'Neal, Carter and Jackson (loved the orientation videos :lol) were great.

I'm really glad the sentor sacrificed himself to cut off the air leak...he was an annoying SOB, IMO.

From the commercials I thought Lou Diamond Phillips would have a larger role. It does looks like he'll be in the next episode.
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Whoa, the spoiler tags are there for a reason, Snoop.
Just watched it. I think if BSG were never made, I would be a lot more excited for this series. It seems SGU (kinda sounds like Stargate University when you write it that way) deviated far enough away from the SG1 and SGA formula to keep things interesting. Unfortunately, the show is borrowing heavily from BSG, which is distracting to me.

I like it, and I'll continue to watch, but it's basically BSG. The whole "need to complete and away mission within a certain amount of time" is a neat plot trick, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how that gets used.

Anyone know if there are any plans on continuing the Stargate story on Earth? I mean, Atlantis is on Earth now, there are no plans to combine SG1 and Atlantis to give us a "traditional" SG show? That story cannot be continued on SGU for obvious reasons.

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Just watched it. I think if BSG were never made, I would be a lot more excited for this series. It seems SGU (kinda sounds like Stargate University when you write it that way) deviated far enough away from the SG1 and SGA formula to keep things interesting. Unfortunately, the show is borrowing heavily from BSG, which is distracting to me.

I like it, and I'll continue to watch, but it's basically BSG. The whole "need to complete and away mission within a certain amount of time" is a neat plot trick, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how that gets used.

Anyone know if there are any plans on continuing the Stargate story on Earth? I mean, Atlantis is on Earth now, there are no plans to combine SG1 and Atlantis to give us a "traditional" SG show? That story cannot be continued on SGU for obvious reasons.

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I've read some spoilers for the rest of the season and they will use the Ancient Communication devices through the season and probably the entire show. I just hope that the devices don't become a deus ex machina, that would kind take the drama and angst out of the show.

As for the traditional SG/SGA show, there is officially at least 1 SGA movie in the works. Other than that, I'm not too sure. You should check out Joseph Mallozzi's blog for more info on those.
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Watched it last night and thought it was pretty good so will be watching each week even though i'm still working my way through BSG.
should have just kept SG-1 going with new characters and new enemies to keep it fresh. that was the only decent SG show IMO. i liked it cuz it took place on earth. seemed like there was more at stake. they had billions of people to protect in secret.
Just watched it. I think if BSG were never made, I would be a lot more excited for this series. It seems SGU (kinda sounds like Stargate University when you write it that way) deviated far enough away from the SG1 and SGA formula to keep things interesting. Unfortunately, the show is borrowing heavily from BSG, which is distracting to me.

I like it, and I'll continue to watch, but it's basically BSG. The whole "need to complete and away mission within a certain amount of time" is a neat plot trick, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how that gets used.

Anyone know if there are any plans on continuing the Stargate story on Earth? I mean, Atlantis is on Earth now, there are no plans to combine SG1 and Atlantis to give us a "traditional" SG show? That story cannot be continued on SGU for obvious reasons.

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And so far they've only shot 12 of the 20 episodes so it still has more room to grow.
I'm with you guys and felt that they are trying to copy BSG's formula for success. I'm not sure how much I like this show yet as I miss the familiar faces of the past SG shows, but I always give a new show 5 episodes to prove itself.

~~~ Is anyone else bitter that Atlantis got cancelled when it really didn't need to be???? I might get shunned from the die-hards, but I enjoyed Atlantis more than SG-1 because of Col. Shephard and Dr. McKay....those two guys are what I loved about Atlantis.
I'm with you guys and felt that they are trying to copy BSG's formula for success. I'm not sure how much I like this show yet as I miss the familiar faces of the past SG shows, but I always give a new show 5 episodes to prove itself.

~~~ Is anyone else bitter that Atlantis got cancelled when it really didn't need to be???? I might get shunned from the die-hards, but I enjoyed Atlantis more than SG-1 because of Col. Shephard and Dr. McKay....those two guys are what I loved about Atlantis.

Honestly I started getting bored with it--didn't even finish watching the last season when it aired. There was one episode where they were checking out another one of Michael's secret labs and it was horrible, then the one after that was one of those episodes where they fill up the time showing clips from past episodes so they can BS an episode so I stopped watching after that.
I watched it last night as well. I enjoyed it, and I'll probably stick with it if I can. Its hard for me to watch shows on Friday night though since I have company alot of the time when its on.

Hairless, I too would have liked to see more SGA and I look forward to a movie with it if they do one.
Honestly I started getting bored with it--didn't even finish watching the last season when it aired. There was one episode where they were checking out another one of Michael's secret labs and it was horrible, then the one after that was one of those episodes where they fill up the time showing clips from past episodes so they can BS an episode so I stopped watching after that.

Atlantis was more about the character interactions and the characters themselves, while Universe seems to be more about survival and the unknown, which I enjoy.