Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2)

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Bird not angry anymore. :(

Some more "memorable quotes" from the PT just sprang to mind, coincidentally all from AOTC!

Lookie, lookie, Senator. Desa Jedi arriven!

Jedi poodoo!

If droids could think there'd be none of us here, would there?
(try telling that to the Kasdans!)

If an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist.

Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is.

I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

How could I forget the best Yoda quote ever:

Around the survivors a perimeter create
sorry for trolling these threads. sorry if i ever annoyed you guys,
take care guys. good luck. good bye everyone. ill miss you guys.

I watched a movie with my family this afternoon and this part had me thinking about Crows recent forced departure. He fought with honor. He will be missed.
“With Love and Fury.”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Honestly , thats just another article how someone doesn’t like the way Dis is handling SW.

Rinse and repeat over and over on the internet.....

Everyone in the industry now understand SW is a losing proposition, not for any other reason then the fans themselves. The are NEVER happy. Unless you time warp them back to the experience they had watching the OT. (And I expect todays “modern” audiences would hate those films as well.)

Hell the creator himself GL made SW films and everyone hates those as well.

SW is a victim of its own success, and no film in the future will ever, and I mean ever , be able to recapture that 80’s fever.

As a side note, cinema in general is dead. I can honestly say we will never see films like days past (especially the great 1970 through 1990 boom of grear films).

Even my kids like the films of that era much more than modern stuff.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Honestly , thats just another article how someone doesn’t like the way Dis is handling SW.

Yep. Won't stop haters from posting them as if it's some brand new bombshell though, lol.

As a side note, cinema in general is dead. I can honestly say we will never see films like days past (especially the great 1970 through 1990 boom of grear films).

Thankfully I disagree as I consider us to be in one of the greatest times in all of cinema.

Blade Runner 2049
New Star Wars (especially RO/Solo)
MCU (especially the Russo quadrilogy)
Ex Machina
The VVitch
A Ghost Story
Fury Road
La La Land
Ready Player One
Pete's Dragon remake
10 Cloverfield Lane
Wind River
The Shallows
I, Tonya
Edge of Tomorrow
The Imitation Game

I could go on but that's just in the last four years. Tons of great films across many genres that can hold their own against almost any other decade IMO.
lol at bombshell :lol

Just with the MCU, RO, Solo, Hereditary, Witch, Ghost, Logan, Mr Rogers alone I can’t in good faith proclaim the death of cinema lol
As a side note, cinema in general is dead. I can honestly say we will never see films like days past (especially the great 1970 through 1990 boom of grear films).

Even my kids like the films of that era much more than modern stuff.

I have to disagree as well. It's just the age-old discussion about how things were "in my day". To your parents, movies were probably better in their youth, just like how you said the movies from our youth are better than what's out there now. Surprised that your kids feel the same way as you, but most other kids would probably say the opposite--that movies back then were boring and movies today are much better. Same thing with modern pop music. Sure, there are some kids that are into retro music and will like Zeppelin, the Beatles, etc., but most will like what's out today, and likewise we older folk will say that music was better when we were growing up.

My wife and I started watching an "old" TV show on Amazon called The Guardian with Simon Baker (of the Mentalist fame) and it looks SO dated. And it's really not that old--2002. Actually, yes, that's pretty old. But my point is that things tend to age, whether we notice or not. Sometimes it's obvious things like the clothes and hairstyles. Sometimes it's more subtle, like the pacing, or the music cues, or even the film stock and camera moves. We can watch something like The Terminator 1 and 2 and never notice some of the more subtle elements that date the movies, mostly because we're settling in to a familiar viewing experience where we can practically recite the movie. But to someone young who has never seen it before, they will notice that the pacing is odd or slow, and the film stock is grainy (since all movies are digital now).

It's all to do with your personal perspective. Honestly, that's really what's at the heart of people disliking the new sequels. Like you said, these new movies will never make you feel how you felt when you were 8-12 and first watched SW and other favorites. Even well into your teens and twenties and even maybe 30s. Nostalgia is powerful.

The best thing to do is to just let it all go and go in to a movie with an open mind and a willingness to have a good time. I've done that and I've been enjoying the hell out of current movies, especially the Marvel and SW movies. My main criteria is whether the characters are compelling and interesting, and whether there are no ridiculously huge plot holes that I can't ignore. I've watched so many movies throughout my life that I realize there are cliches and tropes and formulas everywhere, even in the best of films. Just because I didn't spot them when I was young, doesn't mean they weren't in those movies of my youth. People will bend over backwards to justify that plot holes and cliches weren't as bad or not even there at all in those old movies, but the truth is that it was because we simply weren't sophisticated enough to recognize them at that young age. And that's also probably why older generations scoffed at movies from our youth and stated that their movies were better.

Just a quick note: xipotec, sorry if this seems like I'm piling up on you. On the contrary, I just wanted to expand the conversation and took your post as a starting point since I agree with much of it.
Great post Mad Old Lu. On an interesting note I let my daughter watch The Sixth Sense on Netflix the other night and it was the first time I had watched it in over a decade. I was actually pretty blown away at how non-dated it was. There wasn't a single give-away in the filmmaking techniques that would indicate it was any older than last year's SPLIT, let alone 19 years old! The cinematography, mood, acting, music...the movie could have been released the same weekend as Hereditary and no one would have been the wiser.

The only give-away that it wasn't set in the current year were the TV's and the one girl prompting Haley Joel Osment to give her dad a VHS tape.
Great post Mad Old Lu. On an interesting note I let my daughter watch The Sixth Sense on Netflix the other night and it was the first time I had watched it in over a decade. I was actually pretty blown away at how non-dated it was. There wasn't a single give-away in the filmmaking techniques that would indicate it was any older than last year's SPLIT, let alone 19 years old! The cinematography, mood, acting, music...the movie could have been released the same weekend as Hereditary and no one would have been the wiser.

The only give-away that it wasn't set in the current year were the TV's and the one girl prompting Haley Joel Osment to give her dad a VHS tape.

That's interesting about the 6th Sense. I might have to check that out! But it's funny, sometimes even older period movies can look dated, even though the time they depict is the 1800s or the 1920s, etc.
I'm not sentimental and only use "dated" when it comes to FX, and only if said FX look out of place. The rest is always a product of its time and can't be judged by modern standards. Just because you can't immerse yourself in the time period the movie was made doesn't mean it's bad, and just because the movie is new doesn't mean it's good.
I'm not sentimental and only use "dated" when it comes to FX, and only if said FX look out of place. The rest is always a product of its time and can't be judged by modern standards. Just because you can't immerse yourself in the time period the movie was made doesn't mean it's bad, and just because the movie is new doesn't mean it's good.

I agree. Unfortunately some can't look past those traits. It's sad when kids (even adults) will dismiss a movie just because it's in black and white.