Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread


And The King's Speech was great yet I paid to see it zero times at the theater. The notion that box office = quality is a joke.

:lecture :exactly:

I agree Jye. The 3D was worth seeing 4 times. :lol

I couldn't help it, I waz in a 3D frenzy at da time. :(

I have a 3D TV at home, love some of my 3D movies, but don't own Avatar 3D bluray.

Redemption. :yess:

Actually, get dis.

Avatar 3D came with one of my Panasonic 3D TV purchases, I sold it on Ebay for $85.00.

But I still use Cameron's 3D settings on my TV though. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

In terms of ticket sales and merchandise sales, regardless of how much you hate the PT, it's ridiculous to argue that they weren't successful. When you get into classifying a "good" or "bad" movie, it's 100% subjective, but looking at ticket sales and merchandising is actual proof. The public wouldn't pay to see a movie they hated several times (the box office reflects multiple viewings), nor would they spend billions annually on merchandise from said movie if it wasn't successful. So trying to downplay facts in favor of your opinion, doesn't really work.

Merchandise has nothing to do with a movie being a great success !!! For the PT, at the time everyone was scooping everything up I mean everything because of the buzz and the hype of a new Star Wars film.

Everyone was saying how much they loved the movie and how it was better then they expected at the time, now if there is a time to add in taking the red pill then that's one of them...

The most success out of the PT when it comes to merchandise is darth maul... Because kids love that character more then they love the film... Not many AOTC items jumping off the shelves now were they...

There is no denying the success of Star Wars merchandise but that was never my point.

My point is that no matter what the films were made up of they were always going to do well at the box office, due to many reasons,
Original fans, kids, ppl wanting to see what the big fuss was about, the whole movie industry alone wanting to watch the new Star Wars to see how it viewed. Ticket sales ticket sales!!!!!

But to say box office determines if a movie was GREAT is the biggest bunch of BS when it comes to a saga that everyone was going to buy tickets for in the first place.

Even if the TPM was shot with sock puppets :horror ppl would of still gone and bought tickets to AOTC to see if it might be better....

Box office = Great film ??? please :cuckoo:
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I have a 3D TV at home, love some of my 3D movies, but don't own Avatar 3D bluray.

We don't have 3D yet but starting with Prometheus and now Brave and ASM we're "future proofing" our movie collection by picking up the 3D blu-ray sets. Freaking torture having the discs and no way to enjoy them! :banghead :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

You're mis-reading what i'm saying, my argument was that killing all 3 would destroy a happy ending :lecture.

I don't think so. Having ESB end in tragedy didn't ruin a happy ending of ANH. So having a tragedy in Ep 7 doesn't undo the ending of ROTJ. The films work in a larger context, but audiences are still able to understand them as individual films (or acts).

I think you're horribly underestimating the ability of people to understand good theater just because it has tragedy. Ever heard of Shakespeare? I'm sure by episode 9 there will be plenty of important characters left to end in what should be an even more rewarding ending than the crappy Endor celebration in ROTJ.

IMO its so short sighted to think that the only happy ending in SW must include Han, Leia, Chewie, Luke, et al dancing around and flashing corny smiles. Yub nub! Weesa free!
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Honestly, are we concerned with whether SW7-9 are successful? They're going to be made. Disney didn't drop $4B to make just 1 even if it flopped.

The fans need to be concerned about whether they're actually good movies with or without the original cast. If they are quality, combined with the marketing onslaught and name value success is guaranteed.

To hope for audience pandering is like hoping for Jar Jars and Ewoks and fart jokes only now you're asking for elderly humor.

To be honest, you're asking for SW 7-9 to be like Indy 4.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I don't think so. Having ESB end in tragedy didn't ruin a happy ending of ANH. So having a tragedy in Ep 7 doesn't undo the ending of ROTJ. The films work in a larger context, but audiences are still able to understand them as individual films (or acts).

I think you're horribly underestimating the ability of people to understand good theater just because it has tragedy. Ever heard of Shakespeare? I'm sure by episode 9 there will be plenty of important characters left to end in what should be an even more rewarding ending than the crappy Endor celebration in ROTJ.

IMO its so short sighted to think that the only happy ending in SW must include Han, Leia, Chewie, Luke, et al dancing around and flashing corny smiles. Yub nub! Weesa free!
I agree endor ending was shocking an ending for 5yr olds.
But the tragedy you mention in ESB was set to come back from. It was great theatre and far from over the top. But like I said, something to come back from.

Luke's hand, fixed.. Han eventually rescued.. Main focus back then was surrounded by vader being the father and the oh my's what's Luke going to do how will this all pan out.. Great drama!! And in ROTJ I love it how you can actually see expression on vaders mask when he is torn between saving his son or letting him die. John Williams helped tremendously with that, THat scene was brilliant but then followed by the dancing ewok ending that I think was lame and even I was a kid at the time.....

Live and learn is all I have to say to Disney ... Live and learn...
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I agree endor ending was shocking an ending for 5yr olds.
But the tragedy you mention in ESB was set to come back from. It was great theatre and far from over the top. But like I said, something to come back from.

I agree with you. But even if you kill off Han in E7, there is still E8 and 9 "to come back". I'm not condoning a pointless kill off of Han. There would be a reason and purpose to it which would then let the rest of the characters redeem the loss.

This idea that Han's loss would ruin the happy ending of the films is a pretty sad perspective to have. The best happy endings on and off the screen are only valuable because of sacrifice it took to achieve.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Honestly, are we concerned with whether SW7-9 are successful? They're going to be made. Disney didn't drop $4B to make just 1 even if it flopped.

The fans need to be concerned about whether they're actually good movies with or without the original cast. If they are quality, combined with the marketing onslaught and name value success is guaranteed.

To hope for audience pandering is like hoping for Jar Jars and Ewoks and fart jokes only now you're asking for elderly humor.

To be honest, you're asking for SW 7-9 to be like Indy 4.

Another contradiction. What purpose does it serve bringing back Han, Luke and Leia just to kill them off in the first flick if it isn't audience pandering? Your idea is the epitome of that, having Disney utilize what is essentially a gimmick to guarantee older audiences show up to Episode VII by shoehorning in characters from the OT only to kill them off before the end credits roll. Whereas working them into another trilogy takes more work, shows more of a commitment and has a bigger payoff.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Bringing back Han, Leia, Luke would help the natural transition to a new story the side benefit being that we actually get to see a proper conclusion to their stories beyond a party.

I'm sorry, but ROTJ's ending is not satisfying and I get the idea that you'd be happy with the same ending in E9.

No thanks.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

And again, all this BS about the trilogy needing them will be completely screwed if they decline the roles. What then?

I fail to see how working 3 existing characters into 3 scripts takes any more work than filling those shoes. That's total bs.

It will take more guts and more commitment to the franchise as a whole if they were able to loosen the tether to the big 3.

Take off the floaties that are HF, HM and CF and take a risk.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Show me where I said that. The word I used was "success."

Nobody was arguing against the PT being financial successes. What's your point in bringing it up? That's like saying "regardless of how you felt about The Phantom Menace, the fact of the matter is that the title was The Phantom Menace. It's printed right on the poster." Um, thanks? :cuckoo:
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

No but we'll pay to see a crappy SW movie that has 30 minutes of cool stuff in it multiple times, which is what we all did.

:rotfl so true man, so true...

What about the ppl out there that seen the film and were like :gah: but then thought, if this doesn't do well in box office Lucas might never finish off after ROTJ :horror

I must now help Lucas set things right and see this movie 20 times and tell everyone to see it and that it is great bahahahaha then we can beeech about it later after box office success :lol if they bomb he won't do the final trilogy :gah: must buy more tickets must buy more tickets :rotfl

And there would of been more ppl like that then ppl realise.

I do it with curb your enthusiasm :lol instead of down loading. I will buy the season to help sales so they don't axe it...............
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Bringing back Han, Leia, Luke would help the natural transition to a new story the side benefit being that we actually get to see a proper conclusion to their stories beyond a party.

I'm sorry, but ROTJ's ending is not satisfying and I get the idea that you'd be happy with the same ending in E9.

No thanks.

Did you watch ROTJ? It was a more than satisfying ending. Luke gets closure with his father, revealing the good in Vader who helps in destroying the empire. The love triangle is resolved with Luke telling Leia he's her sister, Han admitting his love for Leia and she clearing up that Luke's her bro so her and Han can live happily ever after. It's as storybook perfect an ending as you're going to get with the entire galaxy celebrating a new freedom. If all you want to watch is movies where all the heroes die in the end, your interest in Star Wars is comletely misguided. :lol

Nobody was arguing against the PT being financial successes. What's your point in bringing it up? That's like saying "regardless of how you felt about The Phantom Menace, the fact of the matter is that the title was The Phantom Menace. It's printed right on the poster." Um, thanks? :cuckoo:

What's yours? I wasn't responding to your post initially. You quoted me responding to someone else. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Did you watch ROTJ? It was a more than satisfying ending. Luke gets closure with his father, revealing the good in Vader who helps in destroying the empire. The love triangle is resolved with Luke telling Leia he's her sister, Han admitting his love for Leia and she clearing up that Luke's her bro so her and Han can live happily ever after. It's as storybook perfect an ending as you're going to get with the entire galaxy celebrating a new freedom. If all you want to watch is movies where all the heroes die in the end, your interest in Star Wars is comletely misguided. :lol

Yeah breaking continuity by making Luke and Leia twins out of the blue was so satisfying.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Yeah breaking continuity by making Luke and Leia twins out of the blue was so satisfying.

Yeah, I know you would've preferred them being revealed as brother and sister but staying lovers, unfortunately, I just know that wouldn't have been widely accepted. :lol

And FYI, Leia was the "other" mentioned in ESB, so that wasn't done in ROTJ. :wink1:
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I wasn't responding to your post initially. You quoted me responding to someone else. :lol

Which is what everybody does with pretty much every post in every thread here. Are you just now figuring that out? What's the point in having a "thread" where only two people talk directly to each other? :cuckoo:
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Its not that I want to see characters die just to die. Its that I think their deaths would serve a storytelling purpose in terms of passing the torch and obviously pulling the heart strings at the right moments.

Its kind of kiddie play to think mature storytelling can happen without it. Once again Obi-Wan was killed off and the story moved forward just fine.

There will be new characters who's purpose is driven by Han's death just as Luke was driven by witnessing the "circle is now complete" scene (and Beru and Owen's deaths).

Anyway, convincing each other isn't going to result in anything. So how about you guys put up a quick synopsis of what you'd like to see on film. I'm curious, what story there is still to tell about Han that would take 3 films.
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