Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

The point is actually that their trilogy is done, if I want to see Han, Leia and Luke, I have the OT, even if slightly butchered. Not that they can't have parts in it and they don't all have to be on a 747 that crashes, but I don't want to see return of the Jedi part 2. Have Luke have a jedi order re-established or whatever, but he needs to be Yoda in this, the advice giver, whether alive or dead, I don't want to see **** knocker running around saving the galaxy unless its to do an Obi Wan with the youngsters in the new first movie.

Chewie is fine, apparently Wookies are immortal and ****. :dunno

Exactly. :goodpost:

Even by ROTJ the Han character was being mistreated. I don't want to see him "put behind the desk" any more. I love the character too much to see him thinned out. Give him a glorious, charging the gates of hell death like he deserves. (and not in episode 9 where they would retire the character anyway). Make his death mean something.
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I can see the sense and necessity in Star Wars evolving towards new characters but probably the biggest thing that has me excited about this whole thing is the prospect of seeing the classic characters and actors back, even if they are quite a lot older.

Talk of new characters doesn't particularly do anything for me right now.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Given their bankroll is us older fans, that's probably the worst thing they can do. They'd be better off working them out over the course of the new trilogy, so that once Episode IX is done, there's a fresh new cast we're invested and ready to see continue the saga, while getting closure needed with the OT characters (since apparently their story continues with the episodic numbering). This is also why I think it's a mistake not to just start over again, in the Old Republic.


Who made Star Wars what it is today? People who were kids in the 70's. We're the ones who buy Star Wars stuff for our kids today. I wouldn't even know how to calculate the money I've spent on all things Star Wars in my life. And now a bunch of guys at Disney who feel like me are making the movies.

Speaking for myself this 44 year old wants to see Old Man Solo fly the Millennium Falcon into battle again.

How does Darth Vader return from the dead? By possessing Luke. I'd pay to see that. Mark Hamill could act the hell out of that.

Carrie Fisher might not look right in the metal bikini any more, but I'd rather see Leia one last time than Selena Gomez learning the ways of the force.

An Old Republic saga will follow someday, but the OT needs a proper epilogue first.

Episode 7. No Justin Bieber required.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Dooku's character was awful. I can't accept it as any justification, sorry. One of the prequel's biggest failures for me was keeping Dooku alive between 2 and 3 just to have him quickly killed off in the first 20 minutes of ROTS. That was lame.

My problem with Harrison and Carrie are I just doubt they have the acting chops anymore. They aren't Morgan Freeman or Ian McKellan or Richard Harris quality elderly actors.

I'd rather kill off the characters that watch the actors struggle on screen.

Then you've contradicted yourself. Having them in the first movie just to kill them all off, like you initially wanted, is, by your own admission, a big failure. My point was to have them in all three films (or kill them off gradually where it makes sense), but in supporting roles to, as I initially stated, hand it off to new heroes.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Then you've contradicted yourself. Having them in the first movie just to kill them all off, like you initially wanted, is, by your own admission, a big failure. My point was to have them in all three films (or kill them off gradually where it makes sense), but in supporting roles to, as I initially stated, hand it off to new heroes.

Not only do I agree with you.. I believe this will be the way it happens.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Dooku's character was awful. I can't accept it as any justification, sorry. One of the prequel's biggest failures for me was keeping Dooku alive between 2 and 3 just to have him quickly killed off in the first 20 minutes of ROTS. That was lame.
Christopher Lee is just about magnificent in anything he does, take him and Temura Morrison out AOTC and the film would disintergrate worse than it already is
My problem with Harrison and Carrie are I just doubt they have the acting chops anymore. They aren't Morgan Freeman or Ian McKellan or Richard Harris quality elderly actors.
Seeing that Harris has been dead for years and noted as "troublesome" due to his alcoholism doesn't really give weight to your argument. As for McKellan and Freeman, they both went into their own professional wilderness during their 40's. Both came back as major actors whilst hitting 50 year old+. Who knows what Hamill and Fisher would be like now?
ProgMatinee: said:
I'd rather kill off the characters that watch the actors struggle on screen.
Seeing as Lucasfilm and Disney have stated that this trilogy will see the end of the Skywalker family saga, its highly unlikely. You must have one hell of a crystal ball if you can predict such a disaster with no script written or even a director hired.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Then you've contradicted yourself. Having them in the first movie just to kill them all off, like you initially wanted, is, by your own admission, a big failure. My point was to have them in all three films (or kill them off gradually where it makes sense), but in supporting roles to, as I initially stated, hand it off to new heroes.

I'm not contradicting myself at all. 1st of all, Dooku is a crap character that should never have even existed, so I hate using him as an example. My comment wasn't really tied to my belief of what they should do with Han, it was more a statement of the lame treatment of the character. BUT IF YOU MUST make some tie between the 2 comments my point wasn't that he shouldn't have been killed off. :slap :rotfl:rotfl

It was that he should have been killed off sooner in AOTC. He was clearly a one act character for on and off screen reasons and shoehorning him into a second film was a major mistake.

But regardless, that's more talk about Dooku than I ever want to have again. :lol

Personally, I don't see much of a difference story telling wise from "killing them gradually" with what I propose. In my scenario Hamill would still be in all 3 films. Its only Ford and Fisher I feel should be avoided in 8 and 9. And its not like I suggest killing them in the first 10 minutes of 7.

Han's (and possibly Leia's) death would be more like Boromir's at the very end of the first film, giving a ton of gravity which is sorely needed in the first one, IMO.

If they prove to have aged better maybe my opinion would change. But I worry this will look like Star Trek V.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Star Wars has more potential than any franchise i can think of… regurgitating past characters seems like a step backwards. the Skywalker story has been told… the galaxy far far away is a big one… there have got to be other stories to tell. why not give today's generation their own set of heroes and villains?
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

They have them already. And they suck. Time to bring them real heroes. Not people devoid of any human emotion like Padme or Anakin.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

i am including Anakin and Padme in with the "been there, done that"... the story is done... over done.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Given their bankroll is us older fans, that's probably the worst thing they can do. They'd be better off working them out over the course of the new trilogy, so that once Episode IX is done, there's a fresh new cast we're invested and ready to see continue the saga, while getting closure needed with the OT characters (since apparently their story continues with the episodic numbering). This is also why I think it's a mistake not to just start over again, in the Old Republic.

:exactly: ...........
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

You don't kill them all off in the first film, maybe one of them, and why are most ppl under the assumption that having them in all 3 films is a bad idea ??? Who says the 3 loved characters have to CARRY all 3 films ???

Of course there will be new blood to carry the films, and as for exploring the galaxy beyond just the "skywalker" characters, Disney have already announced that future films after this trilogy will be made.

So exploring the galaxy that's far far away is an endless realm of possibility .....

I want to see them back, not killed off straight away, that would be a huge mistake that would result in a pointless re cast to begin with.

Like I said they don't have to carry the films.

How much screen time did boba fett even have ?? And his demise was unworthy of the character he was ...

New blood ? Yes!! New heroes and villains to fall in love with ? Yes!!

Bringing back a lot of the Star Wars we loved that can be loved for new generations to come, including planets, star ships and vehicles ? Yes!!

Killing those loved characters in the first instalment ? NO!!!!!!!
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I just hope Disney accepts the PT as crap and is committed to ESB type quality.

If Disney comes out and says they want their vision of SW to be as epic as AOTC, shoot me in the face.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

aside from the Thrawn trilogy, using the past characters limits the storytelling… they literally saved the Galaxy from the Sith… what next? the story was filled with sacrifice and redemption and the EU has milked the surrounding timeline. personally, i would rather remember them in their glory…

in recent years, i don't remember having a bigger buzz Star Wars wise than when i saw the Old Republic trailers… the CGI characters pulled me in instantly (ironically, they were more natural than many of the actors from the PT). Star Wars has a wealth of species and recognizable environments that will always make one feel "at home"… with this foundation, compelling storytelling is limitless… why box a new trilogy in with nostalgia?
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I just hope Disney accepts the PT as crap and is committed to ESB type quality.

If Disney comes out and says they want their vision of SW to be as epic as AOTC, shoot me in the face.

I'll take the fact that one of their first orders of business was to bring back Kasdan and not Jonathan Hales to be a good sign. :)
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

It was that he should have been killed off sooner in AOTC. He was clearly a one act character for on and off screen reasons and shoehorning him into a second film was a major mistake.

You're still contradicting yourself. They'd essentially be shoehorning Han, Luke and Leia into this film if the intent is to kill them off. So again, by your own rational, their inclusion just for the sake of killing them off, would be a major mistake.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Then you've contradicted yourself. Having them in the first movie just to kill them all off, like you initially wanted, is, by your own admission, a big failure. My point was to have them in all three films (or kill them off gradually where it makes sense), but in supporting roles to, as I initially stated, hand it off to new heroes.

Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

You're still contradicting yourself. They'd essentially be shoehorning Han, Luke and Leia into this film if the intent is to kill them off. So again, by your own rational, their inclusion just for the sake of killing them off, would be a major mistake.

Um. No.

Shoehorning a character that should have been killed off in a film made only 3 years prior into a scene to finally kill him off in the first 10 or 20 minutes is much different than offering a glorious and well developed conclusion (2 hrs into the film) to characters last seen almost 30 years ago.

Sorry, thats not contradiction at all.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Um. No.

Shoehorning a character that should have been killed off in a film made only 3 years prior into a scene to finally kill him off in the first 10 or 20 minutes is much different than offering a glorious and well developed conclusion (2 hrs into the film) to characters last seen almost 30 years ago.

Sorry, thats not contradiction at all.

We already got their "glorious and well developed conclusion" almost 30 years ago. Adding them to the storyline in a new film just to kill them off (or put asses in seats), is not only a waste of time, cheap and contrived, but a terribly poor business decision. Again, I'm not suggesting they make them the main characters, but they should last in supporting roles and live through the rest of this new trilogy (unless and only if killing one makes sense), to set up a continuing storyline for latter films.