Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Imagine if they go back to Hoth and Endor. :thud:

OMG, what happens if those cuddly Ewoks are now running a drug and prostitution syndicate.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I want to see Luke lose his mojo until Vince Vaughn tells him that he's "so money baby."

Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I hope Hamill gets killed off quickly..beardless or not. :lol

I don't think that will happen but seeing Han getted wasted quickly is more then likely since that has been his wish since Jedi.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I hope they kill off Luke, Leia and Han in the first movie. Bring back Luke as a spirit for the next 2.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I hope they kill off Luke, Leia and Han in the first movie. Bring back Luke as a spirit for the next 2.

Force ghost I can live with, just don't want to see them sloughing around alive too long. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I hope they kill off Luke, Leia and Han in the first movie. Bring back Luke as a spirit for the next 2.

Actually out of all of them, an older Master Luke would make the most sense to keep around trying to rebuild and run the new Jedi Council. However it would be cool to see his demise in the same way Obi did in a ANH to help a younger Jedi as a spirit once again.

Overall I think we will see a progression of the older characters being a backdrop to newer ones. I really do not have a problem seeing some of them die or some of them sticking around as long as either or happening is a relevant plot point to move the story along. If they just kill them off quick for the sake of getting rid of them, then to me that wouldn't really be very useful and might as well already start the movie with them being dead.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I admit, watching 3 very washed up actors for the next 10 years would bother me. But also, giving the characters an appropriate end would be nice for the franchises health overall, not to mention being able to move on to a new set of characters without wondering if Han Solo or Leia is going to come out of retirement.

Get them in Episode 7 and remove all doubt for 8 and 9.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I hope they kill off Luke, Leia and Han in the first movie. Bring back Luke as a spirit for the next 2.

Given their bankroll is us older fans, that's probably the worst thing they can do. They'd be better off working them out over the course of the new trilogy, so that once Episode IX is done, there's a fresh new cast we're invested and ready to see continue the saga, while getting closure needed with the OT characters (since apparently their story continues with the episodic numbering). This is also why I think it's a mistake not to just start over again, in the Old Republic.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I admit, watching 3 very washed up actors for the next 10 years would bother me. But also, giving the characters an appropriate end would be nice for the franchise.

:exactly: Exactly my point. Don't forget other characters like Lando, Chewie or the droids. I feel the best way to go is mix it up with some dying and others sticking around for a bit. Obviously a Wookie can live longer then a person and droids can go on and on so it would make sense to still have them there but once again if a major plot point develops from any of these classic characters biting the big one, then so be it.

Also, I wouldn't mind seeing Wedge finally get it. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Given their bankroll is us older fans, that's probably the worst thing they can do. They'd be better off working them out over the course of the new trilogy, so that once Episode IX is done, there's a fresh new cast we're invested and ready to see continue the saga, while getting closure from the OT characters.

I also agree with you on this and probably this would be more likely on the way they go. After the Prequels, I think they want to satisfy the original die hards and part of doing that is having the classic characters back in the mix. If deaths occur, it should be a progression across the new trilogy.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Given their bankroll is us older fans, that's probably the worst thing they can do. They'd be better off working them out over the course of the new trilogy, so that once Episode IX is done, there's a fresh new cast we're invested and ready to see continue the saga, while getting closure needed with the OT characters (since apparently their story continues with the episodic numbering). This is also why I think it's a mistake not to just start over again, in the Old Republic.

i don't think so.

ASSUMING :)lol) 7-9 is successful (under your structure above), you're going to have the same problem you mention above with older fans failing to let go of the past characters.

Might as well start the process early. As long as they give the 2 a respectful and well executed send off you aren't going to see a mass revolt against episode 8 and 9. More than likely you'll get a mass revolt if they keep them on to the point that Ford and Fisher particularly look awkward on screen.

I really think the one thing that could probably kill the buzz of this series would be Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher on screen 8-10 years from now. :monkey4 I just don't see that coming off the screen all.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

i don't think so.

ASSUMING :)lol) 7-9 is successful, you're going to have the same problem you mention above with older fans failing to let go of the past.

Might as well start the process early. As long as they give the 2 a respectful and well executed send off you aren't going to see a mass revolt against episode 8 and 9. More than likely you'll get a mass revolt if they keep them on to the point that Ford and Fisher particularly look awkward on screen.

I really think the one thing that could probably kill the buzz of this series would be Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher on screen 8-10 years from now. :monkey4 I just don't see that coming off the screen all.

Killing them all in the first film will have older fans hating the new films more than the prequels. And since we're pretty much the main ones needed to get future generations on board SW, that would be the stupidest thing they could do. I think the problem here is you're looking at the characters trying to portray themselves as they used to be, instead of the age-appropriate roles they'll have in this new trilogy. Han still works as Han regardless of age - but he'll likely be grumpier, Luke will no doubt be in an Obi Wan OT role, and Leia will likely be closer to Mon Mothma, all roles perfectly suited to carry them through the next few films.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Killing them all in the first film will have older fans hating the new films more than the prequels. And since we're pretty much the main ones needed to get future generations on board SW, that would be the stupidest thing they could do. I think the problem here is you're looking at the characters trying to portray themselves as they used to be, instead of the age-appropriate roles they'll have in this new trilogy.

Like I said earlier, I can accept Luke in the spirit role.

You're right, I can't accept the Han Solo character in anything else but a brash smuggler. He deserves a fitting end to that character, not being "retired" and put in an official position. That would be a disgrace and insulting to the fans much more than bookending his character with a nice final blaze of glory in E7.

Leia can probably be believable as a mother or other older role, but her character's end should parallel Han's, IMO.

I also don't think from a long term entity that Disney would have anything to gain from having 3 full episodes where the primary characters are in their 60s and 70s.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Also, I think its a dangerous slope to start thinking that a franchise's success is tied to these characters being around for all 3 films. What if Ford flat out turns them down or dies?

What then, admit defeat?

I don't think they can afford to tie their hopes on Harrison Ford particularly. Disney's goal is obviously bigger than that. They need a respectful exit plan for the Han and Leia characters (and probably Luke's too).

At the core of my argument is I just disagree that older fans are counting on Harrison or Carrie to stick around to the end.

Some will ***** and whine, but that happens no matter what. The key to SW success 10-20 years from now will be establishing new characters in Ep 7 that we love. Not prolonging the goodbye to the old ones.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Like I said earlier, I can accept Luke in the spirit role.

You're right, I can't accept the Han Solo character in anything else but a brash smuggler. He deserves a fitting end to that character, not being "retired" and put in an official position. That would be a disgrace and insulting to the fans much more than bookending his character with a nice final blaze of glory in E7.

Leia can probably be believable as a mother or other older role, but her character's end should parallel Han's, IMO.

I also don't think from a long term entity that Disney would have anything to gain from having 3 full episodes where the primary characters are in their 60s and 70s.

In real life we have relatives and friends of all different ages around us so their age really deosn't matter. I mean look at Christopher Lee in the prequels. The guy is older than any of the original actors but yet his part was relevant to the story. Killing some off would be appropriate but killing a bunch off right away because they are old is not realistic at all. How often do Grandparents or older Uncle and Aunt's bite it within the same year? It's a slow process and would work better spreading it out across the trilogy.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Dooku's character was awful. I can't accept it as any justification, sorry. One of the prequel's biggest failures for me was keeping Dooku alive between 2 and 3 just to have him quickly killed off in the first 20 minutes of ROTS. That was lame.

My problem with Harrison and Carrie are I just doubt they have the acting chops anymore. They aren't Morgan Freeman or Ian McKellan or Richard Harris quality elderly actors.

I'd rather kill off the characters that watch the actors struggle on screen.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

The point is actually that their trilogy is done, if I want to see Han, Leia and Luke, I have the OT, even if slightly butchered. Not that they can't have parts in it and they don't all have to be on a 747 that crashes, but I don't want to see return of the Jedi part 2. Have Luke have a jedi order re-established or whatever, but he needs to be Yoda in this, the advice giver, whether alive or dead, I don't want to see **** knocker running around saving the galaxy unless its to do an Obi Wan with the youngsters in the new first movie.

Chewie is fine, apparently Wookies are immortal and ****. :dunno
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Dooku's character was awful. I can't accept it as any justification, sorry. One of the prequel's biggest failures for me was keeping Dooku alive between 2 and 3 just to have him quickly killed off in the first 20 minutes of ROTS. That was lame.

My problem with Harrison and Carrie are I just doubt they have the acting chops anymore. They aren't Morgan Freeman or Ian McKellan or Richard Harris quality elderly actors.

I'd rather kill off the characters that watch the actors struggle on screen.

<insert Thats a Bingo gif from Inglourious Basterds here>

Mayans were correct the world IS ending, I pretty much 100% agree with everything Prog is saying. :lol