Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I was never emotionally invested in Portman's wooden performance. I thought Neeson did a decent job though, considering the ridiculous dialogue and scenes with Jar Jar he had to deal with.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I was never emotionally invested in Portman's wooden performance. I thought Neeson did a decent job though, considering the ridiculous dialogue and scenes with Jar Jar he had to deal with.

Neeson and Maul were really the only things I liked about the prequels. The score for Ep1 is also pretty good, especially in comparison to Ep 2 and 3.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I like McGregor's performance best of all the things about the prequels, but Neeson is probably my second favorite thing. Their interplay in the first movie is what almost saves it IMO. Hard to believe they stuck Jar Jar into the mix so early to start really ruining things :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Harrison Ford is "open to the idea of starring in new Star Wars trilogy", reports Entertainment Weekly.

The news just keeps getting better for Star Wars fans!

Entertainment Weekly reports that Harrison Ford might -- might -- be back as Han Solo in the newly announced Star Wars: Episode VII, which is slated for a 2015 release.

“Harrison is open to the idea of doing the movie and he’s upbeat about it, all three of them are,” according to EW's "highly placed source" close to Ford. The site adds, though, "Ford won’t go to the next level of contract talks until there’s a script and director in place. Either could be a deal breaker."

Unlike his Indiana Jones franchise, Ford's famously and long been less than enthusiastic about Star Wars and its hold on pop culture. But EW says the new regime at Lucasfilm and the prospect of a hefty Star Wars payday might be enough to whet his appetite to get Han Solo back into the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon one more time.

Full article:
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Hell, just make the movie focus on old fogey Hamill, Ford, Fisher, the robots and Chewy. Why the **** not? :rock
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread *****ing about sw all these knew he wld come back.spielberg must be directing.good news either way..grain of salt.
best news for EU fans...if chewie is back then the EU is definately a massive fan of all things one pet hate was the death of my fav character.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

First thing I thought was "Of course he's open to the idea, Lucas isn't involved."
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I guess it's good to gird yourself against disappointment.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

As long as Han can have an earring and smoke copious amounts of weed, Ford is in.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

The old cast should have a limited role IMO. Bring in something/someone new and fresh. KOTCS showed watching old farts trying to run without breaking a hip makes for a pretty **** movie...
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Im pretty confident the old cast will be back and I love it !
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

The old cast should have a limited role IMO. Bring in something/someone new and fresh. KOTCS showed watching old farts trying to run without breaking a hip makes for a pretty **** movie...

KOTCS sucked because of unbelievable character responses to extreme situations *cough*Marion*cough* which completely took you out of the movie.

That need not be the case again.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

KOTCS sucked because of unbelievable character responses to extreme situations *cough*Marion*cough* which completely took you out of the movie.

That need not be the case again.

Not so sure. If Spielberg's helming, he could just as easily turn Leia into a Marion. :monkey1
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Not so sure. If Spielberg's helming, he could just as easily turn Leia into a Marion. :monkey1

It would be a concern, I can almost see it. Leia laughing at mortal peril, urging Han to fly into an asteroid field for old times sake because she knows the kind of film this is and that they'll survive it.....
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Not so sure. If Spielberg's helming, he could just as easily turn Leia into a Marion. :monkey1

or worse...Willy of IJ+TOD....I shudder at the thought...But I dont think that would happen though...I think they would make her on the tougher end