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they said another animated series is already in works with a timeline never been touched before..

.. Oh how I pray it will be the KOTOR time line with an animation like the cinematic game trailer of the games...


I would cream my pants if that happened!! :lecture

I'm so excited to see how Disney handles upcoming blu-ray releases. I could really see them reverently releasing each OT film on its own, complete with original theatrical edition.

Your post got me thinking, if they change the packaging for season 5 I'm going to be very annoyed!

Like Harmy? Hopefully YES because Disney will restore and release the original OT and there won't be a need for fan restorations ever again...

Oh man I hadn't thought about this. That would be so sweet!

Now regarding the Clone Wars announcement I'm torn. I'm sad it's cancelled and we won't get a full season but at the same time I find what Disney and LFL are doing clean slate is very interesting and has a lot of potential.

All that said I'm thrilled they're at least releasing the episodes they've produced (who knows how many) and wrapping up some stories.
Order 66!!!!! :rock :rock
Yeah I was definitely assuming it would run right up until Order 66.

I think they still might for the absolute final one they have done. What I find odd is this from Filoni.

Filoni: For the Ahsoka arc, it felt like the right time. I had a lot of discussions with George over this stuff throughout the years. Every now and then I’d be like, “So, I’ve been giving a lot of thought about what happens to Ahsoka.” In the early days, he’d be like, “Well, she’s gonna die.” I’d be like, “Well... maybe not.” [Laughs] We would go back and forth. He’ll say stuff just to get me going, which is really fun. We have a similar sense of humor at times. We would go back and forth on things, and I was bringing up the fact that this is Season 5, and a lot of kids that started with us when they were ten, they’re going to be 15 years old. I wanted to make sure, as we’re moving forward, that they’re starting to get some kind of, not completion, but a sense that this is going somewhere. It was hard enough for me to make it through when I saw one season of Robotech to see if Rick ends up with Lisa or Minmei for God’s sakes, and we’re on Season 5! So I wanted this to be a season of dramatic change. I wanted some of the main characters to die, and I thought this was a great opportunity to have a big change for Ahsoka, which would really signify the stakes have gone a lot higher in the Clone Wars, and maybe they wouldn’t see it coming. It just seemed like the time was right, five seasons in, to say, “You’ve stuck with us this long. Here’s a big piece of what’s happening.”

So, this would potentially be wrapped up too in these other episodes, or arcs. This was posted before the official announcement but if you read the IGN article it's kind of obvious he knew then.

Most of all, from this show, I'm going to miss Ventress. She was just superbly done.
Going to have to wait a loooong time for that unless they can come to an agreement with Fox even then they don't have access to the original films to restore them.

Right, but as you say all Disney has to do is come to an agreement with Fox on the original unaltered films since they have replaced Lucas as the owner of Lucasfilm and simply have to give the final go ahead that he never would.

I don't think it'd be a stretch to guess that Disney might have said, "here's 4 billion dollars, give us Lucasfilm and yeah...that original 1977 negative that you've got locked up in a vault, hand that over too or no deal."
That's always been a flaw with Star Wars. The Jedi are so powerful (seeing the future, sensing when something is wrong, moving things with a wave of their hands) that they're often de-powered when the plot demands it.

I thought the Jedi were consistently powered in the original movies and the books afterwards. It's the prequels and the first Clone Wars cartoon that started the crazy stuff. I think the fast running garbage was the beginning of it. Which I don't know why not one person told George Lucas that's not a good idea. Especially since Obi-Wan doesn't use it when he needs to in the Darth Maul battle...

Anyway, I watched the second to last episode. This is how the Stormtroopers/Clone Troopers should have been hunting the Jedi in Episode 3. The scenes with Ahsoka escaping the prison were a thing of beauty and also scary. I love how she was animated twirling in the air with her lightsabers. I believe I wanted to get a few episodes in the past with her. The Paul Dini written ones I think. I want this episode. I'll watch the last two tonight. But I'm still upset about the twist.

I love the design of the Medusa hair Jedi in the preview clip. But I was never a fan of the Order 66. I thought it was stupid and poorly shown in Episode 3. But could have been solved with Obi-Wan on Kamino in Episode 2 telling Yoda and Mace that he couldn't feel the Clones in the Force. Also with the Jedi reluctantly agreeing to lead the Clones because they supported the Republic. Even though leading Clones of your enemy, a guy who tried to kill a senator, and attempted and did kill Jedi is a horrible idea. And I still don't know if it was ever explained if the Kamino cloners were bad guys and against the Jedi from the start.
The new movies won't be torn asunder as long as they're good.

There's a reason why KOTOR is pretty much the only thing unscathed since the OT... it's not ham-fisted like everything else. It gets to the essence of SW and focuses on what matters: cool characters you actually like who drive a story that sucks you right in.
BTW, while Fox owns the distribution rights to the other 5 films until 2020, they actually OWN Episode IV in perpetuity/forever (Lucas just had final cut and marketing and merchandising rights... the movie itself actually belongs to Fox). So Disney would have to be ready to pay Fox BIG TIME for that film. Fox isn't likely to just hand it over for a few bucks. Hell, they never even sold it to Lucas himself in the past 36 years. They would want a massive cut.

Sure, anything can happen, but I wouldn't get your hopes up just yet. Afterall, how many years have Fox and Warner Bros. been haggling over the rights to the '66 Batman series now?? If they play hardball on Star Wars (and why wouldn't they?) negotiations with Disney could take eons, if it even happens at all.

It'll be interesting...
BTW, while Fox owns the distribution rights to the other 5 films until 2020, they actually OWN Episode IV in perpetuity/forever (Lucas just had final cut and marketing and merchandising rights... the movie itself actually belongs to Fox). So Disney would have to be ready to pay Fox BIG TIME for that film. Fox isn't likely to just hand it over for a few bucks. Hell, they never even sold it to Lucas himself in the past 36 years. They would want a massive cut.

Sure, anything can happen, but I wouldn't get your hopes up just yet. Afterall, how many years have Fox and Warner Bros. been haggling over the rights to the '66 Batman series now?? If they play hardball on Star Wars (and why wouldn't they?) negotiations with Disney could take eons, if it even happens at all.

It'll be interesting...

Did you ever pick up the Harmy OT or did you boycott those as well as part of your recent purge?
I love reading your posts Irish. You have so much information and knowledge, and express yourself in a thoughtful manner.

Much appreciated. :hi5:
Thanks, man. That makes one of you. :lol Really, though, I have so many years invested in this stuff... gotta pay off in some small ways I guess. Heh.

BTW, how's your R2 project going? :hi5:
That's why I stay out of movie threads upon release. :lol

Same here. :D

This is true.

Its going to be entertaining to see how things go from now until part 7 comes out.

Oh yeah! :lol

While the OT fans are the most vocal, I honestly don't think they matter as much as they think they do. These movies will no doubt try to appease them but I hope Disney doesn't try to throw them too many bones just for the sake of it and ruining it with too many homages from the OT.

Those "fans" have been disgruntled since the 90's and hate everything Star Wars except Knights of the Old Republic anyway, so they should just do the story they feel is best.


I'm an old school Star Wars fan and I just don't get all the grumpy "You raped my childhood" fans at all. :rolleyes2

Nor do I want to. :lol
I love the design of the Medusa hair Jedi in the preview clip. But I was never a fan of the Order 66. I thought it was stupid and poorly shown in Episode 3. But could have been solved with Obi-Wan on Kamino in Episode 2 telling Yoda and Mace that he couldn't feel the Clones in the Force. Also with the Jedi reluctantly agreeing to lead the Clones because they supported the Republic. Even though leading Clones of your enemy, a guy who tried to kill a senator, and attempted and did kill Jedi is a horrible idea. And I still don't know if it was ever explained if the Kamino cloners were bad guys and against the Jedi from the start.

Funny you should say that. While I love Order 66 personally I can see your points and i was thinking yesterday that I don't think we ever say Kamino in Clone Wars, or even most anywhere past AotC and I found it a shame because I loved the planet, the inhabitants... it was all very interesting and I'd love for them to revisit it.

It already changed between seasons two and three, so I wouldn't put it past them. :lol

Yes but I bought all my seasons recently so I was able to get all the repackages at once :p

Did you ever pick up the Harmy OT or did you boycott those as well as part of your recent purge?

I'd never head of this!!!! I'm over this like a fly on ****!
I love reading your posts Irish. You have so much information and knowledge, and express yourself in a thoughtful manner.

Much appreciated. :hi5:

Don't tell him that. Now, I gotta spend all comic-con giving him grief to make sure things balance out. :lol:nana:
Well. SOB... I'never watched Clone Wars and bought all the seasons last week since they were on sale @ Amazon...
I wonder if they knew something about this... :gah:

I just started watching these finally, it's actually pretty good... color me surprised! :lol
I guess after The Clone Wars "movie" I wasn't that eager to watch this show, but I'm glad I'm watching it now...

Bummer that we probably won't get an ending...
Funny you should say that. While I love Order 66 personally I can see your points and i was thinking yesterday that I don't think we ever say Kamino in Clone Wars, or even most anywhere past AotC and I found it a shame because I loved the planet, the inhabitants... it was all very interesting and I'd love for them to revisit it.

You need to watch the CW epsiode "ARC Troopers"; the entire episode revolves around a Separatist invasion of Kamino! It also features the first meeting between Grievous and Ventress and shows her rather stylishly dispatching an ARC Trooper from Rancor Battalion.

As for the fate of the CW: I'm saddened, but I know Disney wants to usher in a new era (quite literally) of Star Wars. I wonder how much "bonus material" there is? Likely less than a full season's worth, but more than the "window dressing" that's been suggested. There are several characters and story lines that need some resolution - I can think of a good half dozen just off the top of my head, and Filoni does make mentions of story arcS (with an 's') that will be released. Cripes, we still have Maul running around at this point. For the CW to be wrapped up in a satisfactory way, they really need to address: Ventress (Mother Talzin?), Bo Katan, Mandalore Civil War, Maul, Cad Bane, Young Boba Fett, Rex, Order 66, and the ultimate fate of Ahsoka (and those are just the bigger things they had going, smaller arcs will be left to the imagination, I suppose). I'd be happy if they streamed these on the Star Wars site and made them available on DVD/Blu Ray - that's how I watched the series, anyway! :)