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I actually enjoyed tonight's episode very much and can't wait to see it in blu-ray when that comes out.

Other than that, I'm excited to see next weeks episode with who appears to be a young Dengar and Boba in some kind of armor.

is next weeks preview Bossk calls him Dengar
Thought tonight's episode was pretty cool actually, though I predicted that some SW fans would have a problem with the "zombie" nightsisters. General Grevious fans had to have loved this though, he was a force in this episode. Kind if crazy to see Tenzin able to injure Dooku so effortlessly, kind of shows that she may be the strongest being left in the galaxy now. Although I don't expect her to survive much longer. I think it's obvious that she and Maul will die before the series ends. I'm on the fence about both Asaj and Savage. I actually think both of them have a chance at finding redemption, because they are both tragic characters in my opinion. Maybe they'll die a heroes death.

And Boba Fett's helmet looks like Lord Starkiller to me.

But I'm already sick of Boba Fett in this show and his annoying voice. They are trying to force his badassness too much. He's got people who can literally rip into small pieces calling him "boss"? Please. Embo would kick his head square off.
Really? I thought tonights episode was cool in parts, but the whole zombie army was crap. I really cant stand bringing that in to the star wars universe. I know star wars is fantasy, but I prefer keeping the living dead out of star wars all together.

I thought the undead characters worked. They kinda seemed like a nod to the spirits that emerged from the opening of the Ark of the Covenant in ROTLA. Looked very "old school Lucas" to me.
I liked seeing this side of the Star Wars universe.
Grievous was used well and every ones hands were getting bloody.
This is the tone the series should be set at 90% of the time.
Very little Padme and Jar Jar in political intrigue episodes.
No problem with dark side zombies, seems to fit given those types of powers.
I thought the undead characters worked. They kinda seemed like a nod to the spirits that emerged from the opening of the Ark of the Covenant in ROTLA. Looked very "old school Lucas" to me.

See, that's why I like the Nightsisters so much. Their initial appearance reminded me of the cult of Kali from Temple of Doom. Very pulp sci-fi/adventure fiction, verrrry old school Lucas. The undead warriors were an extension of that. Thing is with these ladies - I think they might participate in their own brand of mischief, but it seems to me like they prefer to mind their own business, unless someone seeks to use and abuse them for their power. When Mother Talzin creates Savage, she alludes to some old debt she owed Dooku - with the debt repaid, she wants nothing more to do with him. I hope we see one more turn from the old gal and that we get a bit of back story about the relationship the Nightsisters had with the Sith.
I thought it was a cool episode.

The zombie part didn't bother me at all. I'ts a huge galaxy and who's to say what's on X or Y planet. In the context of the Nightsisters and their 'magic' (whatever it might be) it fits.

I thought Grevious was cool and it was interesting to see Dooku struggle,
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But Asajj I have mixed feeling about. On one hand I love her and she's always cool, but in this episode she seemed very weak at times.
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to be honest, it didn't bother me as much probably because of the geonosis arc a couple of seasons back, but I saw it more as that old witch lady being a "puppeteer" to them more so than them actually being zombies.

Did anyone else think the old witch chick kind of looked like Palpatine?

That's why words can't describe how cool it was when Grievous pretty much just walked up to her and gutted her like she was nothing. I wish GG was portrayed like this more often. They could always keep how he runs away, but at least show him doing menacing stuff like he did this episode to show exactly why he's the Separatist General.

I hated how in the 2D Clone Wars series Grievous was an unstoppable machine who could take on several Jedi at once and everyone was terrified of him, then ROTS came out and they just send Obi-Wan to take care of him.
Did anyone else think the old witch chick kind of looked like Palpatine?

I hated how in the 2D Clone Wars series Grievous was an unstoppable machine who could take on several Jedi at once and everyone was terrified of him, then ROTS came out and they just send Obi-Wan to take care of him.

Credit GL's craptasic writing and crappy treatment of bad guys for that.
I hated how in the 2D Clone Wars series Grievous was an unstoppable machine who could take on several Jedi at once and everyone was terrified of him, then ROTS came out and they just send Obi-Wan to take care of him.

That was my gripe about the 2D series too that everyone seemed to love. Unstoppable grievous, Mace taking on an entire battallion, whatever that whole arc was with Anakin getting tattoo'd, etc. I don't know why that series gets all the hype it does. Sure, there were a lot of cool scenes, but :dunno I didn't like it that much
Did anyone else think the old witch chick kind of looked like Palpatine?

Family ties, maybe? Perhaps she's Palpy's momma? :lol

I hated how in the 2D Clone Wars series Grievous was an unstoppable machine who could take on several Jedi at once and everyone was terrified of him, then ROTS came out and they just send Obi-Wan to take care of him.

Well, that was because the Tartakovsky Grievous' character was developed before Lucas began tweaking him, turning him into a mustache twirling coward for ROTS. To be fair, I think the Clone Wars micro series did a good job of course-correction with Grievous by having Mace Windu squish his innards right before the events of ROTS - helped to make his sickly demeanor a bit more justified. Following that logic, I guess it's plausible for Obi Wan to think that he could finish off Grievous, as the droid general is badly wounded and on the run.

I think this series has done a VERY good job of striking a balance between the two portrayals of Grievous. Sometimes Grievous runs because his plans are foiled by the idiot simplicity of his battle droid armies. And sometimes, like in this week's episode, he is the brute force all us fanboys wanted him to be right along. I would like to see yet another texture added to Grievous in this series, something touched on in the micro series. I want to see him doing all kinds of crazy, acrobatic killing moves that only someone with a droid body could do - springing around in the dark, taking down enemies by surprise, using those blade-like forearms like rotary blades to dismember enemies. I want him to be like something out of a horror movie, like Alien. Maybe he could be backed into a corner by superior forces, so he has to use all his skills to dominate and escape. Would be fun!!!
I thought it was a cool episode.

But Asajj I have mixed feeling about. On one hand I love her and she's always cool, but in this episode she seemed very weak at times.

That's appropriate, she IS kinda weak right now. She's been kicked to the curb and left for dead by the guy she was depending on to train her in the ways of the Sith (plus I think she really had sort of a crush on Dooku and his power); her plan for revenge failed. She has no grand plan, no place to fit in, so she returns to her people. Only now that Dooku knows she's still alive, he'll kill her at any cost. Existential crisis, anyone? I'm am dying to know how Asajj's fate plays out - will she find redemption before it's all said and done? Or will she succumb to the pain and anger in her soul?
That's appropriate, she IS kinda weak right now. She's been kicked to the curb and left for dead by the guy she was depending on to train her in the ways of the Sith (plus I think she really had sort of a crush on Dooku and his power); her plan for revenge failed. She has no grand plan, no place to fit in, so she returns to her people. Only now that Dooku knows she's still alive, he'll kill her at any cost. Existential crisis, anyone? I'm am dying to know how Asajj's fate plays out - will she find redemption before it's all said and done? Or will she succumb to the pain and anger in her soul?

Yes but then the pain, anger and hate should fuel her dark side :devil
That was my gripe about the 2D series too that everyone seemed to love. Unstoppable grievous, Mace taking on an entire battallion, whatever that whole arc was with Anakin getting tattoo'd, etc. I don't know why that series gets all the hype it does. Sure, there were a lot of cool scenes, but :dunno I didn't like it that much

I couldn't disagree more. In fact, if it wasn't for the Tartakovsky series, what would have inspired the presently ongoing show? Underwater battle on Mon Calamari anyone?
That was a weak arc. What else?

Well, I won't argue with you there. I don't think they improved much on what the 2D show did with that idea (& over three episodes, no less!).

I just wanted to make the point that not enough credit is given to what Tartakovsky & Co. did to lay the groundwork for the current series. They were given pretty free reign about what to do on that show (which is why Grievous was much more of a formidable opponent to the Jedi) & cranked out so much mind-blowing material within a modest running time & rather meager resources.

While one would be hard pressed to get anyone at Lucasfilm to admit it publicly, the Clone Wars show now would be a very different beast were it not for what the Tartakovsky series inspired. In fact, according to the Art of the Clone Wars book I have, Dave Filoni first proposed a show far removed from what the micro-series did, one which didn't involve Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ventress, et al. We can all see how that turned out.
In fact, according to the Art of the Clone Wars book I have, Dave Filoni first proposed a show far removed from what the micro-series did, one which didn't involve Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ventress, et al. We can all see how that turned out.

wow that might not have sucked.shame :gah::wave
Well, I enjoyed that episode quite a bit. I just love Asajj and I love the direction the are taking with her.
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After a shaky first quarter, Season 4 of the CW has not disappointed!