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Finally starting to catch up with all the thoughts on here. It's a weird thing to say that I kinda enjoyed aspects of a ST film on first sitting. That hasn't happened before.:rotfl

:lol :rock

I saw that you redacted a comment about warming up to certain aspects of TLJ. ;)

But still, some excruciating moments. Why is nobody talking about the creepy moment at the end with Lando and Jannah? My wife (not a SW fan at all) turns to me and says "wtf was that?!" I had no answer - other than "hello, what have we here...?".:lol

I'm assuming there was some beat that got cut that she's Lando's daughter or something, but onscreen it's like grandpa firmly pressing his hand onto the hot young thing's thigh.:yuck:lol

I read that there were indeed scenes cut that revealed that Lando's daughter was taken by the FO at an early age and that he'd been searching for her for years and that his comment was the result of that. However to cut the backstory and leave his interaction with Jannah as is was an unusual choice. I guess they figured that we wouldn't assume the worst since it's Lando and even not knowing that he had a missing daughter can just assume that he was going to help her find her own family. I mean obviously that was the intent but yeah, the execution could certainly be seen as "problematic" in a post-Bill Cosby world, lol.
In a way, I think it’s kind of cool she was a Palpatine. Her being a Skywalker, or perhaps even a Kenobi, would have been a bit of a cliche.

Agreed, and Palpatine being defeated by his own descendant, a descendant guided by two of his greatest enemies, adds a whole new level of victory over him that the not even the OT heroes achieved in ROTJ. I mean he leaves a bloodline that will forever forsake him and follow the teachings of his enemies? Ouch. Also the audience of Sith cultists made his defeat public in a way that the intimate showdown in his prior throne room never was.

So it's cool that since they brought him back they made good on the opportunity to take his return, and subsequent final defeat, both to the next level.
Agreed, and Palpatine being defeated by his own descendant, a descendant guided by two of his greatest enemies, adds a whole new level of victory over him that the not even the OT heroes achieved in ROTJ. I mean he leaves a bloodline that will forever forsake him and follow the teachings of his enemies? Ouch. Also the audience of Sith cultists made his defeat public in a way that the intimate showdown in his prior throne room never was.

So it's cool that since they brought him back they made good on the opportunity to take his return, and subsequent final defeat, both to the next level.

Agreed. I’m actually kind of surprised too that he merely used Kylo to bring Rey to him, and seemingly didn’t want much to do with him. It seemed like at the end, he utterly loathed Skywalkers and wanted Kylo out of the way. You would think his biggest victory would be to have both Kylo and Rey rule the galaxy together, and create for him offspring that would bring both Palpatine and Skywalker blood together, that he potentially could have used in the future as the being to possess his essence.
:lol :rock

I saw that you redacted a comment about warming up to certain aspects of TLJ. ;)

Haha, sorry - I edited in a bit about too many face-offs/duels then deleted it for later (so much to discuss) - but cut that as well.:slap
(since the "migration" I have noticed the interface just doesn't work well for juggling stuff - kind of a mess)

But yeah, I was saying there that you helped me make peace with TLJ.:duff Even if that "wrecked x-wing" on Ach-to wasn't so wrecked after all.:rotfl I wonder what RJ thought of that part (though I pointed out that the FX work seemed to revise that x-wing to look less wrecked than the artwork initially showed, so maybe RJ had a hand in making it "ambiguous" anyway.)

Did you take a look at that Hollywood Reporter run-down on Exogol/Palps? It's super in-depth - a weird article for the HR.

Also, re: your daughter (not even sure where you posted that - I've only just caught up,) my 14 yo daughter is pretty much a carbon copy of that - in every detail.:lol

I read that there were indeed scenes cut that revealed that Lando's daughter was taken by the FO at an early age and that he'd been searching for her for years and that his comment was the result of that. However to cut the backstory and leave his interaction with Jannah as is was an unusual choice. I guess they figured that we wouldn't assume the worst since it's Lando and even not knowing that he had a missing daughter can just assume that he was going to help her find her own family. I mean obviously that was the intent but yeah, the execution could certainly be seen as "problematic" in a post-Bill Cosby world, lol.

I guess they had no other "closing moment" for Lando but didn't want to shoot anything new, so kept it, but it comes across as weird.

Even though, yeah I did have a major rush seeing BDW revealed in that big Jawa caterpillar thing. I just loved Lando in 1980, and I'm building a custom Lando Skiff right now
Ahh, the good old 90's. What an awful decade that was...good times. :pow (nice joker emoji)

Yeah, SW was rapidly on the rise in the 90s but a lot of what came out in the 90s was - to me - on the same level as those super-buff Hasbro figures.

They're gonna need all those "comics and source material" to explain WTF Palps' plan with all those Snoke clones even was.

They already need a comic series to explain the rise of Kylo:

The Hollywood Reporter in-depth article mentioned all kinds of issues around palps' plan - like dozens of issues. Like why he needed Snoke/s at all, and if he did enter Rey's body (err...umm...) he wouldn't be in charge, rather just another one in the thousands of Sith spirits, so not really "Palps possessing Rey" at all. The idea he was wanting to possess a five year old girl's body (or whatever age Rey is in those flashbacks) is kinda funny though.
The Hollywood Reporter in-depth article mentioned all kinds of issues around palps' plan - like dozens of issues. Like why he needed Snoke/s at all, and if he did enter Rey's body (err...umm...) he wouldn't be in charge, rather just another one in the thousands of Sith spirits, so not really "Palps possessing Rey" at all. The idea he was wanting to possess a five year old girl's body (or whatever age Rey is in those flashbacks) is kinda funny though.

Will have to check that out.

Just occurred to me, doesn't Luke mention "Darth Sidious" in TLJ with no reaction/recognition/curiosity from Rey at all?

LUKE wakes up next to LEIA and HAN.

"I had the strangest dream."

Merry Christmas!
Saw the movie yesterday. Sigh. Fun movie, provided you turn off your brain.

And I agree with however said that the appearance of Palpatine is JJ's 'in case of Emergency, break glass' response to TLJ
Is there any SW movie which can be watched without turning your brain off? Or any movie?