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Watch...Palpatine has invaded "The Child" in the Mandalorian....

wrap you heads around that...

Makes sense to me he did force choke the big chick.

Since Maz lifted Han?s medal from Leia?s corpse I guess it?s safe to assume she deals in graverobbing. No doubt the Bespin janitor who came across Luke?s affects assumed it was fair game & called her immediately.

I bet she has Mace Windu?s lightsaber.

Little orange ghoul.


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Woah , head spin.

He also may want the most force powerful body!!!

Great theory.

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If only fans way back hadn't taken so hard to the story of a farm boy who would save a galaxy, and ANH had been mildly successful and
slipped quietly into film history -
I wouldn't need 50,000 pages of notes and some heavy-duty spice to figure out what the *&^% was going on in TROS in 2019.
Wow $29 million Monday compared to TLJ's $21 million Monday. Despite the weaker opening weekend it looks like word of mouth is going the opposite direction as TLJ for this one.
The people on youtube who you would expect would hate it do indeed hate it, the ones who are practically obliged to hate it because of the personalities, reputations and fan followings they have established.

One that surprised me was Korey from Double Toasted, I think he put out a second video about how much he didn't like it. He's normally too coolly indifferent to bother doing that.

I still haven't seen it but I'm fairly certain I know enough from the spoilers and reactions here that it won't salvage the ST for me. Might be a fun time at the cinema though, think I'm seeing it on Friday.
So I finally saw the film today. Not much more I can add that people haven’t already said. I sort of have mixed feelings about it.

I enjoyed it overall. It certainly made the ST more palatable, and felt the most SW-esque of the trilogy. It felt like it was indeed a continuation of TFA where they resumed the relationships and plots that were set-up in it, but the two films were held together by scotch tape, as someone else described it. It still had a void where you could tell there should be another film in between to make it more fleshed out, but TLJ squashed that, consequently killing the ST imo as being a coherent story. I liked all the moments of fan service, particularly Chewie finally getting his medal and Luke finally lifting the X-Wing out of the water. You almost wanted to see another Yoda Force ghost cameo in that scene, where Luke looks over at him and he nods in approval. :lol

However, as I suspected, it also felt a bit chaotic due to them having to make up so much ground for what I felt was lost in TLJ. I share Wor-Gar’s sentiments in that it started out quite enjoyable in the first act, then the second act just seemed to sort of drag on and on as they were skipping from world to world looking for the way finder, then it picked up again in the third act for the climactic scene. The space battle was a bit weak, and even though I still think Palps went out like a cackling idiot who’s obsessed with Force lightning, I can kind of understand why he kept firing it due to his arrogance and certainty that his power and the power of the Sith would overpower and conquer that of the Jedi. I always felt his statement to Yoda in RotS was a bit ironic (“Your arrogance blinds you, Master Yoda.”), because I’ve always felt the arrogant one, is him. So while I still feel his death (again) was a bit inane, at the same time, I also feel it was in line with his arrogance.

Overall, an enjoyable film, but flawed with many questions about silly plot points, many of which have already been stated here, so no sense in re-listing them again. Definitely imo the best of the ST though.

Sure seemed a lot of people died in this trilogy expending their life energy via performing some feat through the Force. :lol
Yeah I think "flawed but enjoyable" sums it up pretty well. I definitely wish the overall story flowed better and Palpatine's sudden reappearance in the last movie didn't feel so incredibly forced, but I do think Rey and Kylo's story manages to hold the whole thing together well enough, and ultimately makes this ST worthwhile in the end.

I'm not one of those who feels the entire trilogy needs to be mapped out beat for beat beforehand, but hopefully they'll at least try harder to make the next movies feel more cohesive.
My wife and nephew and I watched it Saturday night. The movie moves at a breakneck pace which is nice after last jedi. I like some aspects of the movie but overall it's a bad star wars movie. If Luke was searching for Palpatine with Lando he wouldn't have exiled himself. Even if he did why didn't Lando tell anybody that Luke believed Palpatine was alive. The dagger is stupid as whatever wreckage of the death star would have shifted after 30 years on the planet with all of the huge tidal waves. The Force is too powerful now on both sides. I did like a lot of what was presented but a lot of it is pure head scratcher. I lump this trilogy as pure fan fiction that is beautifully shot but has no heart and soul. Kinda vapid like a super model. Don't hate this movie but don't love it either.
Did Lando say Luke was looking for Palpatine specifically, or was he looking for the Sith stronghold (basically their version of the Jedi Temple)? I thought it was the latter.

A while back someone found it unbelievable that Rey could find the dagger so quickly whereas Luke was unsuccessful. Well, Luke would probably be wise enough to avoid walking straight into quicksand / the sinking fields. I guess sometimes it's better to be lucky than smart. lol
Finally starting to catch up with all the thoughts on here. It's a weird thing to say that I kinda enjoyed aspects of a ST film on first sitting. That hasn't happened before.:rotfl

But still, some excruciating moments. Why is nobody talking about the creepy moment at the end with Lando and Jannah? My wife (not a SW fan at all) turns to me and says "wtf was that?!" I had no answer - other than "hello, what have we here...?".:lol

I'm assuming there was some beat that got cut that she's Lando's daughter or something, but onscreen it's like grandpa firmly pressing his hand onto the hot young thing's thigh.:yuck:lol

I think TROS just unraveled the mystery of the Sith. :panic:


We all need to read the HR link below. It does relate to that "strike me down" thing. This article is like a Sith/Jedi GED test - you have to pass it to post about the Exogol sequence.:lol

Because on balance, you can subjectively make peace with it, but I think the whole thing has become so folded in on itself that it's like the Lost mystery box - so convoluted and contradictory (and yes, silly.) It keeps you talking/thinking/engaged, essential to IP fandom, but it's like an Escher set of stairs to nowhere.

I get the idea of a need for a deep/rich Jedi and Sith mythology, but the "A-plot" stuff still has to make sense. I mean be CLEAR, EASILY UNDERSTOOD and MAKE SENSE in a real-world context.

This article does a pretty good job of laying out both the stuff that works about the Palps mythology - ie was previously successfully set up or seen in movies or EU - and the stuff (ie the majority) that's just sort of nonsense.
Also poor Wedge in a blink and you miss him scene as Lando's Falcon gunner when attacking the fleet. Movie is an enjoyable mess but wish they would have had a story outline from the beginning. This was 2 movies worth and had some great aspects to it.
Wow $29 million Monday compared to TLJ's $21 million Monday. Despite the weaker opening weekend it looks like word of mouth is going the opposite direction as TLJ for this one.

Well that's good news.. Without question it can be seen that TLJ had an effect on the box office of Solo and this film. TLJ opened huge because of TFA. Not as much good will was granted to this film... But hopefully word of mouth will give this film some longer legs.

I will be going again for sure and I cant wait!!!
Yeah I think "flawed but enjoyable" sums it up pretty well. I definitely wish the overall story flowed better and Palpatine's sudden reappearance in the last movie didn't feel so incredibly forced, but I do think Rey and Kylo's story manages to hold the whole thing together well enough, and ultimately makes this ST worthwhile in the end.

I'm not one of those who feels the entire trilogy needs to be mapped out beat for beat beforehand, but hopefully they'll at least try harder to make the next movies feel more cohesive.

Yeah, I’m gradually becoming more accepting of Palpatine’s re-emergence after initially being adamantly against it. The biggest thing I don’t like about it is that it feels utterly forced, like the filmmakers didn’t know what else to do, but I’m coming around to accepting it as canon. While I personally would have preferred a more direct explanation as to how he was able to preserve himself, there were some vague clues in previous films via quotes. (“Do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor,” or “The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”) I suppose it just comes down to what one is willing to accept or not, or how they want to interpret things.

Even though I didn’t like TLJ as a film, if Luke knew all along Rey was a descendant of Palpatine, it makes sense why he was so reluctant to train her and why he was so frightened when she was immediately pulled to the dark side while meditating on Ahch-To. Not sure if that was planned out or not, but it does give some explanation to that. Again, I suppose depending on how one wants to interpret it.

Did Lando say Luke was looking for Palpatine specifically, or was he looking for the Sith stronghold (basically their version of the Jedi Temple? I thought it was the latter.

A while back someone found it unbelievable that Rey could find the dagger so quickly whereas Luke was unsuccessful. Well, Luke would probably be wise enough to avoid walking straight into quicksand / the sinking fields. I guess sometimes it?s better to be lucky than smart. lol

That’s what I gleaned as well. I didn’t catch where he was looking for Palpatine specifically, just sort of a Sith stronghold containing Sith lore.
Also poor Wedge in a blink and you miss him scene as Lando's Falcon gunner when attacking the fleet. Movie is an enjoyable mess but wish they would have had a story outline from the beginning. This was 2 movies worth and had some great aspects to it.

Was Wedge mentioned by name in the movie? I saw him but didn't hear anyone say "Wedge" but maybe I missed it.

The John Williams cameo a bit silly too. Didn't he have a magnifying glass over one eye or something?
Was Wedge mentioned by name in the movie? I saw him but didn't hear anyone say "Wedge" but maybe I missed it.

Not that I caught. I just recall him complimenting Lando on a good shot or something like that, and that was it. As was mentioned, a blink and you’ll miss him scene.
Since Maz lifted Han?s medal from Leia?s corpse I guess it?s safe to assume she deals in graverobbing. No doubt the Bespin janitor who came across Luke?s affects assumed it was fair game & called her immediately.

I bet she has Mace Windu?s lightsaber.

Little orange ghoul.

Actually now that TROS definitively establishes that Jedi can teleport objects (Luke's very same saber in fact) I'm fine with simply assuming that Ben or Yoda simply made it appear in Maz' possession sometime prior to Rey's arrival (and after Luke's exile) for the express purpose of Rey finding it. "Well why didn't they just make it appear on Jakku then?" And to that I would say they wanted it to be handed to Rey by someone who could explain its significance.

On another note this is incredible and even though this prediction came prior to the release of TLJ I find that it really solidifies the trilogy as a whole particularly with regard to Rey's lineage. Even if her being a Palpatine wasn't set in stone until TROS these connections made by this YouTuber really make it easy to rewatch TFA and TLJ as if she always was.

I remember prior to TLJ most of the theories were centered around Rey being most likely a Skywalker, Kenobi, or Palpatine and I find the latter to be by far the most interesting choice and am so glad they went that route in the end. That lineage alone explains so much and closes so many of the gaps of the entire ST up to now.
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In a way, I think it’s kind of cool she was a Palpatine. Her being a Skywalker, or perhaps even a Kenobi, would have been a bit of a cliche.

Even if they didn’t bring Palpatine back, her Palpatine lineage still could have been part of the plot.