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So WTH?!?!?!?! Ok, so... Rey can fly now, has what can only be called superhuman strength (she ripped through blast doors when she lost her lightsaber?) and can manipulate the force to teleport? And why does her hair turn spikey and gold when she uses the force now? I did like when she and Kylo put on the Force Earrings and merged to become Reylo and they kicked badguy ass, that was epic.
Just Kidding. Have fun watching Star Wars this weekend everyone!
I wasn?t going to say anything, because I figured I would hate the movie. I figure enough people are spewing hate already.

Turns out I loved the movie, and I have reasons I did.

One line I never got. In the original Star Wars movie, Vader says something close to ?the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force.?

I never experienced that line being illustrated in any Star Wars movie until today. And I think they were just scratching the surface. That?s why I don?t understand the arguing about the abilities they have in this movie. Rey is childlike and doesn?t know any better - no Sith or Jedi told her she couldn?t do more, She went with her own experience instead of having people dictate reality to her.

Damn in one post you destroyed all of those complaints.

May I buy you a beer.

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I will say that Palpatine was awesome in this, but seeing

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in the same movie as the modern Disney SW protagonists felt really jarring. He definitely didn't belong in this, I wish they would've just revived Snoke somehow and slapped the Plageus name on him.

the last trailer had James Earl Jones and Vader talking to Kylo, how many minutes did vader have in the film?

None. It's just that one line where Palpatine is impersonating him.

It makes more sense in context. I thought it was a nice moment.
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So WTH?!?!?!?! Ok, so... Rey can fly now, has what can only be called superhuman strength (she ripped through blast doors when she lost her lightsaber?) and can manipulate the force to teleport? And why does her hair turn spikey and gold when she uses the force now? I did like when she and Kylo put on the Force Earrings and merged to become Reylo and they kicked badguy ass, that was epic.
Just Kidding. Have fun watching Star Wars this weekend everyone!

Her Midichlorian count... IT'S OVER 90,000!!!!
Oh man I think I fall on Jye?s side with this one. TLJ destroyed my love for the Star Wars cannon and lore so this time I drank some beers and just said fudge it and went in with no expectations and just enjoyed the ride.

AJP all your complaints are valid but out of all the sequel trilogy this just felt like Star Wars to me. Yes it was infantile, the plot was full of holes and the gravitas was lost but ... it had something else! It focused on a group of close friends coming together despite the odds, over coming the enemy and somehow it just made sense. Not on a literal made sense but on I?m drunk and this has captured my attention in an old fashioned adventure quest story kind of way it made sense.

It reminded me of ROTJ in that it aims to satisfy the younger audience with its more simplistic viewpoint, exposition dump and straight forward macguffin chasing plot theme. But when it finished I realised I had a good time! I went to an early showing full of families and as I left I heard kids telling their parents how fun it was, how awesome Rey was, how they loved the plot ?twists? etc. It had grabbed their imaginations and as a result it just felt very Star Warsy and reminded me of myself and siblings watching the OT.

The film is far far from perfect or great but it was satisfying conclusion on some level. For that reason I?m fine with it, the best of the ST as it pandered more towards the kids than the cynical adults.

Well done JJ you did about the best you could have done with the limitations of TLJ. However the ST is still entirely pointless as it just resets the universe. For that reason it is out of my personal cannon, 1-6 only for me. Only now I would be happy to show these films to my kids when they are old enough, where post TLJ I was happy to just confine them to legends!!
The scene THEY didn't want you to see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh man I think I fall on Jye?s side with this one. TLJ destroyed my love for the Star Wars cannon and lore so this time I drank some beers and just said fudge it and went in with no expectations and just enjoyed the ride.

AJP all your complaints are valid but out of all the sequel trilogy this just felt like Star Wars to me. Yes it was infantile, the plot was full of holes and the gravitas was lost but ... it had something else! It focused on a group of close friends coming together despite the odds, over coming the enemy and somehow it just made sense. Not on a literal made sense but on I?m drunk and this has captured my attention in an old fashioned adventure quest story kind of way it made sense.

It reminded me of ROTJ in that it aims to satisfy the younger audience with its more simplistic viewpoint, exposition dump and straight forward macguffin chasing plot theme. But when it finished I realised I had a good time! I went to an early showing full of families and as I left I heard kids telling their parents how fun it was, how awesome Rey was, how they loved the plot ?twists? etc. It had grabbed their imaginations and as a result it just felt very Star Warsy and reminded me of myself and siblings watching the OT.

The film is far far from perfect or great but it was satisfying conclusion on some level. For that reason I?m fine with it, the best of the ST as it pandered more towards the kids than the cynical adults.

Well done JJ you did about the best you could have done with the limitations of TLJ. However the ST is still entirely pointless as it just resets the universe. For that reason it is out of my personal cannon, 1-6 only for me. Only now I would be happy to show these films to my kids when they are old enough, where post TLJ I was happy to just confine them to legends!!

Kids in my theater all were all laughing and cheering.

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Kids in my theater all were laughing and cheering.

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Why *wouldn?t* a kid love a film like this?

Good point about Vader?s line in ANH. Haven?t seen this yet and not sure when I will. [emoji848]

Not stoked about paying Disney on principle :lol

Nonetheless as a stand-alone adventure film my mind will remain open in spite of my low opinion of the ST?s conceptualization and execution.

Canonically, this cannot pass. [emoji1375]

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The Abrams problem in a nutshell: he didn't bother to explain how Palpatine returns, so when Palpatine dies again, why should I care? I have no reason to believe this second death would be any more final than the first, because no limits or considerations are established for his magic resurrection power.

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Complete dog ****. There is no justifying this movie as good. None. No justifying the ST as good. It's to the point where I think the "fans" that do like this movie must have just ignored the first 6 movies and enjoys playing mental gymnastics or rather just stare at a screen for two hours with their mouth gaped open devoid of all logic and critically thinking. Or there in denial. It's that bad. Takes a dump on the PT and OT and even TLJ (which I'm happy about it taking a dump on TLJ).

In regard to that one scene...

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Oh man I think I fall on Jye?s side with this one. TLJ destroyed my love for the Star Wars cannon and lore so this time I drank some beers and just said fudge it and went in with no expectations and just enjoyed the ride.

AJP all your complaints are valid but out of all the sequel trilogy this just felt like Star Wars to me. Yes it was infantile, the plot was full of holes and the gravitas was lost but ... it had something else! It focused on a group of close friends coming together despite the odds, over coming the enemy and somehow it just made sense. Not on a literal made sense but on I?m drunk and this has captured my attention in an old fashioned adventure quest story kind of way it made sense.

It reminded me of ROTJ in that it aims to satisfy the younger audience with its more simplistic viewpoint, exposition dump and straight forward macguffin chasing plot theme. But when it finished I realised I had a good time! I went to an early showing full of families and as I left I heard kids telling their parents how fun it was, how awesome Rey was, how they loved the plot ?twists? etc. It had grabbed their imaginations and as a result it just felt very Star Warsy and reminded me of myself and siblings watching the OT.

The film is far far from perfect or great but it was satisfying conclusion on some level. For that reason I?m fine with it, the best of the ST as it pandered more towards the kids than the cynical adults.

Well done JJ you did about the best you could have done with the limitations of TLJ. However the ST is still entirely pointless as it just resets the universe. For that reason it is out of my personal cannon, 1-6 only for me. Only now I would be happy to show these films to my kids when they are old enough, where post TLJ I was happy to just confine them to legends!!

Fair enough; I'm glad you enjoyed it. Great post all around. :duff

As Brie Larson would probably tell me: this movie wasn't made for me. ;) And that's fine. I found the writing completely amateurish in a way that I just wasn't prepared for. The criticisms I listed are just the tip of the iceberg, but venting accomplishes nothing.

If kids are leaving theaters happy and inspired by this film, then it is truly a success, no matter what I think of it personally.
The Abrams problem in a nutshell: he didn't bother to explain how Palpatine returns, so when Palpatine dies again, why should I care? I have no reason to believe this second death would be any more final than the first, because no limits or considerations are established for his magic resurrection power.

I got the impression he'd been resurrected by the Sith (and was on life support), but again, no confirmation.
Oddly enough, I enjoyed the movie. A fitting end to the Skywalker saga meh.......After watching the movie don't know if anything would have been better than RoTJ but not the way it played out.

By far the best of the ST despite the convenient story plots.....TFA was safe and TLJ was 85% a pile of heaping poo. Regardless I enjoyed the overall tone, visuals and majority of the characters...having them together versus running amok helped a lot. Far from perfect but overall entertaining SW movie for me......
I liked the movie had it not been for Palpatine convoluted rebirth.

Just because they gave him a line of dialogue from ROTS regarding Sith unnatural ability to be reborn does it mean it will now make sense in the context of the ST.

I also can?t stress enough how they dropped the ball by not having all the main force jedi ghosts showing up at the end and absorbing his lightning attack for just enough time for Rey to deal the striking blow to Palpatine

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I'm over the Palpatine being alive piece....I guess he figured out how to cheat death kinda /sorta. I am curious how and when he cheated it. Did the reactor have a series of ducts like Cloud City and he convenient fell thru to an escape hatch. Did this happen before or after the death star's destruction.:cuckoo: Part of the convenient story I spoke about.

I agree the way he died was weak as f......Windu zapped him with his own force lightening, Vader chucked him down a reactor then the Death Star blew up and you expect a cross guard push of force lightening actually killed him....c'mon man.....