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I know that nothing I say or do is gonna affect the bottom line of this movie making over a billion dollars....

BUT....there IS a camrip online already. If you MUST see for yourself what this thing looks like, you can do it easily from the comfort of your own home and not give any more sheckels to the mouse.

I gotta go to work so I'll check it out later. But I was disgusted with what I did see......first she took Luke's saber and droid, now she takes his X-Wing? Jesus, I hate Rey.
I know that nothing I say or do is gonna affect the bottom line of this movie making over a billion dollars....

BUT....there IS a camrip online already. If you MUST see for yourself what this thing looks like, you can do it easily from the comfort of your own home and not give any more sheckels to the mouse.

Why do you not want people to go see it in theaters?
In the PRO column: This one is definitely the most energetic ST movie yet. It moves fast and it does have a lot of humor. Like I said, other than the crawl, I was actually enjoying it for the most part in the beginning... I think after the Bliss scene things started to go sideways for me and just got worse as the long movie continued. But I do believe this movie is better than TLJ and more watchable from it just moving so quickly.

BTW, SNIKT was kind of right -- Palps is his long-touted Force Vampire.

I Thought you wouldn't see it in the theater!!! What?:lol
I Thought you wouldn't see it in the theater!!! What?:lol

The temptation is too great. The theater just beckons. :lol

So Disney doesn?t take their money for a garbage film. I won?t see it in theaters. Still haven?t seen Solo.

Isn’t that their call though? I mean if you don’t want to pay to see it, as long as you don’t give your money to them, what does it matter to you where other people see it?

I haven’t seen Solo either. But not because I think it looks like a poor film, I’ve heard it’s actually really good, but I’m just not in a hurry to see Solo’s backstory before ANH. Him being introduced in ANH was fine with me.
Spoiler Spoiler:

Spoiler Spoiler:
Spoiler Spoiler:

Did he win though?
I Thought you wouldn't see it in the theater!!! What?:lol

I didn't. I watched the screener I got last night. Points at you and -- :lol

Why do you not want people to go see it in theaters?

Not for me, the theather-going experience is lost to me since people became so selfish and inconsiderate.

That, plus I just got that 75'' LED two weeks ago, which helps a lot. :)
Not for me, the theather-going experience is lost to me since people became so selfish and inconsiderate.

That, plus I just got that 75'' LED two weeks ago, which helps a lot. :)

Nice! :D

True. Which is why when I do go to the theater, I tend to wait usually a week or so after the film has been out in order to circumvent the initial masses, and go at a time when a crowd inside the theater even after that initial week will likely be at a minimum.
*sigh*. Fine, he lost and it proves everyone here right. That's the black and white response you want to justify your position.

Should have stuck to my earlier position of staying out of this. There is no reason here.

Thanks, so the Son of Leia , Daughter of Vader, trained by her Jedi Master Uncle Luke a padowan of Obi and Yoda never beat Rey once . Hmmm
*sigh*. Fine, he lost and it proves everyone here right. That's the black and white response you want to justify your position.

Should have stuck to my earlier position of staying out of this. There is no reason here.

No I get that, the plot on Wiki even says what you described about being distracted.

Which is why I said the guy just can’t catch a break on the lightsaber duel front. What was incorrect about that to where there’s “no reason here?”
I just saw the movie, eh...its ok. I hated last jedi, it felt like there was a lot to make up for with that film and this film does try.

It also felt like when we were about to see characters interact in a meaningful way it just stopped to do another action piece. I can understand now how john boyega's script was overlooked when he moved and ended up on ebay, thing was probably less than 10 pages.

Its got a lot in common with rotj both good and bad.

Lastly, though a lot of the music is from the OT with slight variations, easily john williams' best score of this trilogy.