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Just saw an article talking about this tweet from 2012

I have said this many many times before, especially after TLJ and certain folks, many whom have left, would always pop in and derail the conversation of the people who were discussing the plot and film. They basically kept posting why it sucked, why they hated it, why they were ********....etc etc. Then they wondered why people got pissed off, and they got banned over and over. I am not talking about a few posts about how much they hated it, I am talking about non stop multiple daily posting of crapping on the film.

They always went back to their “passion” for the franchise has made them so angry and disappointed they had to vent....which of course usually ending up “venting” on the fans who liked it.

Its a strange phenomenon , but for quite a few years, trashing stuff is the only thing people respond to. We are in a n age where trash talk, being critical and dismissive is popular.

I have said this before also, Youtube is way over saturated with “10 things wrong with” and “ all the mistakes of” videos.

But it seems to be what a large segment of the media going public wants and emulates.

Over reaction much??? Comparing a disappointing film to murder and rape?

Come on man.

I sat through the PT in real time. 3 films....never could I compare a crappy film with personal assaults, violations and death.

Guess your just a bigger/better/truer fan than me......

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

Lol I miss that guy spazz and vault boy. Hilarious posters. They honestly would post video after video explaining why the last Jedi is propaganda or something lol
Man nothing beats hanging out with Khev, a-dev and Prime Clone...


:lol :lol

Word is, he is back in the flesh, and has a ROTJ level role.

See that's why my excitement is so high. By the same token I can also understand why that very thing would be annoying to others. "Wow so first they have to blow up a Death Star three times (four if you count Jake Lloyd blowing up the Trade Federation Command Ship) and now they're going to kill the Emperor a second time? How stupidly repetitive!"

And I can't tell those folks that they don't have a point. But it's all about perspective. The LOTR trilogy opened with Sauron being defeated but then generations later they had to kill him again. And again because I know that Palps was also supposed to close out the Saga combined with entertaining books like Dark Empire I just see his return as the big sweet master plan/Sauron's return/Dark Empire type of deal. It all works for me, at least as a concept.

Palps' return also works as a cheesy B-grade throwback which kind of makes me wish that Episode IX's title really was "The Emperor Lives." King Kong Lives. Jason Lives. I don't know The Emperor Lives sounds like cheesy fun and nobody would ever confuse TEL with any other acronym, lol. Imagine how legendary that teaser would be if it ends with Palpatine's laugh and then the logo separates to reveal "The Emperor Lives." That would have been sweet. :)
Word is, he is back in the flesh, and has a ROTJ level role.

Someone has to kill Lando.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

Supposedly he's bitter and cynical and lives on an island, says and does lots of things fans get super nostaligic over, then in a twist dies nobly with the blessing of all the young characters who get teary.:dunno

Yes, Rey does apparently hug Palps and its later revealed he too was a Skywalker.


Sith Lord Rises

Lord of the Sith

Emperor Skywalker Rises


:gah: Beat me to it by seconds.:rotfl
The fact that only some people are hyped for this and the trailer only hit 25 mil views says a lot. But I’m glad that jye, khev, xiopc and apj and some others are excited. Hope the movie makes them happy

Hey thanks and I honestly think it'd be cool if they did throw in some Hayden flashback/ghost scene that rocked your world. :duff

The trailer has 25 million views? I take it MCU flicks are much higher? Do you have any idea what other movies have earned roughly the same amount of views? Just curious as to where TROS stands in comparison. But you might very well be right about only a few of us being hyped. I mean sure it might get a decent opening weekend but Solo proved that nothing is a guarantee with regard to box office any more.

And not that how people carry themselves outside of the movies really matters to the finished flick one way or the other but a couple things that I was really, really glad to see and hear were:

1. JJ and KK acknowledging at the Episode IX panel the elephant in the room that a lot of people are unhappy with how she has handled the franchise. She didn't play dumb to his joke, nor did they dismiss the criticism as coming from a bunch of manbaby trolls (or Russian bots.) They acknowledged it, kind of made fun of KK herself, had a little laugh and moved on. I can't help but think that it indicates a healthy dose of self-awareness with maybe even the slightest shred of humility thrown in.

2. All the "Star Wars is For Everyone" t-shirts at Celebration. One thing that SJW's have really come to be known for is their willingness to incessantly double down on demonizing their critics, giving them sweeping labels, and being totally content with losing their business permanently just so that they can be on "the right side of history." In the past KK was quoted as saying that she doesn't feel any need to cater to lifelong fans of the Saga, wore the "Force is Female" shirt, and openly stated how toxic, non-progressive, and so on a large portion of the fanbase was/is.

Obviously a lot of the controversy/divisiveness started with that first "Force is Female" t-shirt so I give LFL kudos for having the wherewithal to dial that back with yet another t-shirt suggesting that they don't want the Saga to be taken from anyone. Is it simply good business? Of course! But what used to be a given for any corporation has become in very short supply as of late, particular with these activist SJW companies, and I appreciate seeing Disney/LFL seemingly come to their senses a bit and start behaving like a normal company again.

3. KK playing dumb on the "Force is Female" controversy/divisiveness and basically throwing Nike under the bus, lol. Obviously this is just an extension of the point up above but still a much needed step in the right direction.

4. Oscar Isaac hating the idea of not giving Han Solo props when asked who is the better pilot, Poe or Han. For an apples to apples comparison just watch any of the recent interviews Brie Larson has done with other castmembers from Endgame. Her smug "I'm here now, move over everyone else, I'm the best, strongest, most powerful you guys must all be is such awe of me" bullcrap is so off putting! She's literally sitting there next to Chris Hemsworth saying "Yeah I'm the best, I mean it isn't about what you can't do but it kind of is..." How stupid is she. People have loved his Thor for years, especially women whom she's supposedly this big champion of. Way to piss them all off Brie!

People might not like Rey but can you imagine if Daisy Ridley rubbed her Mary Sue-ness in everyone's faces during interviews? Her sitting there with Harrison and Mark during the TFA press junket saying "Yeah my character is so much more powerful than these losers, I could have kicked Palpatine's ass with one punch and blown up both Death Stars without any training." But that's pretty much Brie Larson for you, lol.

So going back to Oscar Isaac he's asked who is better him or Han Solo and he, as an *actual fan of Han Solo* clearly wanted to answer the question correctly (since Poe's shtick really is that he's the most talented/skilled) without disrespecting Han. He even openly led off with "oh man people were actually kind of liking me for a second" knowing that only an idiot trashes legacy heroes. So he tried to dance around the answer by saying that no one is better than Han in the Falcon (which Ridley wisely didn't counter, lol) but that Poe can fly anything well so would make a better Uber driver, lol. I mean he played up his character's unique ability while kind of making fun of it. Brilliant and very endearing.

So I just feel like the cast and crew and corporate head honchos might have all taken some much needed steps back, evaluated what everyone loves about SW and how they've been contributing positively and reacting negatively and might be taking some serious steps to course correct where needed. And if they're doing that on a personal level then I expect it to be applied even moreso with regard to their finished work.

As always we'll obviously see when all is finally said and done but I was pretty shocked at how impressed I was with how things seem to be going when it looked like they might be going off the rails just a short time ago even to me.
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Hey thanks and I honestly think it'd be cool if they did throw in some Hayden flashback/ghost scene that rocked your world. :duff

The trailer has 25 million views? I take it MCU flicks are much higher? Do you have any idea what other movies have earned roughly the same amount of views? Just curious as to where TROS stands in comparison. But you might very well be right about only a few of us being hyped. I mean sure it might get a decent opening weekend but Solo proved that nothing is a guarantee with regard to box office any more.

And not that how people carry themselves outside of the movies really matters to the finished flick one way or the other but a couple things that I was really, really glad to see and hear were:

1. JJ and KK acknowledging at the Episode IX panel the elephant in the room that a lot of people are unhappy with how she has handled the franchise. She didn't play dumb to his joke, nor did they dismiss the criticism as coming from a bunch of manbaby trolls (or Russian bots.) They acknowledged it, kind of made fun of KK herself, had a little laugh and moved on. I can't help but think that it indicates a healthy dose of self-awareness with maybe even the slightest shred of humility thrown in.

2. All the "Star Wars is For Everyone" t-shirts at Celebration. One thing that SJW's have really come to be known for is their willingness to incessantly double down on demonizing their critics, giving them sweeping labels, and being totally content with losing their business permanently just so that they can be on "the right side of history." In the past KK was quoted as saying that she doesn't feel any need to cater to lifelong fans of the Saga, wore the "Force is Female" shirt, and openly stated how toxic, non-progressive, and so on a large portion of the fanbase was/is.

Obviously a lot of the controversy/divisiveness started with that first "Force is Female" t-shirt so I give LFL kudos for having the wherewithal to dial that back with yet another t-shirt suggesting that they don't want the Saga to be taken from anyone. Is it simply good business? Of course! But what used to be a given for any corporation has become in very short supply as of late, particular with these activist SJW companies, and I appreciate seeing Disney/LFL seemingly come to their senses a bit and start behaving like a normal company again.

3. KK playing dumb on the "Force is Female" controversy/divisiveness and basically throwing Nike under the bus, lol. Obviously this is just an extension of the point up above but still a much needed step in the right direction.

4. Oscar Isaac hating the idea of not giving Han Solo props when asked who is the better pilot, Poe or Han. For an apples to apples comparison just watch any of the recent interviews Brie Larson has done with other castmembers from Endgame. Her smug "I'm here now, move over everyone else, I'm the best, strongest, most powerful you guys must all be is such awe of me" bullcrap is so off putting! She's literally sitting there next to Chris Hemsworth saying "Yeah I'm the best, I mean it isn't about what you can't do but it kind of is..." How stupid is she. People have loved his Thor for years, especially women whom she's supposedly this big champion of. Way to piss them all off Brie!

People might not like Rey but can you imagine if Daisy Ridley rubbed her Mary Sue-ness in everyone's faces during interviews? Her sitting there with Harrison and Mark during the TFA press junket saying "Yeah my character is so much more powerful than these losers, I could have kicked Palpatine's ass with one punch and blown up both Death Stars without any training." But that's pretty much Brie Larson for you, lol.

So going back to Oscar Isaac he's asked who is better him or Han Solo and he, as an *actual fan of Han Solo* clearly wanted to answer the question correctly (since Poe's shtick really is that he's the most talented/skilled) without disrespecting Han. He even openly led off with "oh man people were actually kind of liking me for a second" knowing that only an idiot trashes legacy heroes. So he tried to dance around the answer by saying that no one is better than Han in the Falcon (which Ridley wisely didn't counter, lol) but that Poe can fly anything well so would make a better Uber driver, lol. I mean he played up his character's unique ability while kind of making fun of it. Brilliant and very endearing.

So I just feel like the cast and crew and corporate head honchos might have all taken some much needed steps back, evaluated what everyone loves about SW and how they've been contributing positively and reacting negatively and might be taking some serious steps to course correct where needed. And if they're doing that on a personal level then I expect it to be applied even moreso with regard to their finished work.

As always we'll obviously see when all is finally said and done but I was pretty shocked at how impressed I was with how things seem to be going when it looked like they might be going off the rails just a short time ago even to me.

Well the Spider-Man ffh trailer has 36 mil. Crazy tbh

And yea glad to see Star Wars fans banding together to shut down that stupid notion that ot characters don’t matter anymore cause it wasn’t enough representation
I took those comments from Brie as them joking around.

The Hemsworth, Brie and Cheadle group interviews were very humorous and my favorite as well as Ruffalo, Evans and Gillan.
Hey thanks and I honestly think it'd be cool if they did throw in some Hayden flashback/ghost scene that rocked your world. :duff

The trailer has 25 million views? I take it MCU flicks are much higher? Do you have any idea what other movies have earned roughly the same amount of views? Just curious as to where TROS stands in comparison. But you might very well be right about only a few of us being hyped. I mean sure it might get a decent opening weekend but Solo proved that nothing is a guarantee with regard to box office any more.

And not that how people carry themselves outside of the movies really matters to the finished flick one way or the other but a couple things that I was really, really glad to see and hear were:

1. JJ and KK acknowledging at the Episode IX panel the elephant in the room that a lot of people are unhappy with how she has handled the franchise. She didn't play dumb to his joke, nor did they dismiss the criticism as coming from a bunch of manbaby trolls (or Russian bots.) They acknowledged it, kind of made fun of KK herself, had a little laugh and moved on. I can't help but think that it indicates a healthy dose of self-awareness with maybe even the slightest shred of humility thrown in.

2. All the "Star Wars is For Everyone" t-shirts at Celebration. One thing that SJW's have really come to be known for is their willingness to incessantly double down on demonizing their critics, giving them sweeping labels, and being totally content with losing their business permanently just so that they can be on "the right side of history." In the past KK was quoted as saying that she doesn't feel any need to cater to lifelong fans of the Saga, wore the "Force is Female" shirt, and openly stated how toxic, non-progressive, and so on a large portion of the fanbase was/is.

Obviously a lot of the controversy/divisiveness started with that first "Force is Female" t-shirt so I give LFL kudos for having the wherewithal to dial that back with yet another t-shirt suggesting that they don't want the Saga to be taken from anyone. Is it simply good business? Of course! But what used to be a given for any corporation has become in very short supply as of late, particular with these activist SJW companies, and I appreciate seeing Disney/LFL seemingly come to their senses a bit and start behaving like a normal company again.

3. KK playing dumb on the "Force is Female" controversy/divisiveness and basically throwing Nike under the bus, lol. Obviously this is just an extension of the point up above but still a much needed step in the right direction.

4. Oscar Isaac hating the idea of not giving Han Solo props when asked who is the better pilot, Poe or Han. For an apples to apples comparison just watch any of the recent interviews Brie Larson has done with other castmembers from Endgame. Her smug "I'm here now, move over everyone else, I'm the best, strongest, most powerful you guys must all be is such awe of me" bullcrap is so off putting! She's literally sitting there next to Chris Hemsworth saying "Yeah I'm the best, I mean it isn't about what you can't do but it kind of is..." How stupid is she. People have loved his Thor for years, especially women whom she's supposedly this big champion of. Way to piss them all off Brie!

People might not like Rey but can you imagine if Daisy Ridley rubbed her Mary Sue-ness in everyone's faces during interviews? Her sitting there with Harrison and Mark during the TFA press junket saying "Yeah my character is so much more powerful than these losers, I could have kicked Palpatine's ass with one punch and blown up both Death Stars without any training." But that's pretty much Brie Larson for you, lol.

So going back to Oscar Isaac he's asked who is better him or Han Solo and he, as an *actual fan of Han Solo* clearly wanted to answer the question correctly (since Poe's shtick really is that he's the most talented/skilled) without disrespecting Han. He even openly led off with "oh man people were actually kind of liking me for a second" knowing that only an idiot trashes legacy heroes. So he tried to dance around the answer by saying that no one is better than Han in the Falcon (which Ridley wisely didn't counter, lol) but that Poe can fly anything well so would make a better Uber driver, lol. I mean he played up his character's unique ability while kind of making fun of it. Brilliant and very endearing.

So I just feel like the cast and crew and corporate head honchos might have all taken some much needed steps back, evaluated what everyone loves about SW and how they've been contributing positively and reacting negatively and might be taking some serious steps to course correct where needed. And if they're doing that on a personal level then I expect it to be applied even moreso with regard to their finished work.

As always we'll obviously see when all is finally said and done but I was pretty shocked at how impressed I was with how things seem to be going when it looked like they might be going off the rails just a short time ago even to me.

Good posting, but rather than typing this here, do a YT video.:lecture This is the kind of stuff that will get a bunch of views.

And I had to laugh at that "Star Wars is for Everyone" shirt - when you look at all the other mega-niche, fan-only in jokes shirts/gear that comprised ALL the other 30 official exclusives at Celebration, it makes that shirt such a joke.

Based on everything else, it should have been "Star Wars is for Insiders." I mean there's very little "everyone" would wear/use.:lol
Well the Spider-Man ffh trailer has 36 mil. Crazy tbh

Ah okay, thanks. See I don't picture Spider-Man FFH doing that well so if the TROS trailer is only at 25 million then it may indeed be a strong indicator that there aren't nearly as many of us left for Episode IX, comparatively speaking. Which might be a good thing if it prompts Disney to stick to their guns and finally lay the main Saga to rest.
Good posting, but rather than typing this here, do a YT video.:lecture This is the kind of stuff that will get a bunch of views.

Yeah an "audio novel" option might be a better alternative to these walls of text I sometimes post, lol.

And I had to laugh at that "Star Wars is for Everyone" shirt - when you look at all the other mega-niche, fan-only in jokes shirts/gear that comprised ALL the other 30 official exclusives at Celebration, it makes that shirt such a joke.

Based on everything else, it should have been "Star Wars is for Insiders." I mean there's very little "everyone" would wear/use.:lol

There's no getting around it, "Star Wars is for Everyone" is straight damage control. Never before TLJ would shirts like that ever need to be printed to "get the word out." But even with that said I do hear you on the inherent irony of such a statement coming from LFL nonetheless, lol.

Still, I count it as a step in the right direction which is what I always want to see prior to a big release. It might be fodder for a fool's hope and nothing more but I'll take it, lol.