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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I'm excited. I'm just more cautious than ever. The Palpatine thing worries me. I don't want every movie from now on to just regurgitate characters, I want new stuff.

I was one of the few who appreciated TLJ for trying to forge new ground. I feel like the studio is too frightened to try anything different now.

But it looks beautiful, and I will be there opening weekend.

I think that for this to be the true conclusion of the Saga that began in TPM then there has to be some callbacks of that nature or it just wouldn't feel right. I get not wanting him back as far as just a new singular film experience goes but right now my gut tells me it was the right call. They really needed either him or Plagueis in order for this to feel full circle and since I loved Dark Empire and am not much of a Plagueis guy (sorry Prime Clone) I'm glad they went with the former.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Thought TFA was garbage & TLJ was great, but seeing the trailer gives me some hope JJ will actually deliver a worthy film.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

It'll be interesting to see what kind of lasting damage RJ's hostile tweets (and to a lesser extent some of JJ's comments about fans being intimidated by strong female characters) will have on the box office, regardless of the quality of the film. I knew from the get go that once they went down that path and made it personal in demonizing large groups of the fanbase that many of those folks would simply never come back.

I have a feeling that this new flick will quietly make a billion like CM did but not much more.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Maybe Rey is a Skywalker but is Luke's clone. The recovery of his lightsaber after the events of ESB would probably have also lead to the recovery of his hand, so just maybe....
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Well that trailer felt like it was a continuation of TFA and basically threw everything from TLJ to the wayside (as expected). She’s just nonchalantly using Luke’s saber too, no honor given to the fact it being busted seemed like a major point of TLJ’s.

And they’re not gonna be happy till they drag everyone from the OT through this one - Palps now?

I suppose it’s no longer Darth Vader’s/Anakin’s story but Palpatine’s.

No one seems to heed the old words of wisdom anymore:

‘Sometimes, dead is better’

Still I can see why they did it - it was the only part of the trailer that piqued my curiousity. JJ is an expert at this stuff.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

New generational Legend- Mary Sue
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

As with all Star Wars films I expect to have fun on first ever viewing. I doubt this will drag the other two out of the Dagobah swamp for me though and as such I expect it to be another fine addition to the extensive catalogue of non-canon SW films. :D

I agree with Khev that Rey looks terrific. She has always looked good as far as her outfits and hairstyling and I really did believe that the central protagonist of the ST should be female - just not one who was the finished article and beating everyone from the very beginning for godsakes - because now she has had no journey and there's no sense of threat going into the final movie - she's gonna win, like she always has, duh. I'll be surprised if..well, if they manage to surprise me on this one.

As for Billy Dee, yeah great to see him but it's bittersweet - coz Han, Luke and Leia are all dead (horrible to say that...). Palpatine back in action? Feck it, why not. Maybe he'll clear up who the hell Snoke was :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I agree with Khev that Rey looks terrific. She has always looked good as far as her outfits and hairstyling and I really did believe that the central protagonist of the ST should be female - just not one who was the finished article and beating everyone from the very beginning for godsakes - because now she has had no journey and there's no sense of threat going into the final movie - she's gonna win, like she always has, duh. I'll be surprised if..well, if they manage to surprise me on this one.

Another good reason to bring in a heavy hitter like Palpatine. Kylo just doesn't cut it at this point. But Palps could eff her up to finally create some real tension in her progression. Better late than never.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

The band comprised of Rey, Poe, and Finn is just simply pathetic when compared to Luke, Han, and Leia. And Kylo to Darth Vader....

Cue the Palpatine laugh.

Interesting title though, something tells me it was not the first choice of Kennedy or Rian Johnson.
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

This pic from the booth of the artist who made the mural is going around too:


It seems the ep9 part was left a bit unfinished on purpose. Notice the stars and the parallel lines running between them like a path - Skywalking, anybody? :lol

That + the title makes it likely the ‘your parents were drunks’ thing from TLJ is being tossed out the window
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Kennedy & Rian's decree in EP VIII with TLJ's catch phrase....

"Let The Past Die, Kill It If You Have To."

Kennedy & JJ's NEW decree in EP IX (after fan backlash) with TROS's new catch phrase...

"The Past Isn't Dead, Revive It IF You Have To".
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Well that trailer felt like it was a continuation of TFA and basically threw everything from TLJ to the wayside (as expected). She’s just nonchalantly using Luke’s saber too, no honor given to the fact it being busted seemed like a major point of TLJ’s.

And they’re not gonna be happy till they drag everyone from the OT through this one - Palps now?

I suppose it’s no longer Darth Vader’s/Anakin’s story but Palpatine’s.

No one seems to heed the old words of wisdom anymore:

‘Sometimes, dead is better’

Still I can see why they did it - it was the only part of the trailer that piqued my curiousity. JJ is an expert at this stuff.

I'm sure I'll like this film more than most but I'm not gonna lie, I hope that TROS wins you over so that we can be high-fiving OT/RO/Alita style. :rock

But...I'm fully aware of how off-putting this entire ST is to some really good peeps here so I won't hold my breath. :duff
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

I hope by the title it’s not giving away Rey’s origin. Nonetheless, I like her new outfit :clap
Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019

Rise of Skywalker? Is Rey really a Skywalker? Or is Kylo going to be the Skywalker?

Maybe Rey will name her new Jedi Order "Skywalker." It'd be stupid, but "Rise of Rey" or "Rise of Ben Solo" doesn't seem to me that's what the title is suggesting.