Star Wars Books

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I really disliked The Shadows of Mindor. It didn't feel at all like Star Wars to me.
Umm wrong
That's fair too simplistic
But there is lot of rubbishy books too

Yeah, all the books i have read so far were post OT and i liked them... Though i started reading the Yuuzhan Vong books once and couldn't get in to them. That has blown up into a really large series.
The New Jedi Order series was good, but I think the number of authors in it caused it to hurt a little. I love how big and ambitious the idea is though. I think the three author rotation they did with the last two series fits better.
I found the Jedi Academy Trilogy at a used book store today and am about 60 pages in to Jedi Search already. So far i am really liking it.

The book has mentioned several times already that sometime between The Hand of Thrawn Trilogy and The Jedi Academy books, Luke was turned to the darkside by the reincarnated Emperor. Does anyone know What book that happens in?
I just finished Shatterpoint. It follows Mace Windu and is very dark and adventurous and full of cool Jedi lore. Highly recommended. :lsvader
Second recommendation for Shatterpoint, nice. I will look into that one after i finish the Jedi Academy series. Mace Windu is an interesting character anyway. He walks a line very close to the darkside though hes disciplined enough to never let himself cross over.

Powerful Jedi was he.
I'm just started reading the New Jedi Order series now so I can't give a good opinion on that one but I would check out the Darth Bane Trilogy and definitely the Republic Commando series as well. Definitely my favorite books next to Timothy Zahn's novels. Shadows of the Empire is also a good read.
The book has mentioned several times already that sometime between The Hand of Thrawn Trilogy and The Jedi Academy books, Luke was turned to the darkside by the reincarnated Emperor. Does anyone know What book that happens in?

That's Dark Empire. It's a graphic novel (collected comic book series) not a straight up novel. It remains one of my favorites. It was my introduction to the EU.

I kind of envy you having all of this good Star Wars reading ahead of you.
The thing I disliked with the new Jedi order books was the way that lots of established planets just got torched
It seemed to be like oh well let's wipe put ithor - next!!

But it did actually seem like a war but wonder how the vong would have fared against vader?
That's Dark Empire. It's a graphic novel (collected comic book series) not a straight up novel. It remains one of my favorites. It was my introduction to the EU.

I kind of envy you having all of this good Star Wars reading ahead of you.

I'm super down for a graphic novel. The idea of Luke turning to the darkside was intriguing to me, and since I'm a visual person the more pictures i get to look at the better.

I am looking forward to reading more. Ive been craving a SW fix lately and i don't know why i didn't pick up the books sooner.

The thing I disliked with the new Jedi order books was the way that lots of established planets just got torched
It seemed to be like oh well let's wipe put ithor - next!!

But it did actually seem like a war but wonder how the vong would have fared against vader?

Aren't the Vong force Resistant? Like i said, i only read the first book in the series a long time ago so i could be wrong. Thought about going back to them but by that time there was an insane amount of books on that series and it became too daunting of a task.
The thing I disliked with the new Jedi order books was the way that lots of established planets just got torched
It seemed to be like oh well let's wipe put ithor - next!!

But it did actually seem like a war but wonder how the vong would have fared against vader?

I think the Empire would have wiped out the Vong with the quickness. Force resistant or not they would have been no match for the Death Star. The Empire was so much more ruthless. They would have been using all sorts of biological warfare. There would have been no discussion of the morality of using this weapon or that weapon. Straight up scorched earth.
Yep, the Death Star worked out very nicely. It's not like a rag tag team of rebels destroyed it...
Very true. I actually thought that very same thing after I posted. There is still no doubt in my mind that the Empire would have owned the Vong though.
if you want to read the New jedi order stuff, make sure to read the correlian trilogy first.

Also, the Kevin j Anderson Young Jedi knights books ( intended for younger readers) are pretty good, and a nice introduction to the Solo children.
The thing I disliked with the new Jedi order books was the way that lots of established planets just got torched
It seemed to be like oh well let's wipe put ithor - next!!

But it did actually seem like a war but wonder how the vong would have fared against vader?

force resistant or not, the empire was more organized and structured than the new republic was. The new republic had hoops it had to jump through, plus Borsk Felia was more concerned about not looking like an idiot, rather than looking into a threat he thought was imagined for the purpose of discrediting him.

The empire would have simply torn the vong apart with sheer military might. The Vong themselves knew this, and talk about it on a few occasions.
The empire would have simply torn the vong apart with sheer military might. The Vong themselves knew this, and talk about it on a few occasions.

Wasn't it actually mentioned in one of the books that Grand Admiral Thrawn knew about the Yuuzhan Vong since he spent so much time in the Outer Rim, and that he was preparing for their attack when he was killed?