Media Star Wars BattleFront

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I know, I was saying yet to check it out. Utterly disappointed.
Only one map. It's a good one, nice and open but one map, that's it. No battle scenarios, no additional one player stuff. Not even skins (new guns characters or vehicles). Could you upgrade the cards before? I can't remember but you can now if you couldn't before. What a let down.
Trading this back in. Constant spawn camping, die straight away, i cant get over the aim assist and dying from someone across the other side of the map. Jump packs are spammed just like the homing shot. Its just no fun. Hold the trigger, run and hope for the best. No ta.
While I do die a lot I usually do better than the amount I die. And there's a few game modes that I do pretty well that I enjoy more. By the way, you can't spam jump packs or homing shot, since they have a cooldown.
They can be spammed when the enemy team largely uses the exact same 3 cards upgraded. Jump pack every 20 seconds and 10-15:seconds for homing shot. Just ridiculous.

And its confirmed no DLC from Force Awakens. All ep 4-6 DLC. Waste of time.
Not even any prequel stuff for the dlc? This game is a total write off. I really, really hope the sequel goes in a different direction and makes up for this.. Keep the visual fidelity for sure, but change absolutely everything else.
Yup. Just original trilogy.

Im struggling to think of many planets left. Bespin is an obvious choice. Death Star maybe.

Pretty much Tatooine, Hoth and Endor are the main planets. Could argue Yavin 4. Dagobah wouldnt make much sense.

Id've loved Naboo, Courascant, Kamino, Mustafar and Genosia. Throw in Starkiller base.

Characters idvevliked Obi Wan, Qui Gonn, Darth Maul, Grevious, Jango and Dooku for prequels.

Obi Wan (Alec Guiness), Chewie, Lando, Bossk and IG-88 prequels. Kylo, Poe and Finn for new age.
I'd love to see a strictly indoor level. Like being able to battle it out inside the halls of the death star. Or bring back the mos Riley level from the past games.
I'd love to see a strictly indoor level. Like being able to battle it out inside the halls of the death star. Or bring back the mos Riley level from the past games.

Jabbas palace was always a fun map in the first game. But then most of the maps were fun in the first two.
Does anyone else find the cycle rifle is the most useless weapon in the game? I spent all that time levelling up to get a decent sniper rifle and find out the gun is a waste of time. Overall sw battlefront is a disappointment and a wasted opportunity. Theres not much strategy to it other then running around willy nilly blastin people. Theres a real lack of characters and vehicles in the game as well compared to earlier versions of SW BF.

Even acting as a sniper can't be done as mentioned above. I think as previous people have mentioned it doesn't hold up very well against other shooters out there. Titanfall is a much better game imo.
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Sniping works best on the bigger game modes. The pulse cannon is a beast of a gun, OP so it's fun to use. I love the game, been max level for awhile now and have a 2.40 K:D.

It obviously doesn't have nearly enough content. I know they're adding a fair amount of dlc, but that should have been included to begin with. 4 new heroes, couple cards and I think 16 maps? They should have added more customization.

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Downloaded this today and like it. I get the complaints I've read, but it gives me my Star Wars fix without requiring a lot of time. I like being able to play for a short amount of time when I get a chance and this game lets me do that. I'm not very good at it--and probably won't dedicate the time younger gamers will to become so--but it's enjoyable for what it is.
I tried offline only and there was just not enough content to enjoy so I signed up for the year of PS. It's really fun and beautiful for short periods. I would much prefer a campaign as there are times I'd like to continue playing but you're forced to bounce around for different game modes so it's just not that compelling. I'll take it for what it is for the moment, but hopefully the next Star Wars games have stories. I'd really like a star fighter-only game like Rogue Squadron.
I got this for sale on Boxing Day, signed up for PS plus and I'm hooked. I finally see the appeal of online gaming, something I didn't get at all with GTA. If anyone wants to add me on PS4 my name is the same as here, BadMuthaDude.
Loving this. You just can't beat playing as Jedi Luke!!

Yeah Vader and Luke are the best. Such a blast when you draw either of those two. Love the force choke in the air with Vader. I keep going back to the Heroes vs. Villain mode. Really good alternative to all out war.
I was expecting Heroes to be some DotA variant. Or even a podrace variant of the speederbike clash that should have been recreated (along with the trench run).

Okay the Battle of Jakku. WTF! There is nothing of that battle. The wreakage is already there and we start in the aftermath of it. Why couldn't we play the battle that put that Star Destroyer there. What another wasted opportunity.