Star Wars: Ahsoka

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OR.....and hear me out......
Listen they got to do something to properly incorporate all of this post OT/PT lore because none of this **** matches up lol
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I appreciate this comment a lot because I actually collected a bag of dirt to weather my Cad Bane clothing and gear in to give it that authentic Tatooine dust look LOL.

I’m planning out some custom shelving as well!

For me suppose it was inevitable or a slippery slope I took to like an Olympian speed skier.:lol I started with the MCU actually so it was sourcing 1/6 weapons, bottles, all kinds of stuff. Then Middle Earth. Then SW.

But I hafta say, when HT and some others are at their best, IMO these are little works of art. Just the face paint (I can't paint) can be mind blowing. It's like freezing moments in time. An excellent hobby that can bring in all kinds of skills like the guy who built a light-up forge for the Armorer.
I will keep replying to this meme to the day I die...

Yoda and Obi were liars and manipulators, and not omniscient.

This meme only hold water if you believe somehow Yoda knew every Jedi in the galaxy, which once died and which survived.

and also trust he was telling Luke the truth in everything he knew. And we all know Brog Obi and Yoda are scumbags thag manipulated a kid into killing his own father by keeping vital information from him.
I will keep replying to this meme to the day I die...

Yoda and Obi were liars and manipulators, and not omniscient.

This meme only hold water if you believe somehow Yoda knew every Jedi in the galaxy, which once died and which survived.

and also trust he was telling Luke the truth in everything he knew. And we all know Brog Obi and Yoda are scumbags thag manipulated a kid into killing his own father by keeping vital information from him.

Obviously you tell yourself that cause you need it to be true. You only need Yoda to be a "scumbag" if you want to justify Filoni's fan fiction.

I'm cool with Yoda telling the truth. Luke was the last Jedi after Yoda and Obi Wan died.
Obviously you tell yourself that cause you need it to be true. You only need Yoda to be a "scumbag" if you want to justify Filoni's fan fiction.

I'm cool with Yoda telling the truth. Luke was the last Jedi after Yoda and Obi Wan died.
Don't forget "good" Reva also running around during the OT. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before it becomes "canon" that she was hiding in the Falcon's cargo hold and using the Force to make asteroids crash into pursuing TIE's...
Are people still debating this? Luke was the only known active Jedi at the time of that statement. Simple as that.
....Cause they were all dead.
No reason to make it more complicated than it is.
So why complicate it then. :lol


It robs the whole point and gravitas of the scene, and next line "pass on what you have learned", (why they hinged the future on Luke alone). There was no other for it.

This is where you flip-flop the argument. from "no reason", to there is a reason.
To justify the retcon.
Arguing Ahsoka was momentarily not a Jedi at the time, and adding space whales to "explain" Ezra away at the time, just so he can have them back after the fact. No it's not complicated, it's contrived.
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....Cause they were all dead.

So why complicate it then. :lol

So this is where you flip-flop your argument. for "no reason" to there is a reason.
But it's not complicated... it's pretty simple if you have an ounce of media literacy.
....Cause they were all dead.

So why complicate it then. :lol


This is where you flip-flop the argument. from "no reason", to there is a reason.
To justify the retcon.
And arguing she wasn't a Jedi at the time, and adding space whales to "explain" him away at the time, so he can have them back after the fact, is not complicated, it's contrived.

lol "space whales"

How insipid.

More like Dave BALONEY am I right??
For the record, I like the show, and most of the Filoni characters.
And despite the generic formula, facile refrances, staging, cosplay looking , and flat acting, think the last episode felt the most like, and in the spirit of the OT, since anything produced since then. :wink1:
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But it's not complicated... it's pretty simple if you have an ounce of media literacy.
Having media literacy means having consumed enough of it to understand creative intent and storytelling context better than the average person. The people spotlighting the contradiction of these characters existing during ROTJ are the ones demonstrating superior media literacy by recognizing what Lucas intended to convey back in 1983 and understanding how storytelling context makes these characters contradict that intent despite the ineffectual "technicalities" given for why they supposedly don't.

If Ahsoka is supposed to be excluded from Yoda's mind because she "technically" left the Order, then she shouldn't be shown to refuse training Grogu based on Jedi teachings regarding attachment. And she shouldn't be training Sabine in Jedi arts with the help of a droid belonging to the Jedi. Context matters.

If Ezra is supposed to be excluded because he's in another galaxy, then they shouldn't have made a "World Between Worlds" existing beyond the limits of space and time by which Yoda was already shown to be able to connect with him from a distance and show awareness of his substantial Jedi training. Context matters.

If Yoda was able to watch Luke for years on Tatooine, all the way from Dagobah, then logic would suggest he'd also be able to keep tabs on those he'd literally met and had conversations with long before he ever spoke one word to Luke. And then there's Grogu, who would almost certainly have been a connection Yoda would keep strong interest in for obvious reasons. Yep, context again.

I have no idea what happened to Cal Kestis by ROTJ. Same goes for Reva. But Ahsoka, Ezra, and Grogu were *all* more Jedi-trained than Luke was at the time of that ROTJ statement. And they were all very much alive and capable of being sensed by the little walking Cerebro known as Yoda. :lol If lore integrity mattered, none of them would exist in the ROTJ timeline, and having more than an ounce of media literacy actually helps understand that.
Can you be a lightsaber wielding force user and not be a Jedi?
According to the OT? No.

Even Palpatine called out a lightsaber as being "a Jedi's weapon." Vader had one because he used to be a Jedi. Old Ben described a lightsaber as being the weapon of a Jedi Knight (as opposed to any random person who could use the Force.)

TPM changed that when it introduced Darth Maul and then every additional movie and TV episode seemed specifically designed to make OT Ben and Yoda bigger and bigger liars with each new reveal. It's possible to enjoy the new stuff while still having a good chuckle about that fact.
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According to the OT? No.

Even Palpatine called out a lightsaber as being "a Jedi's weapon." Vader had one because he used to be a Jedi. Old Ben described a lightsaber as being the weapon of a Jedi Knight (as opposed to any random person who could use the Force.)

TPM changed that when it introduced Darth Maul and then every additional movie and TV episode seemed specifically designed to make OT Ben and Yoda bigger and bigger liars with each new reveal. It's possible to enjoy the new stuff while still being aware of that.
I wouldn't say this made them liars, being a Jedi is the most effective way to get a lightsaber because the Jedi hoarded knowledge for themselves and refused to share it with anyone that didn't join their cult. If you leave the order you're no longer a Jedi, if you steal a lightsaber you're not automatically a Jedi, if you somehow discover how to make on your own that also doesn't make you a Jedi.


All that matters to me were those awesome scenes in AOTC and ROTS revolving around Darth Maul being alive ruling Mandalore and Ahsoka’s whereabouts and in ANH when Palpatine ordered the purge of Mandalore!
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