Star Wars: Ahsoka

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(spoilery review beware)

I wanted to write this review before reading any other comments that might take me off this wonderful high this show has been. Reading all the BS naysayers can really be a bummer, since what we have here is some of the best SW stories since the OT.

We have such amazing detailed character arcs paying out, in a way that keeps the adventure and wonder alive without much room for anyone to complain. Between the great acting, effects and score , I think this show was a tour de force (pun intended) of the SW Disney has been struggling to find. This series has been the almost pedect blend of adventure/fantasy/lore and yes, nostalgia.

The ending tied in so many much loved arcs from the SW universive in an almost perfect way.

The saber fights are what should have been in the PT, gritty, samurai like close combat duels that would give Errol Flynn a run for his money. I watched the finale twice already and with the exception of a few cuts, they seem natural and flawless. Organic is the word that comes to mind.

Our main character Ashoka had grown through the story back to the Jedi she was headed toward back in TCW. And most importantly, we see her master has been there behind the scenes , trying to make up for his mistake, and finish what he began. There is some trouble with this idea of course, but I am sure it will be worked out. Perhaps as a force ghost, you can only help in the student/master role. It does fit if you take that as cannon.

Sabine is finally moving away from the pretentious character we have always known i to a deeper more interesting hybrid of Jedi and Mandalorian.

Thrawn, while showing he is the master tactical leader he always was , has also shown he has changed into a more flawed and even angry despot. Who clearly is afraid of the Jedi.

We see Ezra as something more than the warrior Jedi, yet he maintains the mischief of his youth. IF I had a complaint, it would be to see more of Ezra and how he has changed.

That leaves us with the characters with the LEAST interesting end. Baylan ans Shin. The tragedy of Rays passing is made even more depressing seeing how such and interesting character may end up scrapped and reduced due to his demise. One cannot help but feel a bit cheated on this front, by dragging out that arc, we may never see what was really intended.

Shin, also a great character, was also sort of wasted, as we seem to have only gotten 1/4 at most of her tale.

However, it gives us something to look forward to. Ezra and Shin have alot of story yet to tell.

And DAMN, that score can make or break film, and they have NAILED the score and cinematography....its just a beauty to watch and hear. (sound effects as well)

Its been a wonderful few weeks to be a 51 year old SW grateful to the folks at Disney for plugging away to finally get a show that hits ALL the marks so well.

Ok now to read all the trolls bashing this for internet cannot take away what was made here.
This, pretty much. :lecture
Those zombified stormtroopers rushing through the gate after it was cut in half had me nearly die with laughing. Seriously, another stupid plot hole.
It was either that or take the gear off and have to come out in his Underoos. :lol

Even though there were obvious logical reasons for him not to come out wearing stormtrooper gear (including helmet - as if anyone in the audience didn't already know who it was), this was just another one of the billion winks Filoni was giving his animated fans because they know Ezra was seen in Imperial/trooper uniforms a bunch of times throughout that show.

Any chance he gets to make people go, "Ooh, they're doing that thing that we remember from the cartoon!" he won't pass up.

Is Andor 2 here yet? :lol
You mean like the whole "the Force is my ally" so we can stuff some Yoda callback in there wink wink, then Ezra is gonna
meet baby Yoda down the road and make some comment about meeting Grogu's Daddy in a temple....I bet Ezra is able to steal a shuttle because he floated away with the garbage.

Overall for me it was lavish and Rebels fan service. Sort of like the Boba Fett finale. Stuffed with stuff that may or may not land or make sense. Boba wins tho coz of Fennec and the badass bro moments plus you got a Rancour biting a head off.
And Ezra wearing full trooper armor with helmet on a republic cruiser is he retarded lol
They should have had a scene with Ezra in the cockpit with a little co-pilot droid and he tells it "oh man, they're gonna totally think I'm a Stormtrooper and it'll be so hilarious when I take off my helmet and they realize it's me..." and then when he comes down the ramp Hera gives the order for all the New Republic troops to open fire and they absolutely obliterate him. She says "I can't believe they thought we'd be dumb enough to fall for that trick again" and then turns and leaves the hangar.

Cut to Sabine telling Ahsoka that being stranded in another galaxy was worth it since they were able to send Ezra home. End credits.
Aside from what we thought of the writing, the acting, the plots, etc. I think we can all agree on one thing...the real winner here is Hot Toys, they're going to fire up those old Stormtroopers molds and make 62 different figures.
Well, if HT was so inclined, they could do:

Imperial remnant:
Night troopers (maybe 3 versions to cover the overall looks, maybe a single release and a 2 pack)
Captain Enoch
Night deathtroopers (deadtrooper)
Night tie pilot
And of course Thrawn.

Then for Republic troopers in flashbacks:
Regular phase 1 clone
501st phase 1 clone
Captain Rex phase 1
Regular phase 2 clone
Regular phase 2 clone variant (back box painted)
332nd phase 2 clone
501st phase 2 clone
Captain Rex phase 2

Just a couple troopers there for them to choose from.

Realistically though I expect 1 night trooper, Captain Enoch and maybe a deadtrooper as far as trooper figures go. Thrawn is a given though.
So... was this a good show or a bad show?

How was Thrawn?
Good if you like mysticism, Filoni-isms, lightsaber go brrrrr and bang bang explosiony-ness

Bad if you enjoy good writing or logic or hate repeated scenes of people standing around staring into the distance/crossing their arms as a substitute for personality.

In all honesty, it is not BAD, it has much less cringe than BOBF, Kenobi or Mando s3, it is simply shallow. Style over substance. It is the dumb but pretty half of Star Wars. Visually nice just... basically fast food
ItGood if you like mysticism, Filoni-isms, lightsaber go brrrrr and bang bang explosiony-ness

Bad if you enjoy good writing or logic or hate repeated scenes of people standing around staring into the distance/crossing their arms as a substitute for personality.

In all honesty, it is not BAD, it has much less cringe than BOBF, Kenobi or Mando s3, it is simply shallow. Style over substance. It is the dumb but pretty half of Star Wars. Visually nice just... basically fast food

You took the time to give a proper answer. I was on the running machine so one word replies were easier. :lol

I liked the ideas and visuals, but it's Star Wars so plot holes are a given

I don't like Rosario's smug and smirking portrayal of Ahsoka, and Thrawn was underwhelming in character and physicality.

Baylan and Shin were the most interesting characters. I think there's something going on between Sabine and Shin. ;)
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If I was Filoni, after Ghost anakin appear I will pan the camera away and show another force ghost of MACE WINDU, looks battered and without hand!! With SLJ eyes about to pop out trademark.
Such a missed opportunity.....
So... was this a good show or a bad show?

How was Thrawn?
Thrawn aside it was very entertaining, very SW and most importantly the lightsaber battles were of INSANELY high quality, Ahsoka had a spectacular design, Shin and Baylan were cool and the music was wonderful.

Thrawn is a super genius he’ll keep repeating how he is one step ahead of Ahsoka all of the time just to remind agp lol

This Thrawn just might turn agp into a darthkostis/victor.
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I would pay to watch that in 4k. But only if Ahsoka is coaching them.

Season 2 filming's already started.

Rumour is that it's a love/hate Sabine and Shin buddy movie.

Leaked spoiler image follows...

I do prefer the Thrawn/Witch combo as a galactic threat over the First Order.

I think that the friendship between Thrawn and the Witches will not last very long after he sacrificed their sister and obliterated their temple.