SSC 1:6 Scale Dusty!

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i don't know. didn't they learn their lessons with the last 2 environments that didn't sell?

I really like the look of this one but they'll price it about $70 too high.
i don't know. didn't they learn their lessons with the last 2 environments that didn't sell?

Maybe their profit margin was big enough that they made money despite the slow sales.

Dusty sort of has a Christian Bale look to me.
Also will he come with two stands? Pic 19 has a sand environment base...

EDIT: Also, the Cobra Desert Trooper and Officer come with the Dragunov SVD and the Ak-74 which we've already seen. C'mon Sideshow, mix it up a little.
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Also will he come with two stands? Pic 19 has a sand environment base...

EDIT: Also, the Cobra Desert Trooper and Officer come with the Dragunov SVD and teh Ak-74 which we've already seen. C'mon Sideshow, mix it up a little.

Either they came up with a way to squeeze a little more out of the Darth Maul base cover, or they are giving us ideas on what to do with them. It looks like the same one to me and it really doesn't look to fit correctly on that base.
What's up with the goatee, SS?

Other than that, he looks good. Lot of equipment and like the camo Laser Rifle.

Sandstorm with the environment is lame. Didn't they learn their lesson with Timber???
I love the Famas, but I was never a dusty fan so this is an easy pass for me. Grats to all you who wanted him!
Love it. Will buy. Enviroment... love it but there is only so much space and money not sure about that. I picked up recon at waypoint and really like it but have yet to pull the trigger on the throne due the money space issues, so we will see. The more of these they make the harder the sell will be for me. Very happy to have a new Joe coming.
Looks great to me. The environment, meh. I'm displaying my Joe's in front of the American flag. Makes most of the environment bases useless for me.
I might get it to display the Cobra Troops though. Depends on price.
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Eric Bana.

And is that a cloth beret? Looks like it.

I also saw Bana in his face...

I really like this figure, lots of parts like a Hot Toys Army Ranger...I can't wait to add this figure, too bad it probably wont be until June or July..