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Re: 12" Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode II???

Maybe he's another EU Exclusive.

Hmm... I doubt that. For one, I think even Sideshow would know better than to have a SW figure as an overseas exclusive (and a character like Obi-Wan at that). Also, the first place to have it up for pre-order was in Singapore.
Re: 12" Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode II???

Hmm... I doubt that. For one, I think even Sideshow would know better than to have a SW figure as an overseas exclusive (and a character like Obi-Wan at that). Also, the first place to have it up for pre-order was in Singapore.

Granted, but I'm trying to gather why this would've been announced all over the world and here...nada.
Re: 12" Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode II???


:rotfl I know, and I agree. It'd be perfect for, say, a PO in this week's newsletter. But again, why is it that we haven't even heard a whisper about it and the UK, EU and Asia are already taking preorders?! For a DE, someone here should've at least dropped a hint by now.
Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

Gross aside, his belt and his robe are the only things you can recylce from ROTS.

The only downside of this panning out means that likely he comes with a bare minimum of accessories and I always thought it'd be cool if AOTC Obi-Wan came with the Geonosian spear from the arena, the handcuffs from there and/or Zam's assassin droid.
Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

The only downside of this panning out means that likely he comes with a bare minimum of accessories and I always thought it'd be cool if AOTC Obi-Wan came with the Geonosian spear from the arena, the handcuffs from there and/or Zam's assassin droid.

Do you reckon the price is too low for the figure to include some of those accessories, which by the way, sound way cool?
Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

Maybe just me but also the tracking device he places on slave 1 and also the other lightsaber he wields in the arena and during the fight agaisnt dooku. i had forgotten about the spear and handcuffs they would make great exclusives not essential but cool anyway.
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Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

Gross aside, his belt and his robe are the only things you can recylce from ROTS.

The only downside of this panning out means that likely he comes with a bare minimum of accessories and I always thought it'd be cool if AOTC Obi-Wan came with the Geonosian spear from the arena, the handcuffs from there and/or Zam's assassin droid.

Couldn't they reuse the Leia Ex cuffs?
Re: 12" Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode II???

you're a padawan learner when it comes to breaking news rookie :lol

You must learn the secrets of the "Search" button before you can call anyone a padawan learner for you are not a Jedi yet either. :lol
Re: 12" Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode II???

you're a padawan learner when it comes to breaking news rookie :lol

That search option is like playing "needle in a haystack amongst a barn full of them." But since it was still on page one, someone else is as blind as a post-fight General Kota! :p
Re: Who's waiting for an Episode II Obi Wan?

Couldn't they reuse the Leia Ex cuffs?

It would be an injustice, the Geonosian cuffs don't look like the ANH cuffs and one thing SSC deserves credit for is being keen on detail, like making sure Ep3 Anakin, Ep4 Luke and Ep5 Luke all had lightsaber hilts with the proper distinctions instead of cheaping out and using one mold.