So ebay is going to be my undoing...

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Rex Tremendae Majestatis
Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score
Colombia, South America
For many years I lived in a world where there was no ebay. where I couldn't open an account with paypal.
Those were dark, sad times, when I could only look on as others grabbed fantastic collectibles that were always out of reach for me.

Until one day, through simple chance I decided, hoping against hope, to try and open a paypal account again.

And lo and behold, it was done!
There were no restrictions on accounts from Colombia.

That very same day I began bidding.

Now I already both Phantoms of the Opera, have a London after Midnight on the way and god knows what else I'll be ordering! :lol

Anyway, the regular Phantom arrived today (thanks Les!) and while a very nice figure, it just doesn't ooze coolness like the Mask of the Red Death version.
A lot of care and love was put into it, but the costume is a bit basic (shirt/vest combo) and it doesn't look that well tailored.
The sculpt is fantastic though, and the accessories really nice. The violin and bow would've benefited from a bit more work, but they look great.

All in all I'm very happy with my growing collection of Universal Monsters. It's a line I gave up early on to focus on my WWII collection and I feel lucky to be able to get the ones I really like.

Next on the list is Mr. Hyde and the ever elusive Creature.

Just wanted to share my monster love! :peace
For many years I lived in a world where there was no ebay. where I couldn't open an account with paypal.
Those were dark, sad times, when I could only look on as others grabbed fantastic collectibles that were always out of reach for me.

Until one day, through simple chance I decided, hoping against hope, to try and open a paypal account again.

And lo and behold, it was done!
There were no restrictions on accounts from Colombia.

That very same day I began bidding.

Now I already both Phantoms of the Opera, have a London after Midnight on the way and god knows what else I'll be ordering! :lol

Anyway, the regular Phantom arrived today (thanks Les!) and while a very nice figure, it just doesn't ooze coolness like the Mask of the Red Death version.
A lot of care and love was put into it, but the costume is a bit basic (shirt/vest combo) and it doesn't look that well tailored.
The sculpt is fantastic though, and the accessories really nice. The violin and bow would've benefited from a bit more work, but they look great.

All in all I'm very happy with my growing collection of Universal Monsters. It's a line I gave up early on to focus on my WWII collection and I feel lucky to be able to get the ones I really like.

Next on the list is Mr. Hyde and the ever elusive Creature.

Just wanted to share my monster love! :peace

Cool!:D Are we talking 12 inch monsters here? Best of luck to you friend, I Hope you find all those monsters that you are looking for. :)
yeah ebay can work for or against you. i've sold some figures where i got like $8 for it when i originally paid over $50. but then again you get lucky every now and then and make a few extra bucks so it evens out i guess
12" of plastic monster love all the way!
Uhm... wait, that doesn't sound right... :horror<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>

Haha, sounds dirty...
Just got the LAM figure!
Again, a really beautiful figure with a great sculpt and great costume, I'm very happy.

One thing that baffles me though, is the packaging of these old SST figures. How ^^^^ing insane were they back then?!
I mean, the thing is actually sewn on to the box! What the hell were they thinking?
Unfortunately, that ripped the silver cape a bit, kinda sad but no biggie for me. Of course I would've loved it not to rip, but what can you do...
I also am working on getting all of the 12" ss monsters I need. It's hard thought when you've got so much coming out in between.
Yeah, tell me about it!
At any rate, all I need now is the Jekyll and Hyde figure and the Creature from the Black Lagoon and then I'm done.
you're lucky :lol I'm behind alot. too much actually :lol next up for me is the Wolf man and the Bride. I can't decide if I should get the Frankenstein from Bride of Frank or not cause I have the Frank from the original Frank. So I'm torn on if I get the one from Bride or just stick to having the one I have :dunno OCD sucks :lol
Well, I just don't want/like all of them...
My collection consists of the Vampyre, Wolfman, Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, LAM, and both Phantom's of the Opera.
Other than the Creature and the Hyde dude, I might consider the Metaluna Mutant.
I love the Mummy as a character, but the figure doesn't look so hot, especially for the prices it commands.
Well, just got the Creature from Black Lagoon, and I must say I completely understand why it is such a beloved figure!
Got mine MIB from a fellow collector here (cheers Colleen!) for a great price.
It's the first time I have a sense of trepidation opening a figure! Not even when DML's airborne Duke was commanding 500 bucks did I even pause to think about keeping a figure MIB, but this time, as I tore through the package, I did feel a certain emotion...

At any rate, it is a fantastic figure!
Beautifully crafted, painted and constructed.

As I look back and collect more of these figures, I really do think the UM line was Sideshow's finest hour, and they are only recently (IMHO) attaining those same heights of love and quality with some of their SW figures.

Bravo Sideshow!
you fool! what have you done?! i weep for your soul. welcome to poverty:monkey2


Yeah, I know... every time I think of "just one more figure" that will make the collection complete...
But seriously, I'm thinking maybe Hyde and the Bride. And the Brdie would need a repaint from the pics I've seen. Maaaaaybe the Metaluna Mutant... :D
Congrats on the finds. I am slowly getting into this line. I think I would like to only collect the SSE 12" line and possibly some of the SSE PF. I definitely want LAM SSE PF. What do you guys prefer the color or SSE?