Sith Anakin and his amazing fall-apart arm.

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Jan 20, 2006
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Ok, so this is kind of late in the day, But its been bugging me so i thought id ask you guys your opinion/advice.

i got my Sith anakin a couple of weeks back. Now I'd heard, rightly or wrongly, That teh arm problem had been fixed with this guy. When i took my figure out of teh box, all seemed fine. until i went to move his arm.

Not only did his arm slide right out of his sleeve. but the arm was broken. Well, to be fair, not broken so much as not put together at all. The part of the arm above the elbow joint seems to have never been sealed together. So my Anakins arm actually comes in three parts. the main body of the arm and the connector joint above the elbow is in 2 halves.

I was pretty dissapointed about this to say the least. But didnt really want to go through the hassle of sending the whole figure back to sideshow so I swore about it a lot, and then displayed him with the Robot arm instead.

Thing is, I really would liek to have the option of displaying him with the gauntlet. I realise i could probably glue the joint pieces together, but i really dont believe i should have to. And im worried i might somehow screw it up (however unlikely that may be... you never know)

So my question is. Do you think sideshow would simply send me a replacement arm? or am i going to have to send the whole piece back? Or, would you advise my attempting to glue the arm pieces together using superglue or something? I did buy the exclusive from Sideshow direct, so i guess they would replace the figure seeing as how its faulty. I just really dont want to go through through all the hoops of sending it back, waiting for a replacement etc, when, for all i know, i could get the same problem again.
Any advice would be gratefully recieved.
When I got my Kit Fisto, the belt was messed up, so I contacted the Sideshow customer service and they allowed me to send them the belt and then they sent me a replacement, along with $5 credit on one of my other orders, so be secure in that you won't lose anything if you send it back.
The arm falls off, you say? Amazingly Wild Weird Stuff...
I would contact Sideshow and see what they will offer to do for you. Then you will know what your options are. I'm not sure how you would fix something like that.
Yeah Its in three parts. If it was just the falling out thing I wouldnt be botehring to say anything, hell almost everyone has that problem.
Heres a picture to illustrate what I mean. Sorry its so crappy. My digital cameras on the blink and I had to use my phone instead.

Yeah call Sideshow thats not what we all were having. The photo is good enough to show the problem, and maybe make a few people rethink their posts.
pixletwin said:
The arm falls off, you say? Amazingly Wild Weird Stuff...

I did not know that..That is weird, wild stuff...I did not know that.

Anyway, my sith anakin's arm is totally annoying me beyond anything...I just put VERY thing threads of double-sided tape on the join and that seems to hold it on pretty well.
Thanks for reminding me that I need crazy clue for Ani's arm. It's been driving me crazy that it won't stay in it's socket.

And very funny Josh.:lol
anyone got a link to the rubber band fix for this arm that was listed here and at Reblescum? i can't find it now that i need it. thanks