SHIN GODZILLA - Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

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Agreed MF. Those millennium films are painfully forward at times.

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I liked the ending also... I just laughed when it was revealed that it was not really an answer to the problem... Looks like the US is going to Nuke Godzilla anyways...

As for Final Wars... This could have been two hours of watching a floating turd and it would have been better then Final Wars.

I loved the political parts in the first 40 min... When they would cut back and forth between the Japanese govt and Godzilla... It was everything you said it was... But man that second hour was really just filler... It could have been edited down to 20 min and it would have given us the same answers and been just as realistic...

The film lacked the feel of devastation that the original had. It showed a little bit but after the initial attack (which was freaking great) It never got that feeling back of crap hitting the fan. True.. Perhaps that was not the point of the film but it's what kept it from being a GREAT movie for me. Again had the final shown that that the freezing of G was not going to work in the long run but the humans did not know it... I would have been cool with that... But they put this plan together that basically was the same as Godzilla going to sleep to cool himself down and they knew it. Thus the film made me feel like it just gave me the middle finger for the previous hour boring characters and dialogue.

But it was a different Godzilla movie.. That is for sure. There is more to it to identify then just a new Godzilla suit.

My 10 and 7 year old both liked it. But I have brought them up proper. :)

I really agree with you here. I like the ending but it could have been so much more ballsier and scary if it would have had a true horror film ending with Godzilla starting to heat up again and move and those human like creatures on his tail beginning to free themselves. Whose to say a nuclear strike on Godzilla would have killed him either. Tokyo would have been toast but a nuclear strike could make him evolve again, into a fifth form, maybe a Godzilla even bigger and more dangerous. And those creatures may have the ability to fly as was hinted about in the film. Bottom line, they set up the possibility of new kaiju as enemies. I honestly think that a sequel will be produced with all of these ideas on display sooner rather than later considering that this was the biggest grossing Toho Godzilla film ever.
But the things on his tail imply much of the same that him glowing or starting to move would do. They just didn't do it in the completely overdone, cliche Stephen King manner. It was done in a more curious and subtle kind of way. One that sparks conversation and theories and not just glowing up from the inside like Last Airbender or How to Train Your Dragon.

The movie made it very clear that Godzilla was not done. And that's only taking into the account of the humans knowing about his nuclear fussion. They don't know about the tail. They don't know how else he will evolve (and he will evolve).

There was a line at the end where they said they had to learn to live with Godzilla. I wasn't sure if that was an ironic line or not. It almost sounded arrogant to presume that Godzilla can even be remotely within mankind's control. That's a rude awakening waiting to happen (exclamation pointed by the tail shot).

It also can mean that mankind continually has to evolve and that Godzilla is a lesson to keep moving forward. That makes it more of a metaphorical statement as well. But, the end result is the same for both potential meanings.

Godzilla won't be contained. Whether his body physically grows to break out of the form he's in or his tail splits off into creatures that will destroy the confinements or both.

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I really agree with you here. I like the ending but it could have been so much more ballsier and scary if it would have had a true horror film ending with Godzilla starting to heat up again and move and those human like creatures on his tail beginning to free themselves. Whose to say a nuclear strike on Godzilla would have killed him either. Tokyo would have been toast but a nuclear strike could make him evolve again, into a fifth form, maybe a Godzilla even bigger and more dangerous. And those creatures may have the ability to fly as was hinted about in the film. Bottom line, they set up the possibility of new kaiju as enemies. I honestly think that a sequel will be produced with all of these ideas on display sooner rather than later considering that this was the biggest grossing Toho Godzilla film ever.
I'm hoping, now that this story has been established, the sequel will introduce another monster and Toho explores more of what Godzilla can do in terms of defending/attacking/evolving.
I'm just curious if the main Godzilla will now fight the new kaiju that breaks off from his tail?

Would it be a clone?

I'm just trying to figure out how they can introduce a monster for him to fight in their new(ish) mythology.
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Adding a new monster is fairly easy, Godzilla is a mutation from dumped nuclear waste, you simply write more creatures following the same path. It'd actually be a lot like Godzilla: The Series, French nuke tests created Gino and other abuses of radiation spawned other life forms the world over.

As for the final shot in Shin, I find it a very effective "oh ****, what's gonna happen now," ending because even though the small creatures are frozen, there's a shot of Godzilla as he is first frozen where you see the tail tip and they're not there, so they're slowly rising from him in his hibernation state. When I was hearing about the final shot early on, I imagined he was frozen while they were emerging and essentially it stopped them too, when in fact, they are his genetic counterattack to the freezing just done to him.

I also found that all his new powers and features were easier to accept once we have a clear explanation which is that he is a freak of nature evolving anatomy and abilities as needed for a situation, even the back lasers I can get behind because they make sense, and each was introduced along the way. First he adapts for land by being able to stand and walk, then he grows, then he breathes fire, then he shoots rays from his back, and finally, when all that fails, his tail acts as a second mouth to relase his ray.
These guys seem to have giant friends they can bring to Earth to play in a Shin Godzilla VS movie:





Toho can pick any one of those, come up with their 2.0 version, and this time have Spielberg direct the movie....

Anyone know when this gets a Blu-Ray release in Japan or Hong Kong or greater Asia? Hoping the Hong Kong/Asia release would have English subs. The US release will probably be a year away or more considering how slow Funimation moves. That company has been nothing but a bane for fans of anime, especially Anno's Evangelion films as they take forever to come out over here.
Anyone know when this gets a Blu-Ray release in Japan or Hong Kong or greater Asia? Hoping the Hong Kong/Asia release would have English subs. The US release will probably be a year away or more considering how slow Funimation moves. That company has been nothing but a bane for fans of anime, especially Anno's Evangelion films as they take forever to come out over here.

Well that's not good :(

Not sure but with my luck, my copy on blu will probably have the subtitles cutoff at the bottom.

I'm just curious if the main Godzilla will now fight the new kaiju that breaks off from his tail?

Would it be a clone?

I'm just trying to figure out how they can introduce a monster for him to fight in their new(ish) mythology.
It would be him I would think. I guess they can write it that way but I took it completely as Godzilla's counter to the freezing plan of the humans.

I don't even think I want a sequel.

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Today's final day in US theaters, doubt we'll hear anything soon, haven't even heard news on Japanese home video yet.