Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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I agree with you PZ, but there is a reason the jasons sold. Better sculpts and more care given to the character. The Ursus head would have been better if his helmet came off, but it doesn't so this makes him extremely limited. The accessories for the later POTA figures has been just horrible, the Caesar poster was the stupidest thing SS has done so far. I won't cut SS any slack here. In my opinion the only two great sculpts in the whole line were Cornelius and Zira. I'm tired of hearing SS's excuse that there aren't enough POTA fans buying the figures. Honestly die hard fans won't buy crap. If I hadn't been able to manipulate my figures and kit bash them to fill them out I would have rejected this line also. Mego had no problem and neither did Medicom. It looks like palisades will have no problem either. Unfortunately I collect 1/6 scale for a reason, better sculpts and articulation. I use these figures for film class projects like stop action or story boarding. I'm just tired of SS kiss ass reviews. In my opinion they just blew this line and it's disappointing to see that they're just giving up and wimping out. Hell there's enough information in all the movies and television series to give more than 50 different apes. SS did NOT do their homework! Only being able to buy one or two figures after at least a year of it's sale date has also hurt this line. If they lifted the buying limit these damn dirty apes would have sold long ago!
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Your voices have been heard by the web team (production, who knows? They live in their own little world of puppies and ice cream :p) - the buying limit has been increased on most of the remaining in-stock Apes figures. We'll see how they sell with a limit of 10 :duff
I'm sorry, Stickman but I politely disagree.

I feel that the Sideshow line is THE BEST "Planet of the Apes" line I have ever seen. Sure it's had it's rough spots. I believe the mixture of cloth and leather in the original costumes presented a challenge for the Sideshow designers to replicate in the 1/6 scale. So some of the clothing looks a tad "overstitched". Also, it is unfortunate that they were experimenting with rotocast heads during time of the line. Most upsetting to me, the colors were a little off with Zaius. And the the later exclusives left a bit to be desired. I'm SO with you on the circus poster. I would have much preferred a "Battle" Caesar exclusive! At least Sideshow didn't charge us extra for the damn poster. But I sincerely believe that the strengths of the Sideshow Ape line far outweigh it's flaws.

And I believe Sideshow FAR out shadows the other Ape lines attempted by other companies. Mego never once got a figure right! Dr. Zaius in a white costume and black Superman boots! Zira And Cornelius with painted eyebrows, lipstick, furry cuffs, and Indian moccasins! And the WORST Gorilla sculpt in the history of toys! And they outfitted the two TV fugitives in pajamas they never wore in all 13 episodes! And the worst figure was Urko! What was up with him? Did they have only B&W photos to base his coloring on? You would think considering they gave him an ORANGE helmet with BLUE glyphs, a MUSTARD vest and PURPLE tights! He looked like a member of the Village People! I know that the toy biz was way different back then, but... I was only 8 when the figures came out and I knew they sucked even then. So, to me Mego ONLY scores points because they were THE Apes toys I played with first... not because they set any high bar of quality.

As for the Medicoms, I like them fine however I found the whole series very limiting... the articulation was particurally worthless. They might as well be static figurines. Granted the sculpts were very impressive... yet the paint ops were VERY sloppy therefore masking or mudding the detail. I went through a whole box of Zaius' before I could find one I wanted to buy. And some of the poses were boring or not functional... for example, WHY can't Astronaut Zira hold her helmet? Unfortunately, I bought the entire set BEFORE Diamond picked them up so these monkeys were not cheap! I liked the array of figures they made... I just didn't love them or found them to be as much fun as they could have been. I have high hopes for the Palisades line. Yet their ugly Army of Darkness line gives me reason to pause.

Like you, Stickman, I love 1/6 scale figures as a whole. The first figure I EVER played with was Captain Action and his stunning array of costumes. So when Sideshow announced their Ape line of 12"ers I was in heaven. Barring the Ape abominations produced by Hasblow, this would be the first time the Apes would properly presented in the scale I'm passionate about.

And, at least for me, Sideshow didn't disappoint. Sure, we have had to tinker a bit here and there to make them to where we like them. I know I had a friend who is a professional painter touch up my Zaius to where I like him. But isn't this what makes this hobby so much fun, sometimes? To make these figures our own? To buy a figure that makes our creative kitbashing juices flow?

Isn't that the reason we Ape fans are all frantically buying all the Sideshow gorillas that we can get our hands on? :google
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Thanks for the reply PZ, I know I was a little harsh. I guess I was just blowing off some steam. I have all of my apes fully displayed and really appreciate they way they look. There's not a day that goes by that I want to tear into the remaining five gorillas I have still packaged, and add them to the lot. Besides, after I wrote that last bit, I looked up at my mutants, I really like them. Thanks for lending an ear and spreading some insight. :peace
Woo Hoo! Thanks Dusty!!!!!! SS here I come for some apes!!!

Aerosmith, I'd get them all. They are all unique in their own little way. I like the gorillas most, but the mutants are really cool also. With the high production run on Cornelius, Zira and Zauis you might have a little extra time gettting these before resorting to Ebay.
To answer your question, Aerosmith... I'm partial to Cornelius. For me, Roddy McDowall WAS the Planet of the Apes. And I think that this is one of the best sculpts of Roddy to date. It captures the seriousness of the character in the first film. And he comes with some GREAT accessories, the best of which is the human doll from the cave scene in the Forbidden Zone. I think it was very impatant to nail this likeness and Mat Falls did a peerless job.

Next, I would pick Dr. Zaius. I just don't know which one I would choose. The regular Zaius has his classic robes, so it's the popular choice for the casual Ape collector. However, my favorite scene of the first film is the above cave scene I mentioned. And the exclusive Zaius is wearing the costume from that scene. The figure is wonderfully detailed even down to the glyph gloves. In fact, I have my exclusive Zaius holding the human doll that Cornelius came with. So I guess I would say... BUY BOTH ZAIUSES!!

I can't tell you how cool these figures look when they are displayed next to the Lawgiver statue! I know the Lawgiver is a bit expensive but he is worth EVERY PENNY. I should know... I own THREE of them. He is the center of my Ape collection... one that I've amassed for the last 30 years.

Lastly, as MUST buys go, the Gorilla Enforcer makes a fine addition to the casual collector.. and it completes the "trilogy of monkey types." You would have one of each. And the gorilla has some wonderful accessories like the signature Ape rifle and club.

So there you have it. In my opinion, the four (or five) Sideshow Ape figures that are must haves for the beginning Ape collector. And you're in luck because Sideshow is offering a Spooktackular Ape Bundle: Buy the Lawgiver Statue and get 25% OFF the statue and receive Dr. Zaius for $30 and an Ape Enforcer for FREE! That's killing three of the Apes with one stone!

Here's the link:

Of course, I wouldn't stop there, but I'm an Ape fanatic and hardly impartial. I believe that ALL of the 12" Apes are worth owning... as well as a few stinking humans. I own multiples of each and every figure Sideshow has made... and look foward, in hope that the line will continue with more great Apes in the future.
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Okay so here is my plan when I get some money im going to get them in this order

Zaius - Exclusive
Zaius - Regular
Gorilla Soldier

That's all the ape's they made right? Id get the Law Giver, Humans & Mutants if I had more room. I might get the Talor & Nova set though. Thanks for all the info! :)
While PZ's buying order is valid. I would grab a gorilla soldier first. They are the only ape that does not resemble any simian in any of the films, but, they are quite ripe for bashing. This makes them somewhat hard to find at times. Cornelius, Zira and Zaius appear regularly on Ebay. By all means, if you like the POTA, grab them all. Even Brent is worth having, despite his sculpt background stories.
I have everything in this line so far. All variants, exclusives, etc. I really hope they don't stop. I've sent an email stating this just to show them how strongly I and many others feel about the line.
I've sent the same e-mail as well. I've also posted a couple of reviews for the POTA figures as well on the ordering pages. It was just another way that I could share my honest feelings about the figures and show my support for the line.

All the figures have been released... there is nothing left that is known coming down the pipeline.

All we can do now is wait and hope. :angelsmil

I hope to have some news on Urko next week. I will post and/or email you all as soon as I hear. In the meantime, the body and outfit I'm using are coming along well enough, although while doing this I've thought of a few alternatives. Depending on how this comes out when completed I may have options for putting together his uniform. I am also working on some custom ape rifle scabbards. I'll post those when done as well. {this is where the ape smiley would go}
Hey Ironman, have you received any pics of the Urko you are having made yet?
Will this head fit the Sideshow Bodies?
Got my Spookie special Taylor and Brent package a couple days back, great figures!!
Zaius, I should be hearing/seeing something this week. As for body style fit? I am looking to have them be able to fit Sideshow, BBi or Dragon. I hope to find out whether that will be possible this week as well.
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Update on Urko

I've seen the 1st draft on the head and it is having a few minor revisions addressed. I think everyone that was interested in this sculpt will be impressed. I already have his body and horse standing by.
On the other hand....I just counted up my POTA figures and they're ringing in at a count of 56. That doesn't include Hasbro versions or the old ApeJoes. I just wish Sideshow would have a big BLOWOUT sale if they are truly done with the line for now. Hey Sideshow!!! Couldn't you use the room for the new Star Wars and HotToys licenses?? LMK, I'd be glad to help you out. :angelsmil
Hey, IRONMAN!!! First you say that I'M losing "the Faith" then YOU call out for Sideshow to BLOW OUT their line? YOU ARE ONE CRAZY MONKEY!!!:google :horror :google

Seriously though, Ironman, could you post some pictures of those Ape Joes? It's been a LONG time since I've seen them. I never could get enough scratch to pick any of them up. And I can't seem to find any pictures of them on the web. It would be interesting to compare them with the Sideshow offerings.

Any chance you could post the first draft pictures of Urko? I'm VERY curious.
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