S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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Here are some pics I took (and touched up) of my SSj Goku reissue, and SDCC Gohan.



Some Photoshop:


If at the end of the day you are happy, or every time you got a figure in the mail and you were happy and excited id say it was worth it. I just began collecting because of this line and have branched out already. Ive bot some dc figures and now i am not satis fied with them compared to my s.h. figuarts. The new art fx statues came out for new 52 and i love them. i also made a game plan purchase 1 or 2 of each figuarts that comes out, purchase every d arts pokemon, and every art fx statue., also the main sailor moons, s.h. figuarts luffy and elric brothers revoltech. I want to have the main characters of my favorite anime in their own shelves. I also completed my sengoku basara collection and i want every smash bros character. So i need to sell my dc figures. I know it might seem like a lot but ive never collected toys and all of my old ones were thrown away. I know ill eventually get really crowded if these lines continue, but ive enjoyed collecting what i have so far and they really make me happy so id say its worth it.

That can definitely be true, but you can be manipulated into wanting something and Bane seemed to have described that. I know the feeling of buying stuff in response to not being able to get what I really wanted. All I can advice is to not fall for that. I think chances are you'll regret it, at least if money's a concern to you.

Granted, a year ago figure x might not be out and so you only knew of figure y to buy. In that sense I don't regret having bought all those marvel legends, but I don't regret selling them either, now this line (and a few others) have more releases I like, it was a phase for me. For example I sold my Galactus figure to buy a Play Arts Kai Mass Effect Garrus figure, because I'm more of a fan of him and realised Galactus wasn't worth that much to me. Albeit I started collecting my childhood hobby again (action figures) when I came across DC Direct's Arkham Asylum figures and I'm still really happy with those (recently finished my display for that with Mr. Freeze). So it can go different ways.

The trick is to really try to find out where your desire comes from, because collecting can be done from many motivations and some are great, but some, imo, can also become irrational to a point where you don't truly make the choice anymore (the extreme level would be hording). When I see my stuff, I want this thought to occur to me every time "Man I'm glad I bought that." Every time I kinda reconfirm my decision that way and it feels rewarding. If I find myself without that too many times with something, I'll get rid of that piece.

However, I'm also just in luck that, like you, I don't want to have too big of a collection. I want what I have to be what I truly want and nothing else. I call it quality collecting over quantity collecting. I'm a quality collector for sure in that I'd rather have a few figures I freakin love, than 40 I kinda like. For some that's different, and some even combine the two, or feel something for both. The trick is to find out what you really are and what you really feel comfortable with, apart from what's available or what's new or whatever. That's my opinion anyway...

Time to annoy people again: I just noticed... Aren't 17 and 18 on the small side...?

Also, I hope they don't clasify Reg Goku as the manga version and we get just another repaint as sdcc exclusive... Still think battle damaged characters is the way to go for exclusives from now on.
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Time to annoy people again: I just noticed... Aren't 17 and 18 on the small side...?

Also, I hope they don't clasify Reg Goku as the manga version and we get just another repaint as sdcc exclusive... Still think battle damaged characters is the way to go for exclusives from now on.

Frieda is going up in price . I still haven't decided if I should get him . Have u got him?
Frieda is going up in price . I still haven't decided if I should get him . Have u got him?

You say that as if you have some sort of confirmation his price will rise in the near future...?

No haven't got 'm. I'm still not sure about him, but the chance remains larger I won't pick him up. I just disliked the anime version so much, I genuinely hated Frieza and I still get annoyed when I see him in the real show. I really like his TFS dub counterpart but it feels weird to buy a character because I like a fan fictative version of him...:dunno

So I'd say there's about 5% chance left I'll buy him anytime soon.
Time to annoy people again: I just noticed... Aren't 17 and 18 on the small side...?

Also, I hope they don't clasify Reg Goku as the manga version and we get just another repaint as sdcc exclusive... Still think battle damaged characters is the way to go for exclusives from now on.

Tamashii havent been wrong with height accuracy yet, in any figure series, so if thats the height they have, then thats the height they were in relation to another character at one point at least
Now those are some cool pics.
Fantastic work!
Awesome awesome pics brotha!!
Niice pics:hi5:
Awesome pic of father son kamehameha i have em posed same way but with their screaming faces
I love you guys! Thanks alot, I'm glad I could contribute this somewhere :)
:thud: I. [expletive deleted]. LOVE THAT PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:gah:

Man that's one of the coolest, well posed photoshop figure photography I think I've ever seen...:clap

EDIT: Funny you sign that with 777 btw, I have 777 in my youtube username.:p
LOL thanks man, :). And yeah I use 777 on a number of my aliases, it's (usually) the only constant between my identities, but I was running too close to the character limit on this one so I couldn't use it :(
Tamashii havent been wrong with height accuracy yet, in any figure series, so if thats the height they have, then thats the height they were in relation to another character at one point at least
I have to disagree on that one, Perfect Cell is suppose to be bigger. He was suppose to be one of the few characters that dwarfed Piccolo. (not by much, but they were never eye level) It's the one thing that slowed me from getting him.
I have to disagree on that one, Perfect Cell is suppose to be bigger. He was one of the few characters that dwarfed Piccolo. (not by much, but they were never eye level) It's the one thing that slowed me from getting him.

He's also too thin, especially the legs. He's still representative enough and the enormous amount of detail still makes him one of the best dbz figuarts imo.

I compared 18 to krillin and vegeta, and 17 to piccolo....hmmmm seems a tad bit small to me... They seem as small as Teen Trunks, I thought they had a few inches on him.
I have to disagree on that one, Perfect Cell is suppose to be bigger. He was one of the few characters that dwarfed Piccolo. (not by much, but they were never eye level) It's the one thing that slowed me from getting him.

Thats what im saying though, at one point the size cell is in the anime is accurate, it may not be the majority of times but they are always in scale to at least one scene in the anime. We have already established heights werent the animators strong points lol.