S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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Sorry blood, but that makes no sense. Yes I have all the manga coloured ones because they came out first. I live in the uk so have no access to manga, and as such have no idea what you are talking about.

Im sorry my dislike of db has annoyed a few of you but its just hiw I feel; once I watched dbz, db just didnt have the same captivation for me, and the same is true for quite a few people I talk to.
Cell jr is too small of a character imo and they have never made a set of multiple characters to sell as like one package so dont expect it lol
Sorry blood, but that makes no sense. Yes I have all the manga coloured ones because they came out first. I live in the uk so have no access to manga, and as such have no idea what you are talking about.

Im sorry my dislike of db has annoyed a few of you but its just hiw I feel; once I watched dbz, db just didnt have the same captivation for me, and the same is true for quite a few people I talk to.

Dragonball is an alright show and when u compare it to dbz its nowhere near as good, but dbz wouldnt be dbz with out dragonball, the good thing about dragonball and dbz is you get to see the characters mature and grow older and etc and dbz would make no sense without dragonball but dbz is by far the better show
Sorry blood, but that makes no sense. Yes I have all the manga coloured ones because they came out first. I live in the uk so have no access to manga, and as such have no idea what you are talking about.

Im sorry my dislike of db has annoyed a few of you but its just hiw I feel; once I watched dbz, db just didnt have the same captivation for me, and the same is true for quite a few people I talk to.

haha i knew it would be a brain ****. The "Z" is only given to the anime while the manga it's still called "dragonball" so since piccolo is the manga version which is called "dragonball" you're not supposed to own it since you dont like "dragonball" :p

but i know i know, lets just say you don't like the Kid goku, young teen goku story arcs to clear things up :)
I guess you're more of an action Whor3, huh? :p
Being from the UK I have barely seen any of Kai, it has only just begun airing here. to me, the lack of filler is good, but some of the new voices (especially gohan) annoy me, and the "corny" japanese music is a bit of a put off.

All in all, both have ups and down sides, but becuase I grew up with Z I will always prefer that, kai is decent though.
I actually enjoy the filler episodes. Only thing I find that drags are the overly long powerup scenes and the obligatory rock levitation 2minute moments.
A good chunk of which is removed from Kai.
Filler isn't JUST filler episodes. it's also Filler moments.

think of it this way... Dragon ball z runs 194 episodes to the end of the Cell saga.

KAi takes only 95 to get to the same point.
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I reckon I'll just keep watching the version I've got - it is the uncensored one with the faulconer soundtrack.
Yup, his music just gives you the chills at memorable moments; it just adds depth to the show that the japanese music just cant match, and makes it seem childish.
A show doesnt need to have swearing to be mature lol; i dont mind the strange "cussing" mostly because it, again, was the only version I seen growing up. Kai is the same over here, its the Nick version we got stuck with (we dont have an adult channel like adult swim or toonami)
Just the opposite. It feels forced when its used as much as it is in dragon ball z. Kai did better by just cutting it out all together.

It comes across like a kid who dosn't know any swear words trying to sound grown up by fake swearing.

Overusing fake swearing, or real swearing comes across as just as bad. Use it minimally, or not at all.

It's. just as bad as the early fansubs of dragonball z, where vegeta called everyone shtface, piccolo called everyone *********, and krillin dropped several f bombs every time something bad happened.

It's like it was written by an 8 year old call of duty player.

Newsflash, the Japanese don't have swear words. Not in the same sense that english does. Stop putting them in the translation.
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kai also ditches the gore


Nicktoons Kai ditches the gore...the footage is unedited on the DVD/Blu Ray releases. Unedited DBZ Kai is the best American version of DBZ available IMO, if the world had seen it first instead of the old Cartoon Network DBZ I think DBZ would be appreciated by more people.
exactly; because it has always been aimed at kids due to regulations it has always been viewed as uncool to watch, if it was aimed at adult audiences like family guy etc dbz would be viewed very differently imo; all people need to do is give it a chance and most will fall in love with it.
But in kai people go to the next dimension instead of dying and mr popo is blue.

Wait.. what? that's not true.

kai also ditches the gore



What the...

AHHHH.. Nicktoons versions. Watch the Blu Ray's. unedited, Colors are all correct. Vegeta is not weirdly colored the first time we see him. Popo is black ( Holy Black on a Popo!) and everything else is as it should be.

Also, word is they're making more kai ( Buu saga and etc)direct to video release.