Rumor: Valve developing a gaming console (Steam Box)

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Super Freak
Jan 14, 2008
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Exciting times. Hopefully it's not just a Valve-branded mini-pc.

According to sources, the company has been working on a hardware spec and associated software which would make up the backbone of a "Steam Box." The actual devices may be made by a variety of partners, and the software would be readily available to any company that wants to get in the game.
Apparently meetings were held during CES to demo a hand-built version of the device to potential partners. We're told that the basic specs of the Steam Box include a Core i7 CPU, 8GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA GPU. The devices will be able to run any standard PC titles, and will also allow for rival gaming services (like EA's Origin) to be loaded up.
Part of the goal of establishing a baseline for hardware, we're told, is that it will give developers a clear lifecycle for their products, with changes possibly coming every three to four years. Additionally, there won't be a required devkit, and there will be no licensing fees to create software for the platform.

We're hearing that a wide variety of USB peripherals will be compatible with the boxes, though it will likely ship with a proprietary controller. It's possible that the controller will even allow for swappable components, meaning that it can be reconfigured depending on the type of game you're playing.
The Steam Box could be unveiled at GDC, though we're also hearing that the company may wait until E3 this year to show off what it's been working on.

An announcement is rumored to be coming at GDC 2012.

Full story:
I don't think any "gaming system" based on a PC will be successful. Developers have little reason to target such a device. Plus just getting a regular PC would probably be cheaper with more features.
I work with value, I have yet to hear anything. I will do some asking....
Exciting times. Hopefully it's not just a Valve-branded mini-pc.

what else could it possibly be? that can run pc games...

It will probably have a nice easy to use gui similar to steam to launch the pc titles, look like a console than pc, hooks to a tv, and has some kind of controller looking keyboard/mouse that can be used sitting on a sofa.

All of that isnt a bad thing, and establishing a baseline is very important on the pc, that's why 3 year consoles have graphic almost as good as a maxed out current day pc costing 5x -1 hardware profile.

And speaking personally, i can finally ditch this giant heater of a box and get a nice cool imac. And play all the high power pc games on the steambox :) Just hope it supports true mouse aiming...

Good news! :hi5:
Valve would put every other console to shame with this... it's completely brilliant! :clap

I would completely lose my mind if the console looked like a companion cube.

I don't think any "gaming system" based on a PC will be successful. Developers have little reason to target such a device. Plus just getting a regular PC would probably be cheaper with more features.

Developers are already making games for the PC. If anything this will help open up PC gaming to the masses. We will have to see how it plays out, though.
Does this mean Half Life 3 gets delayed even further?

Ps, just had a horrid thought: What if they made HL3 exclusive to their new console or whatever it is?
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Sounds like the Phantom to me. Anyone remember that proposed PC-based console?

no i think this is happening, it's on ign, and even that guy from valve said they will not rule out a pc console in one of the interviews earlier. Clearly something is coming, just noone know the exact spec/details.

I am all for a pc console, i leave my pc on 24/7/365 and it's such a waste having a powerful gaming rig with a 1k watt powersupply running like that. Rather much have a dedicated small pc console that's capable handling all the modern games, and a lightweight pc like the imac for surfing/email that i can leave on all day. Not to mention get out of _____ty windows.
I just can't see this succeeding and considering how much cash it takes to get a project like a console up and running, seems like a bad move on the part of Valve. We'll see, I learned long ago not to underestimate them, as much as they can piss me off at times
Does this mean Half Life 3 gets delayed even further?

Ps, just had a horrid thought: What if they made HL3 exclusive to their new console or whatever it is?

Terrifying idea, improbable though it may be. No matter how interesting this machine turns out, it's a moot point to me because I know my pc can run circles around it.
Alien ware has a gameing pc that just came out in feb that starts at 700 the best one is 1200 or 1300 the best one can run games on ultra settings but ihave heard mixed reviews about it like dvds not loading in the slot drive and blue screens out of the box iwas thinking about 1 but i think iwill just wait till xbox 720 since i am more of a console gamer anyway.
I just saw 1 review on you tube that said the top of the alien ware x51 gaming pc struggles on ultra and high settings but is flawless on medium for 1250 dollars tha tis unacceptable.