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I just came back from a 2 week holiday in the US, and I watched 2 films on the plane;

Despicable Me 2 - 8/10
Saving Mr Banks - 9/10

Looking forward to The Minions next year! I also have an urge to watch Mary Poppins now...
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Neighbors - 3/10 - The woman wanted to see this. Not sure why. Prolly cause of that Zack dude. I hate that I paid to see it. It wasn't funny. I chuckled twice. I felt robbed.
Captain America: the Winter Soldier: 7.5/10

Very good. SO much better than the first one! In fact, it makes me more angry and annoyed at the first one that it couldn't be anywhere nearly as good as this one was, just in terms of having the audience care about the characters and character development and motivation. And the action was so much more interesting and felt much more dangerous and perilous. Ugh. That first one was just so bland and by the numbers. It felt like they were making it with a "how-to" book, hitting every plot point and motivation point, with none of it feeling genuine.

Anyway, this one was a vast improvement. Cap felt like a much richer character. The Falcon was also pretty good and they managed to flesh him out pretty well considering how quickly you got to know him. All of the supporting team was fairly well drawn out and felt like real people. Of course they left so much in the air and ready for the sequel or next Avengers, so it left you wanting more! And of course now I want the HT figures too!

Liked it better than Thor: Dark World but still liked Iron Man 3 better.
Summer of Sam - 7.5/10

In my top 3 Spike Lee films. Adrien Brody is incredible in this.

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That reminds me, I am currently in the middle of watching 6 seperate TV Shows. I am only about 2 episodes into each show's respective 1st season, and I am finding it difficult to keep track and enjoy each show properly. I'm going to just pick one and watch it all the way through. Any help on which one to stick with for now?

Breaking Bad
Sons Of Anarchy
The Wire
True Detective

I WILL get to the others, don't worry about that!
I'd start with True Detective since it's only one season, after that the only show I like on that list is The Wire.

I've never seen Suits or Deadwood though.

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I personally wouldn't bother with Suits. I watched the first couple of seasons but dropped it this season (technically the second half of season 3). The first season is okay to pretty good while it's establishing the characters. But by season 2 it starts to get way too soapy and melodrama-y for my taste. Who is sleeping with whom, who wants to take over the firm, who's keeping who's secrets, who's mad at whom, and of course no one talks to each other so it's all just miscommunication. It was disappointing because the characters of Mike and Harvey are pretty awesome.

My 2¢.
Deadwoods my favorite show ever but focus on BB first. It's more socially relevant.

I'd start with True Detective since it's only one season, after that the only show I like on that list is The Wire.

I've never seen Suits or Deadwood though.

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True Detective and BB are the two at the top of my priorities at the moment I think.

I personally wouldn't bother with Suits. I watched the first couple of seasons but dropped it this season (technically the second half of season 3). The first season is okay to pretty good while it's establishing the characters. But by season 2 it starts to get way too soapy and melodrama-y for my taste. Who is sleeping with whom, who wants to take over the firm, who's keeping who's secrets, who's mad at whom, and of course no one talks to each other so it's all just miscommunication. It was disappointing because the characters of Mike and Harvey are pretty awesome.

My 2¢.

That's helpful to know, but also a shame!
TD is amazing too. You can probably knock it out in a day or two if you're really focused.

I thought The Wire was both really well done but also somewhat over-hyped tbh. Definately not Top 2 or 3 for me but still an accomplishment on every level.
I've watched a bunch of movies in the last 2 months! 10 point scale for me.

Kindergarten Cop= 8 Never gets old for me, despite being derivative. A great blend of comedy, action, and drama.

The Fall= 9 Beautiful cinematography and great acting! The most "realistic" depiction of story-telling I've seen on film. Ethereal!

Usual Suspects= 9 On the first watch it was enjoyable, but is more rewarding on subsequent viewings.

Fight Club= 10 Oh I'm Heaven! Still my favorite movie!

Rear Window= 10 Mesmerizing! Stellar camera work, acting, and suspense!

Repulsion = 10 I never watched the Exorcist, but this is the only movie that freaked me out!

Se7en = 10 Incredible atmosphere!

Lost in Translation= 10 Without a doubt my favorite Bill Murray movie. Just an incredible emotional ride!

Matchstick Men = 9

Go!= 8

Bottle Rocket = 7

God Bless America= 5

End of Watch= 9

Take Shelter = 9

Session 9 = 8

Eastern Promises= 8

I've been watching a bunch of superhero movies lately!

Spider-Man 2= 9 Casting aside, this is the comic come to life, and hits every beat of why I love Peter Parker and his world so much!

Batman '89= 5 Great atmosphere and performance by Jack Nicolson.

Dark Knight Returns = 10

Superman= 7

Man of Steel = 8

Batman Begins= 10

The Dark Knight = 10

The Dark Knight Rises = 9

Batman Mask of the Phantasm = 10

Avengers = 6

X-Men= 7

X2 United= 8

Amazing Spider-man= 6 Great cast! I loved the new outfit and serious tone of movie. Peter and Gwen had great chemistry.

Captain America TFA= 7

Iron Man= 8

Iron Man 2 = 7

Iron Man 3 = 7