Rank The Saga

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Little Anakin was annoying.

Jar Jar was REALLY annoying.

Maul had way too little screen time.

The pod race and the final duel were really the only good scenes in the movie.

Overall, TPM is the least enjoyable SW film for me by far.
Brent72 said:
Little Anakin was annoying.
That's probably what killed TPM for me the most. This kid's a slave and yet he's so incredibly cheerful that it makes it seem like that's a good thing. He's so compassionate and empathetic that it's almost impossible to believe that he could become the baby killer in ROTS. The Jedi must have really done a number on that kid to make him so bitter and weak willed.
TheObsoleteMan said:
That's probably what killed TPM for me the most. This kid's a slave and yet he's so incredibly cheerful that it makes it seem like that's a good thing. He's so compassionate and empathetic that it's almost impossible to believe that he could become the baby killer in ROTS. The Jedi must have really done a number on that kid to make him so bitter and weak willed.

His life as a slave did seem a little "happier" than what it should have come across but I dont think it should have come across like he was a slave in the Southern US during that period either. There are different levels of slavery that can be used. Actually, I like the fact the kid is so compassionate and empathetic. That makes the fall to what he becomes and does that much sadder for me anyways. The way his character is treated by the JO I could see pushing him away along with his inperfections as a character.
carbo-fation said:

AOTC ahead of ANH?????? Are you twelve? Seriously----- you're kidding me, right? Is it warm in here?... Am I losing it????.....Has everyone gone :monkey1
DarthNeil said:
AOTC ahead of ANH?????? Are you twelve? Seriously----- you're kidding me, right? Is it warm in here?... Am I losing it????.....Has everyone gone :monkey1
:lol No, I am 22 and to be frank, I thought ANH was utterly boring. Sure, it would've been great if I had seen it when it first came out, however, I didn't see it until I was 15 and it didn't seem all that great to me then. :eek:
Brent72 said:
Me neither. What kind of idiots are voting in that poll? :confused:

Very kind of ya. :rolleyes:

As far as my age playing a part. It has NOTHING to do with it. I judge a movie by how it hits me and not the rose colored tint of my OT is the best thing ever since sliced bread glasses Irish. :rolleyes:
I'm 31 and i like the prequels,are they flawed? sure. Is the OT flawed? sure.(but it was still more mystical)

I like em all no more PT OT for me ......... SAGA!!
ANH has always been my least favorite of the OT, but I think for me, it's not the story but the visuals. ANH is full of greys and browns, there is very little vibrant color to it, where ESB with Bespin and more so ROTJ with Jabba's palace and Endor, showed off more color and had a livelier feel to it and really felt departed from the sights you see around you. The cantina has some cool aliens, but the atmosphere dulls a lot of that room down to almost a single shade so you can't take in all of the coolness the alines bring to it.
tomandshell.... no my friend, you are not the only one who really appreciates AOTC...I really like that one too. For me, it epitomizes the whole "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" idea...fantastic settings, exotic characters, a courtly romance, and loaded with building political intrigue that really pays off in the next film. I love all the qualities about it you mentioned in your post...

abake... some great observations and thoughts there. One of the interesting things about these "rank'em" threads that pop up from time to time is how they really reflect the difference in each generations' view of the saga...what qualities appeal and resonate to them. Seems like the younger folk are put off by the prequels while older fans can find some appreciation for them (count me in there)...since seeing ANH opening day and following the saga all those years, the prequels were welcomed by me and I will always be thankful for the gift of going "back" to the saga and experiencing what that "crazy old hermit" called "a more civilized time".

That's why ROTS ranks so high for me...I always wanted to know Kenobi more, experience him in his heyday, from the battlefields to the friendship with Anakin...it hits all the right marks for me, heck the scene of them parting as friends one last time in the hanger still gets to me, even more than the mask scene. Great performances from both leads, restrained but effective dialogue between them...just wonderful. I'm looking forward to seeing it again on the big screen at ClV....

It's always hard to "rank 'em" for me because I like them all "the best" at different times for different reasons...but here I go (of course, reserving the right to change my mind at any time thereafter :))

jlcmsu said:
Very kind of ya. :rolleyes:

As far as my age playing a part. It has NOTHING to do with it. I judge a movie by how it hits me and not the rose colored tint of my OT is the best thing ever since sliced bread glasses Irish. :rolleyes:

Whatever floats your boat, but when I see people ranking AOTC above the original Star Wars(a film that is on the AFI 100 all-time greatest films list) I just have to shake my head and wonder what the hell people are thinking. :confused:
I'm sure many people would pelt me with tomatoes for saying this, but I always liked the love moments in AOTC and ROTS. Sure maybe some of it seemed cheezy or whatever, but you know, I see it as ideal romance, a pure thing filled with heart and I think it gets rejected so much because love/romance in the modern world has become a twisted and perverted thing and when nice simple things of old come before us, some people look at it as stupid or out of place, but for me, Anakin and Padme showed aspects of love I hope to have in my love life.
MaulFan said:
...some people look at it as stupid or out of place, but for me, Anakin and Padme showed aspects of love I hope to have in my love life.

Like floating pears?! :wacky

From POTA:

Taylor: That's it kid...keep 'em flying.

Lucius: What?

Taylor: The flags of discontent....


How'd you youngins' get so cynical? :confused: