QMX Star Trek General discussion thread

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By rights the demand for these figures belongs in high-end, small edition customs. Which is where they were when QMx took a punt on mass production.

You can't fault QMx's ambition. They've tested the water with various lines, such as Firefly, Supernatural, Princess Bride ( :yuck), Justified and Star Trek.

Mal Reynolds apparently sold so poorly that they offloaded the remainder of the stock bundled with signed Serenity plates. That was more than a little annoying, having bought the original release. But it's not QMx's fault that the demand just isn't there.

I'd say we were lucky to get what we did with Star Trek. Anything else is a bonus, and I'll buy whatever they make... unless the quality takes an even greater dive post Sulu.

Nanjin has teased so many figures that will never likely see it to production, but I'd love the chance of this Seven of Nine:

Nanjin - Seven and Riker.jpg
Well, let’s be honest. Mal Reynolds sales weren’t great at the outset because of the bobble head issue, then their lack of commitment for the rest of the Firefly crew killed any remaining sales. QMX needs to look in the mirror on that, and many others. And if Westley isn’t selling well, or Supernatural— again, they only have themselves to blame for their lack of commitment and lack of marketing. The moment those figures were released and starting to show up in collectors hands, they should have been teasing the next character in the franchise to boost sales — instead, they did nothing, and killed any chance the lines had. Star Trek is selling because of Nanjin’s commitment, period.
I wonder how many figures you need to sell to make a profit.
Of course, it must depend on how much you have to invest to get the license, plus designing and tooling, and the production costs involved (depending on how intricate the figure itself is), but figures like Star Trek shouldn't be too expensive to produce once you solve the tooling for accessories, and tailoring and materials for uniforms. After all, they're uniforms. It's not like the unique clothing and tooling for each SW character, or Marvel superhero. Or, in QMX's case, Dread Pirate Roberts and Iñigo Montoya...
Well, let’s be honest. Mal Reynolds sales weren’t great at the outset because of the bobble head issue, then their lack of commitment for the rest of the Firefly crew killed any remaining sales. QMX needs to look in the mirror on that, and many others. And if Westley isn’t selling well, or Supernatural— again, they only have themselves to blame for their lack of commitment and lack of marketing. The moment those figures were released and starting to show up in collectors hands, they should have been teasing the next character in the franchise to boost sales — instead, they did nothing, and killed any chance the lines had. Star Trek is selling because of Nanjin’s commitment, period.

I, couldn't agree more with this statement. qmx doesn't seem to have any clue how to manage a license. continued interest in a line is encouraged by regular compelling releases. I wish that as much dedication to the Star Trek license was paid by qmx as asmus has invested in lord of the rings. I want desperately to commit to this line but without regular releases of anchor characters like kirk or spock I won't have a shelf of Sulu and Scottie's
Well, I can only take an informed guess to humbly presume... Per Nanjin’s profile he was a Marketing major, which has at least one course in Market Research. If he employs that skill set and advises QMx for their product strategy, marrying that with their Operations Management, then I think they are faring well in their decision making.

There are indications of this mindset in his FB posts and I suppose it all depends on how much of his input is received. With that said, they are likely taking an objective approach to which characters will make it to production, and not necessarily basing that on what a few dozen of us would passionately consider will be guaranteed as smashingly successful and extremely profitable.
their lack of commitment for the rest of the Firefly crew killed any remaining sales....Star Trek is selling because of Nanjin’s commitment, period.

I, couldn't agree more with this statement. qmx doesn't seem to have any clue how to manage a license. continued interest in a line is encouraged by regular compelling releases.

I'm not that familiar with QMx's history of releases but if it's one in a line and done, that seems like a troubling track record. They do seem to have had serious factory issues, but also no inclination to fix them (or properly QA before releasing).

As for speculation about the quality falling with the rereleases before they are even announced, jeez! I'd hate to be Nanjing or the company on a 1/6 forum. Nanjin's excitement and dedication to the brand is infectious and helps with the company's lack of release info and their seeming commitment anxiety, but I'm sure it's a grind when you have to scroll through that or endless moaning about a proto change that was apparently subject to the talent's approval.

In any event, I would like to moan about something. Bones is on a WAY too muscular body, and if his character gets another 1/6 incarnation, I hope he is given the chicken legs and wispy profile he needs and deserves. I tried his clothes on the Picard body after someone else mentioned swapping some bodies around. Bones needed some long ankle extenders and a serious taillor since he was swimming in his clothes, but it was miles closer to his actual physique. He is back on his regular body, but if I could taillor his shirt, I'd get him in something slimmer.

Lastly, I wish qmx would release just a red shirt accessory pack with, at as minimum, an ensign red shirt and a phaser (and maybe with pants/boots as well). I'd love getting a couple to fill out my background, and pumping out a few extra red shirts when the factory is set up for scotty would be ideal and an easy win for qmx.

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It's definitely been frustrating, but at the same time I don't see any other company wanting to tackle 1/6 Trek (even unlicensed third party ones), so I'm still hopeful that QMX can figure things out. And Nanjin did warn us that the releases for Scotty and Sulu would be a bit bumpy due to the distribution changes, so I guess we'll see if things smooth out after that.

I agree that TMP figures weren't overly popular but part of that was partly due to weak marketing. Trek figures have always been weak compared to Star Wars. That said, a lot of TMP merchandise was popular.

This custom Barbie Uhura looks awesome. Normal trousers with a pocket and normal boots looks fine. I think I would be happy with that for my customs.
At the end of the day, what a die hard collector want and what can be made on a mass scale basis to make it worthwhile
are two different story.

I will not be surprised if Sulu and Scotty does not end up selling well as they are still secondary characters that
only the die hard fans will want.

If you think a bit deeper, you can see Kirk has sold well but Mccoy is still languishing which might give us an indication
only the Die Hard fans are even buying the Big 3. I would guess all three Spock, Mccoy and Kirk were produced
at the sames numbers and yet only KIRK continue to be in high demand.

I guess if you are a huge TOS fan, get what you can now but other than Kirk and Spock, the rest of the crew might
sit for a long time and eventually get marked down like Pickard to less than $100.

Now if they ever made TWOK, I think the big 3 will sell well but that might be it.
Will TMP SELL ? Maybe the Admiral but I cannot see the line getting deeper than
Kirk and Spock
At the end of the day, what a die hard collector want and what can be made on a mass scale basis to make it worthwhile
are two different story.

I will not be surprised if Sulu and Scotty does not end up selling well as they are still secondary characters that
only the die hard fans will want.

If you think a bit deeper, you can see Kirk has sold well but Mccoy is still languishing which might give us an indication
only the Die Hard fans are even buying the Big 3. I would guess all three Spock, Mccoy and Kirk were produced
at the sames numbers and yet only KIRK continue to be in high demand.

I guess if you are a huge TOS fan, get what you can now but other than Kirk and Spock, the rest of the crew might
sit for a long time and eventually get marked down like Pickard to less than $100.

Now if they ever made TWOK, I think the big 3 will sell well but that might be it.
Will TMP SELL ? Maybe the Admiral but I cannot see the line getting deeper than
Kirk and Spock

I agree 100%
At the end of the day, what a die hard collector want and what can be made on a mass scale basis to make it worthwhile
are two different story.

I will not be surprised if Sulu and Scotty does not end up selling well as they are still secondary characters that
only the die hard fans will want.

If you think a bit deeper, you can see Kirk has sold well but Mccoy is still languishing which might give us an indication
only the Die Hard fans are even buying the Big 3. I would guess all three Spock, Mccoy and Kirk were produced
at the sames numbers and yet only KIRK continue to be in high demand.

I guess if you are a huge TOS fan, get what you can now but other than Kirk and Spock, the rest of the crew might
sit for a long time and eventually get marked down like Pickard to less than $100.

Now if they ever made TWOK, I think the big 3 will sell well but that might be it.
Will TMP SELL ? Maybe the Admiral but I cannot see the line getting deeper than
Kirk and Spock

Totally agree- this line has limitations because these are $170 figures- a lot for more casual fans(which make up a lot of people) who won't spend that much for secondary characters
All these dozens of other characters people keep requesting aren't going to be made, at least not by QMX
I hope TOS will not die a slow death
with the secondary characters
but with the recent miss with Sulu
It will be Interesting to see how Sulu
sells in a few months.

With MCCoy still readily available everywhere
honestly does not look good for the secondarily
characters once the Initial Demand is Met.

I think the only way there might be more Scotty
or Sulu being sold once demand drys up
is QMX make a ton load of Kirk for those
on the fence with Sulu/Scotty
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Totally agree- this line has limitations because these are $170 figures- a lot for more casual fans(which make up a lot of people) who won't spend that much for secondary characters
All these dozens of other characters people keep requesting aren't going to be made, at least not by QMX

Yeah that's why I always felt they should have focused on the Captains and more central characters first, so as to build up more interest and excitement in the line. And then they could sprinkle in the secondary characters along the way.
I'm worried about Chekov. There seems to be no plans for him and I'll be pissed if we can't complete the main cast. I'd like the same for next gen but who knows at this point.
I'm worried about Chekov. There seems to be no plans for him and I'll be pissed if we can't complete the main cast. I'd like the same for next gen but who knows at this point.

Nanjin is unenthusiastic about Chekov and the figure is not one of his projects, which is why there has been no buzz. There is a risk of poor sales by Sulu impacting the chance of him being produced but I think we're ok for now. The first run of Sulu sold out quickly.

I disagree completely that the right thing to do is concentrate on the Captains. There is an awareness that subsidiary characters will sell less so they make less of them. If they use up all their big sellers early on, the line is guaranteed to fizzle out quickly. By interspersing the characters, they can get an idea where to pitch the numbers as they go.

It is a good idea to Re release popular figures occasionally to overcome any dip in sales, particularly with gateway characters like Kirk and Spock.
Nanjin is unenthusiastic about Chekov and the figure is not one of his projects, which is why there has been no buzz. There is a risk of poor sales by Sulu impacting the chance of him being produced but I think we're ok for now. The first run of Sulu sold out quickly.

I disagree completely that the right thing to do is concentrate on the Captains. There is an awareness that subsidiary characters will sell less so they make less of them. If they use up all their big sellers early on, the line is guaranteed to fizzle out quickly. By interspersing the characters, they can get an idea where to pitch the numbers as they go.

It is a good idea to Re release popular figures occasionally to overcome any dip in sales, particularly with gateway characters like Kirk and Spock.

Well, in reply to one of my previous posts, Nanjin said he wouldn’t be allowed to enter paradise if he didn’t produce the whole crew, so I guess Chekov is a given.

Now I agree with you about just focusing on the captains being a bad idea. I would never have bought Kirk if I’d known Spock and Bones wouldn’t follow. Some characters need others to be whole. Take Dean Winchester, I’m pissed i got convinced to buy him because we were told Sam would follow. But I won’t make that mistake again, ever!
My TOS shelf would never be complete without a young Russian with a Beatles haircut and an angry Gorn.

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We all respect Nanjin and his ongoing efforts. Hope that we can at least get Uhura and Pavel to round out TOS ...

Of course I would really want figures from TMP, TWOK, and at least Kruge from ST3, and white robe and white head band Spock from ST4

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