QMx 1:6 Star Trek: TNG - Jean Luc Picard

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Michael always does a pretty thorough job when doing a review. A lot of the people on YouTube do recaps of the figure where they tell you what the figure comes with and look at the box, make sure to remind you where they got it. Some like ClipperKing, Dean Knight, Toy Galaxy and others do a very thorough breakdown of the good and the bad of a figure. Those reviewers to me as a serious collector are the most useful as they not only have no sponsorship but they are more serious about their collections. They also seem to be more knowledgeable. I bought some parts from Toy Anxiety, the head had minor staining but the neck connection looked very odd. I guess it was designed to always have a collar.
I have no idea who that guy is, never heard of him or seen one of this reviews so i'm definitely not accusing him of the following if it's not indeed the case; but most of these youtube reviewers are ass kissers and get stuff for free so they don't dare say anything negative about a figure and end up looking like complete defuses in their reviews especially when there is a plain as day glaring issue like that and they don't mention it it becomes almost comical. " He has a very nice head sculpt and a very nice box that has a photo of the character on it and he has 40 points of articulation and is very nice and a nice cool nice figure who looks super nice!!!"
I would say The Review Spot is pretty unbiased. He goes over what he likes but also will give criticism if it's deserved. I'm sure it wasn't some conspiracy to hide a flaw. There's a fine line to walk when reviewing something I'm sure. You want to remain honest yet obviously you want to remain professional to keep in good with the people you work with. Frankly watching the video I didn't notice the discoloration (haven't watched it again but I watched once and rewatched parts of it) so it's possible he didn't notice it until after the review. Plus again I asked him about it in the comments section and he acknowledged it.
I bought the Dragon Models Worf from like 5 years ago and I think he came with the rifle. I ended up putting him in a spare Klingon outfit from the Mego Star Trek The Motion Picture line. The body was the football player for height and muscle and the bat'leth and sash were both really nice. The Worf likeness was okay for back then but seeing the Dragon Picard vs the QMX Picard really makes me excited for a QMX Worf. I personally think he is best character there is in the Star Trek universe. I am also a big fan of Klingons.

Damn straight! Worf has always been my favorite character. And it doesn't get any better than Klingons....vikings in spaaaaace! I use to be huge into WWII Dragon figures and had no idea they did Star Trek figures. I do still have my DS9 1/6 Worf that came with a bat'leth & phaser rifle..but can't remember who made it. It has the poseability of a Ken doll😕
Michael always does a pretty thorough job when doing a review. Some like ClipperKing, Dean Knight, Toy Galaxy and others do a very thorough breakdown of the good and the bad of a figure. Those reviewers to me as a serious collector are the most useful
Ahhhh, I love Toy Galaxy..and Knerdout. Dan Larson is my new official best figure reviewer. Even videos like the 'Fett set' or 'Let's draw" ones are so well done and captivating. I still watch Shartimus, but that guy is a wee bit too arrogant and immature. It's like watching a spazzed out kid telling fart jokes. Don't forget to mention big bad toy store! And Pixel Dan seems so overly nice. It's like pulling teeth for them to not pick. Not to mention most of their video reviews are of baby toys. Which is pretty damn weird and creepy for a grown man to be reviewing little kid sh it. I guess they just do that because the stuff is all sent to them. But yeah man, a lot of these people are in the back pocket of BBTS, Hot Toys, etc.
Shartimus Prime doesn't do many (any that I can think of actually) kid toy reviews. He mixes it up with a lot of everything. Same with Pixel Dan. Dan does some more kid items but he's also got a young kid and I think that's part of the reason why he started doing kid toys. I think what guys like them bring to the table is being entertaining and likable. Same goes for The Review Spot who's become my favorite I think. So many reviewers I see take themselves so seriously talking about figures that it's ridiculous. As far as having sponsors I see nothing wrong with it. These guys make videos as part of their income and sponsorship helps. I don't think it always necessarily makes them biased either as if you've ever watched a video by Shartimus or The Review Spot they can both be pretty critical about figures.
I enjoy The Review Spot, he's intelligent, has a good voice for reviewing (This matters, people like Shardimus's voice is hard to listen to)

It was just surprising how obvious the strains were in the video and him not mentioning it. It's totally possible he didn't notice the strains but it's surprising He didn't. Granted, I knew about the stains before hand, so I was glued to my monitor staring at the neck in HD.

Mine should be here any time, I'm excited by dreading it at the same time.
I think Michael is the best. I always read him first and if I'm really not sure on a figure(especially an older one), I'll go back through his archives and see if he reviewed it. I do a lot of Shartimus and Optobotimus too. They're thorough. Shartimus is...energetic but he's fun and still informative.

Any solution from Qmx yet? I hate to say it....But Nanjin do you know anything? If you can't say, we understand but we're all waiting to hear what's going to happen.
I was watching Next Gen last night and I don't want this to be the only release because of some weird factory defect. I still want a big line :)
Just got a message from SS that Picard will be in the warehouse by the 26th. Since Qmx is taking it's time I'm assuming we won't hear about a fix before then. Guess I have a call to make monday morning.
Got my figure today..... stains

Funny thing was, it had the plastic over the neck lol. I seen it and thought I was safe... then seen the stains and just laughed. I mean it obviously was stained before they added the plastic... didn't help guys.

Lucky for me, when the collar is on correct, it hides the stains, so I guess I can live with it since I'm not having Picard go topless anytime soon.

Other than that, amazing figure. The body leaves a little to be desired but the face sculpt is fantastic and the quality of the uniform and the accessories is great. Totally recommend it to anyone that's on the fence about it. One thing about the accessories, the phaser is from the newer design from Deep Space Nine or First Contact, not TNG. So they kinda of dropped the ball on that. That being said, it's my favorite design so, not a major concern but I would have appreciated more accuracy on their part.

Either way, bring Data on!

QMx 16 Star Trek TNG - Jean Luc Picard (1) by allen lamb, on Flickr
QMx 16 Star Trek TNG - Jean Luc Picard (2) by allen lamb, on Flickr
QMx 16 Star Trek TNG - Jean Luc Picard (3) by allen lamb, on Flickr
QMx 16 Star Trek TNG - Jean Luc Picard (4) by allen lamb, on Flickr

QMx 16 Star Trek TNG - Jean Luc Picard (5) by allen lamb, on Flickr
The head size doesn't look too bad there. And personally if I luck out and get stains below the collar, I'll probably tape the inside of the collar right away to prevent the stains from getting any worse or climbing further up the neck.
Great pics, Ted's Knight. See...stuff like that makes me say,"can I live with the neck stain?". I'd like to think I can but man...I don't know.
I feel ya man.

Just knowing they're there is bothering me. It's a damn shame too because the figure is great. I did get lucky because I've seen pictures and even a review or two where the stain is well above where the collar lays, so I'm fortunate when it came to that.

I've had a few Hot Toys over the years leave stains over the body but it didn't matter because I was leaving clothes on them. Picard thing is obviously worse than that because it's getting on the neck where it's obvious ALL the time unless your fortunate enough for it to be in the collar area.

Good luck to everyone who's getting this figure, I know it's stressful as hell considering it's basically a 200 dollar toy. When mine came, I sighed and my wife said ''You don't sound excited'' and I said ''Sort of not'' haha. I dreaded dealing with it.
That's where I am with this. I'm not excited anymore. A two hundred dollar figure doesnt come easy to me. So I like to future proof by watching issues like this and this ones big enough I can't risk it. Now, I have to fight to get back my money, rewards, and gift card used on this. Not to mention my nrd. If that's not possible I'm now forced to palm it off with the chances of a buyer being unhappy with it for the same reasons. Not fun.
Those pics above make the proportions look great! My mind is at ease over that issue at least. As for the staining, most of them seem to be stained in a coverable area, with only a few going higher up. I can live with pretty much anything, but if mine comes stained further up the throat or on the chin, it'll have to go back.
The picture on the box is hilarious. Huge dome. As for the other pictures, it's not as bad but you can still tell it's out of proportion. You'll need to pad the body. The figure is not worth the current retail price.
��Yeah, I just checked reference pictures to make sure and the phaser that comes with Picard is from Next Generation.

They might have looked pretty similar, but the version on the TNG series was blockier and had the black grip on top. For FC and DS9 they made it a bit sleeker and curvier:

They might have looked pretty similar, but the version on the TNG series was blockier and had the black grip on top. For FC and DS9 they made it a bit sleeker and curvier:

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The phaser that comes with Picard is from the Next Generation. You're thinking of the straight handled type II 'cobra head' phaser..which was on earlier TNG episodes. But the 'boomerang' version (that comes with the figure) first appeared on The Next Generation. Just google "Star Trek the next generation phaser" and you'll see close up images from TNG of the boomerang handled phaser.